Does anyone on xb1 have the Gorgon CP to share please? Thanks in advance
Well, I hoped I'd get on for something this evening but it's all packing. Two weeks in Tokyo here we go.
It's was satire.
They work on any XP produced but using them in the game world is usually not as beneficial. What I do is I finish up all my bounties and then play the daily story until the end and then pop one before the final part of it. Finish up the story and get the XP from that then go to the tower and turn everything in. Gives a nice bump for exotics.
Of course always have the item equipped that you're using the telemetry for so it gets the xp.
Wow awesome! Have a great time, and safe travels!
So are you a Fang guy or an OE guy?
heh... I don't have the heart to shard it. An alt will make use of it for now.
Fang mostly but OE is good too.
Is there a clan for DestinyGAF regulars I could join? The unread messages badge on the icon of the companion app is pissing me off, so I'm leaving GAF Raiders, Raid GAF, DestinyGAF and all the other groups.
I'm a member of Shoot First Kiss Later (SEXY), which is managed by Kadey.
Does anyone on xb1 have the Gorgon CP to share please? Thanks in advance
I would be down to try crota either tonight or tomorrow if we can find some more people.We getting together again sometime to raid?
Still have yet to do Crota actually.
I could knock something out with VoG tonight or tomorrow, but then I'll be gone all weekend.
I would be down to try crota either tonight or tomorrow if we can find some more people.
Thought it was Kiss later.I'm a member of Shoot First Ask Later (SEXY), which is managed by Kadey.
Sure. What time are you usually on? I can run VoG tomorrow after work. Sometime after 2pm EST.Would you be willing to do VoG instead with me though?
Would prefer something quick to do and where I know what I'm doing, lol.
That and I'm thirsty for Ass Mats to still level up my character.
Running NF solo right now if anyone wants in. Xboners only.
That is a lot of playtime man, nice set ups. Here is mine
I need to lvl more weapons and stock up on destination materials
Wow you have a lot of Iron Banner armor! Nice!
Sure. What time are you usually on? I can run VoG tomorrow after work. Sometime after 2pm EST.
Fatebringer > all arc primariesYeah I'm surprised how often I see people using Edict instead of Fang for Arc Burn.
Tonight probably. I've run the good cp's 3x on normal and hard but wouldn't mind running it again. Think some of our group needs DS anyways.When is the next time you're running a Normal mode Crota? Those guys I was playing with yesterday want to try out the newest raid.
If anyone wants to do Scrota Hard tonight, Or VOG HM ill be on at 5:08 PST.
Xbox One.
I have a group of 3 that will be doing 3 hm atheon and 3 hm crota. Swordbearing is no issue. We will probably be looking to start around 7 or 7 30 eastern, so that might line up nicely.
Fatebringer > all arc primaries
To the non believers, I find it funny that two days after I changed to one of the speakers emblems, I got Gjally.
haha wow.. my Destiny's friends list is so empty. I've never seen this before.
haha wow.. my Destiny's friends list is so empty. I've never seen this before.
Motes are actually an extremely useful currency IMO.
I am hoarding motes so that when HoW drops with 3.0 Exotics I'm gonna buy as many exotic engrams from Xur as I can so that I can roll for as many upgraded exotic armors as I can get. And also if you get duplicates then it's just like a free exotic shard. A good reason for me to keep doing 3x NF's is to get those free 9 motes per week from the Eris bounty.
I did that also with TDB when it came out and I got loads of exotic shards as a result.
Based on Dave_6's response, above, we're looking at more like 8 eastern. Is that a problem? I'd love to team up.
I'm still waiting for my copy to arrive. Processing errors by delivery service. :cWe're all playing some niche action RPG.