Anyone still doing NF? If you are interested, PSN EvilKalamari.
Me and my buddy can Join
Nice job liquid
Gonna run Nightfall x3.
PSN = Ji66a_Man
Sorry we couldn't get HM kill private, gutz, and the others. The sword Disappearing on that last run was so shitty.
Thanks for the run Ji66a. Grats on the Monte Carlo.
What do you think I got as my first exotic this week?I can't stop getting Plan C. it just doesn't stop dropping
bungie stop
NF 1: 12 energy
NF 2: 11 energy
NF 3: 7 energy
You can never have to much energy.
NF 1: 12 energy
NF 2: 11 energy
NF 3: 7 energy
You can never have to much energy.
Harsh. Dying in Bloodborne has to feel nicer than this.
I can't stop getting Plan C. it just doesn't stop dropping
bungie stop
Anybody got Gorgon CP I could grab? Thanks guys.
Both normal and hard, which one you after?
I'll load it up in 5 minutes, hope you can wait for your ass mats.
I'll load it up in 5 minutes, hope you can wait for your ass mats.
i'd like to get normal and hard as well
Hard if you can, thanks.Both normal and hard, which one you after?
Loading up normal now..
Hard if you can, thanks.
PSN: Matush_SVK, thanks again.
Cool, I suppose I can do normal then hard thanks man, I have normal DS or hard Crota if you need.
I'll grab hard crota, thanks noomi.
Cool I'll load it up after hard chest and wait for you to load in, no prob!
would you mind letting me grab that and normal ds too?
Yeah, no one got exotics
Heh, poor guy.
Does anyone want to do hm Crota?
Did you ring the summoning bell ?i saw a guy on reddit say he would stay at gorgon checkpoint until someone got a gjallarhorn, took six hours
thanks guys, wasn't sure what i'd do without checkpointasaurus this week
Did you ring the summoning bell ?
I can't stop getting Plan C. it just doesn't stop dropping
bungie stop