So I picked up Destiny last month and this is a slightly random comment but man I am really glad I started playing Destiny.
It's been a tough year for me so far since everyone I hold dear is far away. My family is in India while I live in UK, my close friends left since they graduated last year (I decided to stay and do masters), my old flatmate who I lived with for 4 years who was also my best friend and like a brother to me left too, and lastly, the girl I love went away for a year to China last year. It's been a very frustrating few months for me and the only thing that kept me going was the thought that it'd be better once my girlfriend is back and I will have some sort of familiarity around me since everything has changed so much. So I kept counting days and it was getting harder with time, but since I started playing Destiny it's better because now I keep myself busy with uni work and Destiny while I wait for the weekly refresh and play online with you guys and my other friends....that's about it, and it's helping me not feel terrible. This is the first time I've been involved in social gaming (playing with friends and being involved in a game, doing stuff together etc) since 2010.
Granted, that I could do a lot of productive shit by playing less considering that I used to do a lot of stuff in Uni until last year, but right now all I care about is just my masters degree and waiting until my GF is back.
In short, Destiny is awesome despite it's lack of content and you guys are awesome too !