Yeah, I'm going to run it. Might be mixing in some lfg people since the community is pretty dead on Gaf.
Narner will join. We're just finishing up a nm crota kill.
Yeah, I'm going to run it. Might be mixing in some lfg people since the community is pretty dead on Gaf.
Yeah, I'm going to run it. Might be mixing in some lfg people since the community is pretty dead on Gaf.
This thread inspired me to finally apply to the forum a while back. Of course, now that I'm knee-deep in Bloodborne my Destiny time is waning (especially since I'm just chasing the Horn at this point), but I wanted to make my first post here. it is. Looking forward to being part of DGAF!
Nat is looking to run the Nightfall, NM or HM VoG, or NM CE. Anyone have spots free?
10/10 of her friends are playing Bloodborne. :lol
They're tough, but since you're both level 30+, however, you should be fine.
You should be ok. Just take the Wizards slow and fall back to the end of the hallway if you need to.
Very doable it'll just take a little bit. Summoning Pits aren't bad anyway.
I feel like dismantling mine.... to appease the evil spirits that lie in the Forbidden Forest. Fuck that place!
I need to do everything, have barely been on all week. Getting on nowNat is looking to run the Nightfall, NM or HM VoG, or NM CE. Anyone have spots free?
10/10 of her friends are playing Bloodborne. :lol
Boo missed Gorgon CP, anyone online with it now?
I hab no primary weapon. Game broketh.
I need to do everything, have barely been on all week. Getting on now
Looks like the Nechro glitchI hab no primary weapon. Game broketh.
You mind if I grab them too?Yeah join me, psn: ruthlesbarbarian
Did HM Crota this morning and had no idea it dropped! Just loaded up the character and BOOM! A bit anticlimactic but I'll take it!
I hab no primary weapon. Game broketh.
Yeah join me, psn: ruthlesbarbarian
Did HM Crota this morning and had no idea it dropped! Just loaded up the character and BOOM! A bit anticlimactic but I'll take it!
Looks like the Nechro glitch
You mind if I grab them too?
v Congrats!
Did HM Crota this morning and had no idea it dropped! Just loaded up the character and BOOM! A bit anticlimactic but I'll take it!
Can I grab the HM Gorgon CP next time we're both available please.
I see you're busy, so no rush.
Sure, if we can fill the group I'd be downSo my buddy and I have finished CE normal a few times. We have both titans, level 31 and I just hit level 32.
We have never done VOG. We're thinking about doing a normal VOG run now. Anyone interested in running with us?
Yeah sure.
Congrats, you stole narmers horn.
Yeah I'm free now..
Congrats now you can retire.
Congrats, you stole narmers horn.
Thanks ready whenever you are
Haha, you kill yourself after opening the chest...
Nah, I still got it.looks like your luck's ran out.
Did HM Crota this morning and had no idea it dropped! Just loaded up the character and BOOM! A bit anticlimactic but I'll take it!
I'll run sword, how many times are you going in.
I'm offline at the moment but will come on as soon as your ready.
Psn is noomi85
Are you still around?Thanks ready whenever you are
I need 2 HM Crota kills, but would be happy with 1. If you can run sword, I'll take what I can get. =)
Are you still around?
HM Crota kill(s)? Need 2
1) stb (psn berried_treasure)
2) squidhands (psn squidhands)
Have CP. Need Sword.
I need 2 HM Crota kills, but would be happy with 1. If you can run sword, I'll take what I can get. =)
I can help with this if you're still looking. On your FL as coyquettish.Ok, so:
HM Crota kill(s)? Need 2
1) noomi (SWORD)
2) stb (psn berried_treasure)
3) squidhands (psn squidhands)
4) grief
5) retrogamer42 (please send me FR)
Need one more. We'll start as soon as we have 6.
I can help with this if you're still looking. On your FL as coyquettish.
Would anyone like to run vault of glass with my buddy and I? Raid virgins. Xbox one. 10pm pst