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Destiny |OT16| Enrage is here, there, everywhere...


ya time to re-invest in heavy ammo synth.. got down to 30 there for a while...

but look at xur , ffs , more junk he's becoming the junk vendor more and more now. All I want is obsidian mind, bought 5 exotic helmet engrams last week , nothing, now I can't get one useless helmet when I want it...
(levelled bad juju and ready to nova bomb everyone in pvp continually)

on that topic, would obsidian mind make a huge difference over my raid gear with like +100 intelligence?

He sold Obsidian mind like 2-3 weeks ago.... you can't complain like that if you didn't grab it then


If anyone wants to work on two sword Crota kill techniques later then let me know. Just tossing it around in my head it seems like 2 downs on the first sword and 3 on the second would be safest. Just stay in the Ogre tower on Crota's first move and you'll have the sword right when Crota moves back to avoid him skittering around. Should be able to keep the Swordbear near the cliff as well.

I would advise getting the triple down on the first sword cause there is a high chance the sword is gonna run out if your timing is off which will leave him with a sliver of health and a wipe because enrage.

After you posted the damage calculations yesterday what was interesting to me was that 16 heavy slams and one super would be enough to kill him. I've actually tested it it is something that any group can do as long as they have a Titan. So you pop the bubble at the rock or at the top platform before the fight even starts. this means that you don't even need to go for triple down cause you can just do 4xR2 on the first and 4xR2 on the second down and cancel the last R2 with the super. Then for the second sword just down him two times again with 8 R2's.


Xur not selling Heavy Ammo Syntesis is endemic to the post launch support Destiny has seen. Four a month now Xur hasn't sold something he sold almost every week before The Dark Below. What exacerbates the problem is how dependent Heavy Ammo is for Hard Mode Crota.

But it's so much more. The countless bugs in the game that haven't been addressed that make bosses a lot harder than they should be, but the removal of cheeses that counter that. The broken loot system, the poor communication.

There is so many reasonable things Bungie could have done or still could do to make the game better.

And then there is the community manager who doesn't seem to participate in the late game content enough to know how broken it is. That's unacceptable to me.

Other than making a list or thread about all of the issues with Destiny, that's the best I can say. People who want to play Destiny more, myself included, are just tired of the problems in Destiny. And Like I said, Xur not selling Heavy Ammo Synth is a perfect example. I'm tired of farming glimmer for hours to buy heavy ammo to attempt Crota for hours hoping we get one clean run where he doesn't bug out.

So I don't feel like playing Destiny now because of something so simple. So easy to change. And something that shouldn't have been an issue to begin with.

yeah I feel what you are saying.... lucky for me I've beaten crota several times, got all raid gear and now just need the rad shards for level 32.. don't really care about HM weapons as they won't be better than the weapons we all know about....

would rather just play some crucible for now. do Roc strikes and search for better legendaries.
Honestly legendaries is where it's at weapon wise.... the vendor versions are all junk... look at your purples now and tell me:

Do you have a rocket launcher with tracking, cluster bombs, or another great perk? For all elements?
Do you have a MG with crazy reload speed, range, impact? all elements?

Do you have a fusion rifle with quick charge, range boosts, elements?
Do you have a sniper with armor piercing, stability, final round? elements?

Do you have a handcannon with reload perks, range, stability?
Scout rifle with firefly, reload, extended mag?
Auto rifle with reload, extended mag, etc?

These are the goals I have, and I wish there was a re-roll option on these... these are just examples as well I'm sure others have "perfect" setups they like.
Xur not selling Heavy Ammo Syntesis is endemic to the post launch support Destiny has seen. Four a month now Xur hasn't sold something he sold almost every week before The Dark Below. What exacerbates the problem is how dependent Heavy Ammo is for Hard Mode Crota.

But it's so much more. The countless bugs in the game that haven't been addressed that make bosses a lot harder than they should be, but the removal of cheeses that counter that. The broken loot system, the poor communication.

There is so many reasonable things Bungie could have done or still could do to make the game better.

And then there is the community manager who doesn't seem to participate in the late game content enough to know how broken it is. That's unacceptable to me.

Other than making a list or thread about all of the issues with Destiny, that's the best I can say. People who want to play Destiny more, myself included, are just tired of the problems in Destiny. And Like I said, Xur not selling Heavy Ammo Synth is a perfect example. I'm tired of farming glimmer for hours to buy heavy ammo to attempt Crota for hours hoping we get one clean run where he doesn't bug out.

So I don't feel like playing Destiny now because of something so simple. So easy to change. And something that shouldn't have been an issue to begin with.

I wasn't disagreeing with you. I was just interested in what you thought Bungie was doing to offend their playerbase.

I was hoping for heavy ammo from Xur as well. Especially since the game is broken and I bleed heavy ammo constantly. I have 3 packs left and will have to go glimmer farming for hours to replenish. I would say most of those rockets were lost due to the glitch and not me actually firing them.
What I find most troubling is their treatment of non DLC owners and I know there are several who post in this thread who don't own the DLC. The nightfalls, weeklies, dailies, and now xur's supply of exotics are locked out for non DLC owners. That's "content" those people paid for. People argue for Bungie doing this by saying that games are expensive to make and this is a new pricing model Bungie is experimenting with. If this is the case, then Bungie/Activision should be upfront about their "experimental model" and tell people they will be locked out of content they expect to be able to play if they don't purchase the DLC.

What I would consider good pro consumer business is making a quality product your customers want to purchase. Not strong arming your customers the way they are doing it now.


Second HM Crota kill for me. Got the Scout Rifle. The base stats are basically the same as my Rapier, so it's a question of Arc Damage + big magazine vs Firefly. I guess I'm gonna keep the Rapier for the abyss and use the Fang for everything else.


He sold Obsidian mind like 2-3 weeks ago.... you can't complain like that if you didn't grab it then

I'm complaining that he's selling junk like dragons breath, and that I bought 5-6 helmet engrams that were all not my class, not that he's not selling obsidian mind again. I know he had it before.


Xur not selling Heavy Ammo Syntesis is endemic to the post launch support Destiny has seen. Four a month now Xur hasn't sold something he sold almost every week before The Dark Below. What exacerbates the problem is how dependent Heavy Ammo is for Hard Mode Crota.

But it's so much more. The countless bugs in the game that haven't been addressed that make bosses a lot harder than they should be, but the removal of cheeses that counter that. The broken loot system, the poor communication.

There is so many reasonable things Bungie could have done or still could do to make the game better.

And then there is the community manager who doesn't seem to participate in the late game content enough to know how broken it is. That's unacceptable to me.

Other than making a list or thread about all of the issues with Destiny, that's the best I can say. People who want to play Destiny more, myself included, are just tired of the problems in Destiny. And Like I said, Xur not selling Heavy Ammo Synth is a perfect example. I'm tired of farming glimmer for hours to buy heavy ammo to attempt Crota for hours hoping we get one clean run where he doesn't bug out.

So I don't feel like playing Destiny now because of something so simple. So easy to change. And something that shouldn't have been an issue to begin with.

I've tried posting on reddit more since it seems to get more attention and I've been saying it there. Bungie only fixes bugs right before a DLC launch for positive buzz. It's totally predictable and absolute BS that the heavy ammo bug is getting fixed right before house of wolves comes out. I wouldn't be surprised if they tie in more vault space to a DLC like comet.

People like to argue that Bungie is doing all they can but simple things like xur not selling heavy ammo or the fact that heavy ammo packs still sell for 1k glimmer just shows Bungie is ignoring player issues and handling things on their own schedule.
Summoning pit is 10min strike on ROC, all you need to kill is few dozen hive/acolytes, half a dozen knights n wizards and one giant ogre who can be stagger-locked by Black Hammer until it dies.



I would advise getting the triple down on the first sword cause there is a high chance the sword is gonna run out if your timing is off which will leave him with a sliver of health and a wipe because enrage.

After you posted the damage calculations yesterday what was interesting to me was that 16 heavy slams and one super would be enough to kill him. I've actually tested it it is something that any group can do as long as they have a Titan. So you pop the bubble at the rock or at the top platform before the fight even starts. this means that you don't even need to go for triple down cause you can just do 4xR2 on the first and 4xR2 on the second down and cancel the last R2 with the super. Then for the second sword just down him two times again with 8 R2's.
Very true.
The goal would be 4 R2 every down with a margin of error on the back end. Hiding in the Ogre tower should maximize sword time because Swordbear will be right there* The danger is drawing Boomer aggro, but that can be managed.

*Most of the time.
People who leave Summoning Pits don't know you can skip most of it and Phogoth isn't even hard if you're 30+
Chain stunning Black Hammer is also amusing.

Omnigul is great for Glimmer in moderation.
Undying Mind is really fun when the team is orb spamming and also great for Glimmer.


I'm complaining that he's selling junk like dragons breath, and that I bought 5-6 helmet engrams that were all not my class, not that he's not selling obsidian mind again. I know he had it before.

Ya, I agree he's not selling anything good and the no heavy ammo is a big oversight on their part... I just have an issue with the "All I want is..." posts. These seem very entitled, like Bungie can somehow know what joecanada wants and immediately provide it to him.


Want to know why I leave Undying Mind and Omnigul? Because everyone else does. I'm not gonna solo that bad boy.

haha you know what everyone does now? they all take off in their sparrow and then look back to see if you are coming... then they wait, then you wait, then one guy is like getting a drink and noone moves, then the last guy who was probably getting a drink, looks around, gets on sparrow... flies up to other two , then the other two start to go again.

then you go about finishing the strike.
Our arguments are weakened by the fact that we still play and post about this game obsessively. Our complaints are kinda moot when ultimately they can count on us to keep playing and buying dlc. Once this thread slows to a crawl and people really do quit, maybe we'll see some changes.

Im all bout that action, boss

Summoning pits isn't so bad. Dust Palace and Omnigul are the only two strikes that I really don't like.

Omnigul can be done hella quick if you're in the back "closet" area. Weekly and NF Omnigul fights were over in about 2-3 minutes from the "closet" in the upper back right behind her. 1 person stayed safe to revive and the other 2 hit her w/ rockets (clear shot) and she was done for. First I had seen it done that way and it was way too easy.


Ya, I agree he's not selling anything good and the no heavy ammo is a big oversight on their part... I just have an issue with the "All I want is..." posts. These seem very entitled, like Bungie can somehow know what joecanaad wants and immediately provide it to him.

ya I get that, I have called others out for that too my complaint was more lack of weapon choices, but really at this point xur should just sell mostly everything, the random thing is getting old now. it's not rare or exciting stuff.

dragons breath is just garbo, at least give it an elemental choice ? Like who would take fire element when there's gjallahorn?

... I'll never forget doing crota and one guy got dragons breath in the raid, he was like "sweet now I don't need a gjallahorn" everyone is like "wow congrats man (being polite)

then one guy I swear he said nothing the whole raid suddenly pipes up...

"dragons breath is like baby gjallahorn"


everyone breaks out into laughter , making fun of the poor guy with his "baby gjallahorn" dude is totally bummed.


Summoning pit is 10min strike on ROC, all you need to kill is few dozen hive/acolytes, half a dozen knights n wizards and one giant ogre who can be stagger-locked by Black Hammer until it dies.

Just run right past the ogre aswell ;)

You can run past EVERYTHING except that one place when tyrion lanister is doing work. Wish every strike was like that.
Props to Bungie for having Xur sell the same shit. Everyone can play something else this weekend.
I laughed! It's SuperBowl weekend already. I'll likely hop on tomorrow morning to help a friend and then after then I'm focusing my attention elsewhere.


Omnigul can be done hella quick if you're in the back "closet" area. Weekly and NF Omnigul fights were over in about 2-3 minutes from the "closet" in the upper back right behind her. 1 person stayed safe to revive and the other 2 hit her w/ rockets (clear shot) and she was done for. First I had seen it done that way and it was way too easy.

I've seen this and done it, but it seems like no one else I run with wants to do it this way. I don't get it.
Really? Summoning pits is one of the quickest strikes in the game.

Those are fun, I got fed up of the Valus Ta'erc strike. Got it 4 times after each other a few times already.

Oh that I forgot about varus, people leave in that one too, sucks to be chained with the Ice Breaker if you dont have black hammer.

ya I get that, I have called others out for that too my complaint was more lack of weapon choices, but really at this point xur should just sell mostly everything, the random thing is getting old now. it's not rare or exciting stuff.

dragons breath is just garbo, at least give it an elemental choice ? Like who would take fire element when there's gjallahorn?


I think we need an exotic arc damage rocket launcher still I dont ever bother upgrading Truth.


I've seen this and done it, but it seems like no one else I run with wants to do it this way. I don't get it.

ya is this back right because from middle left you can sit up on stuff and your partner can shoot too, but I've never tried it on a hard one like nightfall.....


Omnigul only spawns adds when you get her down to certain percentages of health, so you can clear out all the adds and ignore Omnigul. Then once you've cleared everything out, go and unload Gjallarhorn rockets (or just any rockets) on here and she'll be pretty much dead. Rinse and repeat as needed.

But for Roc Strike Omniguls? Hell no, I back out to orbit right away. Not gonna waste my time.
Want to know why I leave Undying Mind and Omnigul? Because everyone else does. I'm not gonna solo that bad boy.

Ditto. If I'm just in for some casual ROC strikes, I'm not dealing with it without a full fireteam. I'm about getting that shit done as quickly as possible and moving on to the next one.


I'm a little bummed out that the Crota raid doesn't drop any void heavy weapons :(

Still using corrective measure, is there a good vanguard/crucible void heavy weapon that I could use?


Anyone try storing exotic engrams in the vault before The Dark Below dlc, then decrypt them after? They would still be light level 30, not 33, correct? So no point in doing the same for the next House of Wolves dlc? I'm wondering if it would at least still give a chance at the new dlc exotics even though they would be not the new light level.
I gave up on that dream, I want Sarah Michelle Gjallarhorn's uglier, fatter, more social awkward sister, Hunger of Crota. Sometimes you just gotta settle.

I finally hooked up with her sister last night, gotta say, she does some amazing things with her rockets. Plus none of the baggage that come with Gjallar.


So I got melee'd from this distance.



I'm sorry there is no logical amount of lag to account for that, I never even got melee'd once in the entire match, AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!

I need to fucking chill after that shitfest of a match.


So I got melee'd from this distance.



I'm sorry there is no logical amount of lag to account for that, I never even got melee'd once in the entire match, AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!

I need to fucking chill after that shitfest of a match.
Warlock's magics :p


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
Its so typical that bungie makes a rocket launcher based in warlock grenades but doesn't make them catch enemies on fire. The whole theme of the weapon is "burn the world" but they leave that out? EVERY enemy runs away from the sun grenade effect so it's an absolute must. I like the super fast fire rate and ability to place Suns strategically (why I don't think it should have tracking since it would interfere with being able to place the grenades at exact locations) but it needs aggressive burn added. Then it might find a role in people's arsenal.

An exotic should always be a clearly superior choice over any similar legendary. DB is yet another example on Bungie's extreme skittishness with balancing. They seem terrified of making something overpowered. Their inexperience with these types of games really shines through in the exotic choices most IMO.


Uh oh...getting heated in here again. But seriously, what a crap Xur week. Although there's not really that much that I need anyways. Lack of heavy ammo synth doesn't really bother me that much, but I don't hate farming exclusion zone or strikes if necessary.
So I got melee'd from this distance.



I'm sorry there is no logical amount of lag to account for that, I never even got melee'd once in the entire match, AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!

I need to fucking chill after that shitfest of a match.

I had this happen to me today too. same map as well. Crucible is a mess with the lag.
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