Only going to be at hard gorgon cp for a few more minutes. Reignofsparrows, fireteam public.
Thanks for the hard cp. With the slowdown I'm glad to get a normal then hard cp in a short amount of time!
Only going to be at hard gorgon cp for a few more minutes. Reignofsparrows, fireteam public.
Still need 2 for full normal CE run.
Now we just need one more for full normal CE run.
anyone wanna run through nightfall? Just starting up.
PSN GriP17- or just join in.
anyone wanna run through nightfall? Just starting up.
PSN GriP17- or just join in.
Looks like schwagger15 can't make it tonight.
Frostburn, you still available?
If you need a spot, I can join.
Thanks. As awful as dragon's breath is, its one of the two remaining exotics I didn't have, lol.
Sorry man, the group filled up fast. Still added you.
You too Dave!
The majority of my friends list is playing Bloodborne, the hype is real. I feel like an outsider who didn't pick it up haha.
Just got home from work, anyone want to do Nightfall? I gave 3 characters if anyone wanted to do it multiple times. PSN: phantom8324
Need 4 more for full normal CE run. PSN: EvilKalamari.
I'm in, booting up now
psn: keakster
830 hours and the gjallahorn is finally mine.
You son of a dog
FR Sent
my psn is El_Bombastico
Still looking for 4 more for full normal CE run. PSN: EvilKalamari
Still looking for 4 more for full normal CE run. PSN: EvilKalamari
I am down to do this. PSN: thenal84
I am just getting home from work so I will be on in like 5-10 min if that's ok?
I'm down. PSN is UnstableH2o (the L in unstable is a I)That's fine, we can wait. Sent you a FR for when you get home.
Just need 2 more now for full normal CE run.
That's fine, we can wait. Sent you a FR for when you get home.
Just need 2 more now for full normal CE run.
Looking to do Nightfalls and possibly weeklies if people are up to them
1.) Amibguous Cad (Tohoya)
830 hours and the gjallahorn is finally mine.
You son of a dog
I'm down. PSN is UnstableH2o (the L in unstable is a I)
I can join, PSN Moridhin
Still looking for 4 more for full normal CE run. PSN: EvilKalamari
signing on nowLooking to do Nightfalls and possibly weeklies if people are up to them
1.) Amibguous Cad (Tohoya)
Join us!Any room left?
Join us!
2 spots left.