Tempt fate. Field scout is necessary in my opinion.
Is bonus damage necessary?
Field scout
Third eye
79 motes
That's a good roll. I'd keep that.
I am trying to stop myself from rerolling the second Lash I have (for my Warlock):Tempt fate. Field scout is necessary in my opinion.
All this talk of dwindling doesn't seem to be happening.
Biggest thing I wish Destiny would borrow from D3 is nephalem rifts. Randomly generated levels/missions with rewards at the end/throughout would be perfect for Destiny and help out with replayability.
If anyone still needs the weekly before the reset feel free to join. PSN androo2300
I think I'm done:
Spray and play
Perfect balance/explosive rounds
Luck in the chamber
S&P will force me to use the whole mag, and one in seven will destroy shit.
31 motes left.
Let's see what happens after house of wolves
That would be really cool but they also need a bigger loot table. I already have all but one exotic (4th horseman) and these "expansions" are not adding many new ones. If that info graphic is true then house of wolves will introduce only two new exotic weapons. That's not gonna cut it
What's a good level for hard mode VoG?
i think it would be ok if it just gave legendaries with randomly rolled perks
Is bonus damage necessary?
Field scout
Third eye
79 motes
What's a good level for hard mode VoG?
What the fuck is this shit?! How the fuck did he reach rank 100?
2 timurs lash...
1. Rangefinder, send it, crowd control
2. Rangefinder, field scout, luck in the chamber...
Judge my rolls....
Sorry for the late reply. Yeah. That one. That's my ideal roll. I'm jealous.
I find third eye really useful since you spend so much of the game ADS
Going to do farm some glimmer at gatekeeper for a while.
Join on Haybro_
"After 1196 hours..."
1196 hours
That's almost 50 days of play time. 50. Fifty.
join usSlow thread.. no IB trains out there?
can you allow my low level titan go?
PSN ShikiAoi
Cool 3 spots left.sent you a fr
What the fuck is this shit?! How the fuck did he reach rank 100?
My New Monarchy is only rank 15.
I have 400 hours and I feel like I've played the game too much, that guy has played 3 times that amount.
Robots don't need those things.Does he not even eat? Or sleep? Wtf?
That's...a lot of play time for a shader he never probably got.
Fuck snipers
YeppppHe apparently got all 4 DO shaders. If that's the length I have to go to in order to get just ONE New Monarchy shader, then Bungie can kiss my ass.
Fuck that shit.
Seth Rogan and Michael Moore said the same thing recently.
I need some good strats for the PvP part of the Thorn bounty. Whats the fastest way to complete it? I've got 104/500 after two rumble matches. Should I keep doing rumble or is there a faster way to do it?