LF1M 5/6
Everybody take heed of the advice at the end of the episode!
Hey DestinyGAF. New episode is up. We are on itunes and android podcast apps such as podcast addict now. So you can subscribe there now instead of having to use spreaker. Thanks for your support.
ich00, I'm so sorry, there was a bug with the form that allowed one over the limit to sign up for tomorrow night. I think I've fixed it for next time but you were the last to sign upMy bad! Still wrangling this googleforms business.
if you got room left send an invite to x_Magik_ox
awesome! i'll keep ya in mindNo worries! I can be an alt if someone can't make it. Otherwise I'll get in next time.
Hopefully house of wolves has some more flawless trophies, Going to be needing my fix here soon
I'll goPSN Crota HM CP
5/6 LF1M Titan
I'll go
Setting up a Norm Crota run with a friend.
1: HooYaH
2: Silversun
PSN: HooYaH or I can invite from thread since PSN friend search kind of sucks.
I'll run you guys, for some reason I'm binging CE this weekendHey Destiny GAF. Me and my buddies have slept through crota raiding so far but we'd like to change that. We're competent players with decent gear but our Crota's end experience ranges from very little to zero. We'd like to run the raid today but we'll need 3 more guardians to make it happen. We're looking either for other noobs who wouldn't mind learning with us, or for patient veterans who don't mind giving us some tips.
If you'd like to join please let me know and give your PSN. We're hoping to have the run start in about an hour - 12 PM pacific, 3PM eastern.
Signups (PSN) - Normal Mode CE
- RidliMM (me)
- buddy 1
- buddy 2
Hehe it's all good, was a clean kill.thanks for the run. sorry - my headset died on first Crota attempt. (didn't have enough orbs for the last titan bubble on last kill too :> )
Hey Destiny GAF. Me and my buddies have slept through crota raiding so far but we'd like to change that. We're competent players with decent gear but our Crota's end experience ranges from very little to zero. We'd like to run the raid today but we'll need 3 more guardians to make it happen. We're looking either for other noobs who wouldn't mind learning with us, or for patient veterans who don't mind giving us some tips.
If you'd like to join please let me know and give your PSN. We're hoping to have the run start in about an hour - 12 PM pacific, 3PM eastern.
Signups (PSN) - Normal Mode CE
- RidliMM (me)
- buddy 1
- buddy 2
looking to do a nightfall between now and then, Ghal if Nat wants one of those or anybody else
when now!When? Now?
I can run it with you. PSN is D-psipher.
Signups (PSN) - Normal Mode CE
- RidliMM (me)
- buddy 1
- buddy 2
It's appreciated hawk!I'll run you guys, for some reason I'm binging CE this weekend
I'm in PSN: thaOcho
It's appreciated hawk!
That leaves us with one spot open for Crota End Normal Mode - running in about 40 min. Show me that PSN id!
Hey Destiny GAF. Me and my buddies have slept through crota raiding so far but we'd like to change that. We're competent players with decent gear but our Crota's end experience ranges from very little to zero. We'd like to run the raid today but we'll need 3 more guardians to make it happen. We're looking either for other noobs who wouldn't mind learning with us, or for patient veterans who don't mind giving us some tips.
If you'd like to join please let me know and give your PSN. We're hoping to have the run start in about an hour - 12 PM pacific, 3PM eastern.
Signups (PSN) - Normal Mode CE
- RidliMM (me)
- buddy 1
- buddy 2
Hey Destiny GAF. Me and my buddies have slept through crota raiding so far but we'd like to change that. We're competent players with decent gear but our Crota's end experience ranges from very little to zero. We'd like to run the raid today but we'll need 3 more guardians to make it happen. We're looking either for other noobs who wouldn't mind learning with us, or for patient veterans who don't mind giving us some tips.
If you'd like to join please let me know and give your PSN. We're hoping to have the run start in about an hour - 12 PM pacific, 3PM eastern.
Signups (PSN) - Normal Mode CE
- RidliMM (me)
- buddy 1
- buddy 2
Setting up a Norm Crota run with a friend.
1: HooYaH
2: Silversun
PSN: HooYaH or I can invite from thread since PSN friend search kind of sucks.
when now!
Setting up a Norm Crota run with a friend.
1: HooYaH
2: Silversun
PSN: HooYaH or I can invite from thread since PSN friend search kind of sucks.
I'll go. PSN: Mazre_
Anyone have the normal GK checkpoint for glimmer farming?
Hey DestinyGAF. New episode is up. We are on itunes and android podcast apps such as podcast addict now. So you can subscribe there now instead of having to use spreaker. Thanks for your support.
K, anyone else for a Nightfall?She's hopping back on, woo. Shoot her an invite.
Setting up a Norm Crota run with a friend.
1: HooYaH
2: Silversun
PSN: HooYaH or I can invite from thread since PSN friend search kind of sucks.
Hmm can't find you.
Setting up a Norm Crota run with a friend.
1: HooYaH
3: D-psipher (Can't seem to find you)
4: deafmedal
5: ezekial45
6: Camsterhamster93
PSN: HooYaH or I can invite from thread since PSN friend search kind of sucks.
Hopefully house of wolves has some more flawless trophies, Going to be needing my fix here soon
If that was her we just ran the raid with, sorry for the potty mouth (wasn't too bad I don't thinkShe's hopping back on, woo. Shoot her an invite.
I'll send invites when we get a group guys.
I'll send invites when we get a group guys. Eh, seems friend has to leave so that leaves a few spots open
So I type up a long list of suggestions and improvements and send it to Toddbefore I heard they will take a podcasting break.
Still need it? I am in here now. Loading it up.
Anyone looking for GK glimmer farm train?
Join me.
pS4 DekuBleep
Fireteam is set to public.
Anyone have the normal GK checkpoint for glimmer farming?
no worries, it'll be taken into consideration in 3 months just like with the game.