We got our flawless a few weeks back, easiest is normal Crota to get it done.
here's what we did.
- When you load in, only one person goes down into the abyss while the rest wait up top. Said person solo's the abyss, and when he gets to the 2nd encounter (the bridge), everyone will be teleported to him.
- Proceed to do the bridge normally, no cheese here. Cross over one by one with the sword, easy enough in normal mode
- Shrieker room is pretty easy, pick them off while everyone stands back. Proceed.
- Deathsinger you do normally, everyone needs to be super careful. This is probably the hardest part to do flawless
- Crota, 2 swords, get him down before ogres is possible
- Enjoy your new trophy
Took us 3 tries to get it. Here's the video, you can start watching around 54min mark