You don't need any GHorns, just coordinated DPS. Can be Hunger of Scrotas, etc. Just need to have the timing consistent and it's made even easier with a Hunter doing sword since they can stay invis and wait for him to fall.
Yeah, Scrota is like that. Should be a first time kill every time but can often devolve into nonsense laggy glitches. Like I said, hopefully I can get back online in a bit and help if people are still looking to do it.
Yeah, you don't need a GHorn to down crota, but I was using it as a damage gage.
If it takes that many Gjallarhorn shots, the thing is hard to take down.
On normal, crota's shield goes down with 1 GHorn, and one random rocket from your faction of choice.
If you have 3 people shoot 1 hunger of crota each, crota will not go down on hard mode, you need at least 4, and someone shooting a primary to make sure its all working.
Lag induced glitches seem to be the biggest problem with finishing crota though, not firepower.
I have seen the sword disappear so many times on the last run, that it makes me not ever want to do the hard crota raid again.