Maybe this sounds kind of absurd right now, primary weapon for oracles in atheon hard? i´ve been playing with a group recently, we tried to down atheon on hard with no success several times because most of my teammates where choking really hard inside the portals to kill oracles...most of them are level 32 with fully upgraded weapons, maybe not VOG weapons, but Crota´s End ones with 331 damage, those should be more than enough, right? or maybe oracle disruptor is actually needed...dunno
If they don't have VoG weapons, just use shotguns or fusion rifles.
Most shotguns will kill oracles with one hit, with fusion rifles it can take 2.
Machine guns are good too. Super Good Advice is amazing on oracles.
A pulse or auto rifle with a high RoF is also decent. To kill oracles quickly, you need to start shooting at them the instant they appear, since they gain health the longer they are alive.
Also, the relic user can take out the final 2 oracles with relic bash and relic super. So, the other 2 players just have to focus on killing the first 5 quickly.