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Destiny |OT19| Raiders of the Lost

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This would be about 10x better than any week I've ever had with Destiny drops.
In all that he listed, there's only one exotic.. how many characters are you running each week?

Sounds like you may need to run more exotic checkpoints each week to increase your luck. If you're only doing 1 or 2 nightfalls and 1 vog normal/1 ce normal, there's not very many chances for exotics.


I've had horrible nightfall drops last 3 weeks, nothing but coins, shards I think and legendaries. A Exotic dropped and it was red death which I already got from xur. =/
Still no hawkmoon or Horn.
One day...

This is my last three weeks as well. Only exotics I've ever gotten from a Nightfall is 4th Horseman, which I already had via a legendary engram, and chest armor for a Warlock, right after I bough Praxis from Xur. For a while I was getting secondary or heavy weapons with burns that I needed, but that stopped several weeks ago. Been duplicates or inferior versions of what I have, or shards/energy/coins.

Hoping to be able to get a raid group together for CE tonight or tomorrow. I'll just need three more, though it seems a bit harder to come by since Bloodborne hit (rather understandable). I'm going to find a few 'tweener games until HoW hits, myself.
In all that he listed, there's only one exotic.. how many characters are you running each week?

Sounds like you may need to run more exotic checkpoints each week to increase your luck. If you're only doing 1 or 2 nightfalls and 1 vog normal/1 ce normal, there's not very many chances for exotics.

He also listed Song, Fang and Word of Crota. Those would be nice.

I have two characters, and run two Nightfalls every week, and at least one, usually two raids. I have very mixed luck getting in on groups with GAFers. I don't plan to just run checkpoints for chests or drops; I like to do the raids, and hope for loot along the way. That may just continue my fate, but I'm kind of resigned to it at this point.


I wish bungie give me option to create more than 3 chars...

I want to increase my chances to Black Hammer every week.
I'll be splitting my time between this and Bloodborne, and I'm not gonna stop playing Destiny before HoW until two things happen:

1. I get Black Hammer
2. I am able to take down Crota as swordbearer on HM

Both things don't seem like they're happening anytime soon. I have one more NM Crota clear left for this week so maybe just maybe the damned BH will drop for once.


Happy to facilitate, and no worries about how you were playing. It was really funny; almost everyone was doing stupid shit. It did result in some drama we don't usually get, and the oversoul kill was really funny. "Forget the oversoul, TAKE HIM DOWN!"

My favorite scrubby moment was when I attempted to blink strike crota with gunslinger equipped...

No, I just hooked up the bluetooth that came with the ps4. I wasn't sure how good or bad it sounded so I wasn't saying much.

Haha, I was wondering if that was you when I heard someone curse during the bridge section right when you died.

All in all, had a great time last night. Always a blast to play with you guys.
I think this was the last straw, I've been playing since launch and still left waiting. Off to Bloodborne till the expansion comes out.

I was so in awe that I didn't even think to capture it but my friend did.
Every time I see a post similar to this, makes me think the rewards are base on time and less amount of kills.. Strange..
Hoping to be able to get a raid group together for CE tonight or tomorrow. I'll just need three more, though it seems a bit harder to come by since Bloodborne hit (rather understandable). I'm going to find a few 'tweener games until HoW hits, myself.
What time? I might be your huckleberry...
Hoping to be able to get a raid group together for CE tonight or tomorrow. I'll just need three more, though it seems a bit harder to come by since Bloodborne hit (rather understandable). I'm going to find a few 'tweener games until HoW hits, myself.

If you need one more for NM Crota I can help tonight. Still need to run it with my Warlock.


maybe with this thread moving at a slower pace we will be able to lure out more XB1'ers
I wish GAF had small console icons that would pop up somewhere near your avatar that would show which consoles/PC you play on and if you clicked/highlighted them it would show your username/GT etc.

It would really help in threads like these for games on multi-plat and considering this is largely a gaming forum, it would be useful in general. ie if you select Xbone in your profile, a small xbox logo appears in the box to the left of your post somewhere near your avatar. If you had ps and wii as well, those would pop up next to it. I know you can see this info if you go into each person's profile btw. This would be much more useful and convenient.


I picked up Bloodborne much like a lot of people, however I have a few friends who just got into Desiny, so I'll still be looking for raid groups and whatnot. Plus I sharded me VoG gear for whatever reason when the Dark Below came out and now I wouldnt mind getting that gear again. I have the helmets so maybe the heardest get is gotten.

I as well hope Bungie does something soon to get the hardcore base back. I got a 3 of my characters to rank 4 in the last Iron Banner, but I think that might be it for me with the ib. I've gotten all the gear I want and weapons I want. Unless of course they bring out the helmet next time (there is a helmet right?) At this point I'd take the old Queen's stuff just for something different to do.
"Well, I really need some legendary heavies."

*gets heavy legendary engram from weekly heroic*

*decrypts into shards*


*caterpillar error*


My favorite scrubby moment was when I attempted to blink strike crota with gunslinger equipped...

Man, I can't believe I forgot to list that.

Haybro_: "blink... blink! BLINK!"
*Crota smash*
"Guardian Down!"
Haybro_: "Ohh, before you can blink you have to equip bladedancer..."
Everyone: *laughs while shooting Oversoul*

Yeah, there aren't many NM rounds where you get not one, but two rounds of Ogres. The fact that we even hit "ENRAGE IS NEAR" cracked me up.

All in all, had a great time last night. Always a blast to play with you guys.

Glad to have you; thanks again for filling in. I wish there were activities for larger fireteams.


I broke R2 on one of mine last week from sword duty. Opened it up and took the little spring out. Button feels awful now, but at least it's not sticking. Not sure what the touchpad problem would be.

Late to reply but you can get replacement springs & triggers on ebay for almost nothing (usually slow shipping... from asia) and once you do it once they are REALLY easy to replace. I have had to do it 3x now, the first time was learning, the last time I think I started opening the controller and had it closed back up and perfect (and replaced the sticks) in 5 minutes. Way better than that "loose R2" feeling.
how to dominate crucible

-level up mida multi tool
-everyone on your team equips it


I wish GAF had small console icons that would pop up somewhere near your avatar that would show which consoles/PC you play on and if you clicked/highlighted them it would show your username/GT etc.

It would really help in threads like these for games on multi-plat and considering this is largely a gaming forum, it would be useful in general. ie if you select Xbone in your profile, a small xbox logo appears in the box to the left of your post somewhere near your avatar. If you had ps and wii as well, those would pop up next to it. I know you can see this info if you go into each person's profile btw. This would be much more useful and convenient.

Makes too much sense, but a great idea indeed. I believe GameFAQ's or some site has just this sort of thing with console icons appearing next to the username/avatar. Optional of course.

What's your GT by the way Homeboyd?


Makes too much sense, but a great idea indeed. I believe GameFAQ's or some site has just this sort of thing with console icons appearing next to the username/avatar. Optional of course.

What's your GT by the way Homeboyd?

Takes less time to kill it than it does to wait for the despawn. Of course by that point you kinda need to despawn a bunch of adds anyway.
Noooo then the purple blasts chase you down. You should not be killing that thing if you're cheesing Phogoth.


Why do randoms insist on killing the Shrieker while doing the Phogoth cheese.


Seriously, why.


I remember talking with my buddy not long after Destiny launched and we talked about the aforementioned cheese spot. Feasibly all Bungie would have to do is just adjust that rock wall geometry by like two in-game feet (half a meter for you international folks) and that spot would be rendered useless. Really surprised that wasn't done yet.
I remember talking with my buddy not long after Destiny launched and we talked about the aforementioned cheese spot. Feasibly all Bungie would have to do is just adjust that rock wall geometry by like two in-game feet (half a meter for you international folks) and that spot would be rendered useless. Really surprised that wasn't done yet.

I think even Bungie realizes that expecting people to survive Nightfall boss battles like those without a hiding spot is too much. I sure as hell wouldn't even bother with the Nightfalls anymore, especially with the crap rewards we're getting.

Takes less time to kill it than it does to wait for the despawn. Of course by that point you kinda need to despawn a bunch of adds anyway.

Instead I need to revive my teammates every thirty seconds because those Shrieker blasts blow them to bits.
I think this was the last straw, I've been playing since launch and still left waiting. Off to Bloodborne till the expansion comes out.

I was so in awe that I didn't even think to capture it but my friend did.

Make console with dedicated capture button, watch people use cellphones to capture pictures. Life is beautiful.


I think even Bungie realizes that expecting people to survive Nightfall boss battles like those without a hiding spot is too much. I sure as hell wouldn't even bother with the Nightfalls anymore, especially with the crap rewards we're getting.

Haha, true true, bigger fish to fry and all that.
That said, personally, I'd like to see less clutter and hidey-holes but with less mobs/ads and more straightforward boss battles (with different stages perhaps?) Though, seeing as how the freaking Omnigul strike is quite the opposite of that, I am not holding my breath for future strikes.

Instead I need to revive my teammates every thirty seconds because those Shrieker blasts blow them to bits.

Can't you just keep booking it backward out of the chamber?
Or are they THAT stupid? lol


With the thread being slow right now, I thought I'd try and articulate 5 things I'd really like to see implemented in the coming months with Destiny that I think would improve things massively. So fair warning, long post incoming. I'd love to hear GAF's thoughts on these (though probably best refrain from quoting the whole thing).

So here we go;

1. Ascendant Materials

These have been a source of great frustration since the release of TDB. Practically useless for the higher level players, and an inconvenient stepping stone for the lower level. Essentially, unless you’re looking to upgrade vendor items (of which few are truly useful) or IB gear, there really is no point in these knocking around. Despite this, they are a frequent drop from Nightfalls, public events, postmaster packages and VoG runs. Brilliant.

These really need to have a much greater use going forward, so there are two things I believe would make great use of the ever present ass mats. First is as a re-rolling currency (which I’ll explain in a minute) and secondly as the only material used to upgrade legendary gear, which is what I suspect will happen with HoW and beyond. There is absolutely no reason to have any other type of shard/energy currency in the game other than for pointless grinding, and with Bungie admitting they themselves aren’t fond of how the shard economy has developed, I reckon that from now on, ass mats will be the only mats you will need for legendary/raid gear. In truth, I would probably prefer these be used for TDB raid gear and exotics too, but that ship seems to have sailed. At the very least though, these mats that seem not to want to go away would be relevant again.

2. Raid Gear

Bungie said quite clearly that the reason there was no trading in the game was that they wanted people to have an attachment with the guns that dropped for them. To have a story behind their weapon of choice. Well for me, that gun is Vision of Confluence, which I got my first time through HM VoG, and I’ve loved dearly. It suits me perfectly and has everything I could want from a scout rifle, which is my weapon of choice anyway. That’s why it will break my fucking heart when it becomes nothing more than a pea-shooter when HoW hits.

There are so many good weapons in VoG, and plenty in CE, that players have grown attached to and want in their load-out, and it seems a complete waste that these should fall by the wayside. It also diminishes the value of actually going into these raids if the weapons and armour you get are of an ever decreasing value, and I can see a number of players just not bothering if they start playing after, for example, HoW releases. My brother right now is level 28, and other than for the enjoyment of doing the raid itself, I’m hard pushed to give him a practical reason to actually go through the Vault, since anything he gets that’s not an exotic is going to be completely worthless in a couple of months. Hell, the armour already is.

I would therefore propose a re-rolling system for all previous raid armour and weapons. They would drop at their current attack/light levels, and then you would take them to Xur at the weekend. Then, for 15 ass shards or ass energy, depending on whether weapon or armour, he would roll them to the current max attack or light and defence stat. The experience levels and non-light/def stats would remain the same, so you would get them back almost exactly as you gave them in, except they would now be comparable with current drops from the latest raids. This gives a much greater variety of armour perks and weapon loadouts, and means guardians can keep going on their journey with their favourite gun. In addition, some of the armour from VoG was badass, I’d love to mix and match with other raid gear.

The obvious response to this is “but doesn’t that just devalue the drops in the latest raids?” and the answer to that is quite simple. If the only benefit to getting the latest raid gear is the new attack/light stat, then really the drops haven’t been designed well enough at all. For example, I have an Ice Breaker, but I still want Black Hammer. That’s the kind of thing that should really be considered, not “how can we devalue the old stuff so we can force players to get the dlc?”

3. Top tier exotics

This one is a little more subjective and a bit more out there, but it’s something I think should at least be considered. Whilst I do like certain elements of RNG, I feel like it’s a slap in the face that the absolute top-tier exotics are often only attainable through luck. Like I say, it’s very much subjective, but based on my own experiences and comments in this thread, it seems as though the three top weapons if you break if down by primary/secondary/heavy are Hawkmoon, Ice Breaker and Gjallarhorn (feel free to dispute this). Many guardians have played hundreds of hours and never been blessed, whereas numerous lower levels have joined at the end of a NF or been heavily carried, done little to no work, and been blessed with them.

Obviously Ice Breaker has been sold by Xur, and Hawkmoon is PS exclusive, but I would recommend that when that exclusivity runs out, these three should be taken from Xur’s inventory and the loot table, and instead become Exotic bounties. These bounties should be triggered the first time a player hits a level cap from level 32 onwards on a character (so the first time a toon hits 32, 34, 36 and so on), and the player gets a choice of which of the 3 bounties they want to take on, much like happens now with Thorn, Invective and Bad Juju.

Players would work hard to earn these weapons. Let them.

4. Commendations

Fuck them. Pointless waste of time. Get rid ASAP.

5. Vendors

Allow players to spend both Vanguard marks and Crucible marks.

I mean, seriously? If players don’t want to go into MP because they don’t like it and prefer PvE, there’s likely little the vendors will offer to change their minds. Why shut out PvE players like that?

So there we go. Anyone got any thoughts on these?


It says I am unable to join you "due to a network issue". When I tried to restart Destiny I got a "destiny servers not available" message. I restarted the ps4 and it will let me back into the game but I cannot join your session.

Me too! Weird I could join you border, but not ras as well.


Feroax, I think the exotic suggestion for the exclusives by turning them into exotic bounties is a fantastic idea.

I really hope that with the weekly update tomorrow, we know more about vault space. I am really stretched thin with lack of space and would love to have a chance to get more asap.


I totally agree with the rerolling idea, it would help keep to keep VoG and CE raids somewhat relevant once HoW comes out. Why should Bungie spend all the time and effort designing a raid if most people will stop running it after 3 months?



I agree with literally everything you wrote.

I especially like the notion of using the materials from the older raids to upgrade the weapons and armor from those raids to the current attack and light maximums, respectively. This would keep the older raid content relevant and evergreen, and Bungie should feel bad for not thinking of something like this.


Vendor items should reroll perks and stats on the weekly reset.
That kind of sounds good but since weapons are 150 marks you need 2 weeks to grind for a weapon. It'd suck to get excited about the Saterienne Rapier and want it, grind 100 marks and then see that it's a different gun the next week when you're planning on buying.
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