I'm very upset we aren't getting Spotify, though. That's really stupid.I can't wait for Xbox to get background music.
Is this available for Canadians?
Can you disable destiny music and just keep the sound effects?My god, spotify ps4 app being able to play on the background is awesome for Destiny.
I'm very upset we aren't getting Spotify, though. That's really stupid.
Can you disable destiny music and just keep the sound effects?
Really? I may have to give it a shot if we get that, then. It'll be a pain rebuilding all my playlists. Is di.fm free?I am actually not too bothered because my favorite online radio is di.fm. I expect an app for that soon.
Really? I may have to give it a shot if we get that, then. It'll be a pain rebuilding all my playlists. Is di.fm free?
Cool thank you!I am actually not too bothered because my favorite online radio is di.fm. I expect an app for that soon.
With the next patch you can.
You get the Stranger's Rifle if you beat the game. It's a nice gun you can use for any alts that you might run through, but there's no real reason to go through the story. Of course, the point of the campaign is that it's an easy source of XP.
You also don't get repeat rewards, so there's no reason to do them again other than to do them for fun (or for a particular bounty that requires a Weekly/Nightfall completion).
There are some rewards doing the Venus part like tons of Exp, a unique pulse rifle and motes of light in the last missions
If you can get to 28, dgaf will happily help you through the nightfalls. I know i have no issues with sherpa mode.![]()
The story is terrible / nonexistent. However, there are some good missions and you'll get a lot of XP / loot for clearing them. IMO, many of the missions are pretty fun on their own merits. Just don't expect a "story".
...Then again I don't need XP any more ance I'm already past 20. However I don't want to miss any of the loot, so I guess I will just finish it off.
Yeah like I said don't need the xp but I could use some more loot.
Still need 1?Anyone need a hm Crota? Group of gaffers just did it and are about to run it one more time, one spot
Still need 1?
OK thanks!We finished it, but I'll be doing one more run for a friend this afternoon. I'll be posting on here looking for people, so if you're around you can get in on that.
Yeah I figured about the story line. Then again I don't need XP any more ance I'm already past 20. However I don't want to miss any of the loot, so I guess I will just finish it off.
I guess I will just finish it off, should have done that already I suppose.
I know it isn't easy to get there, you have to know exactly what you're doing and all but I'm going to try to get top 28 ASAP.
Yeah like I said don't need the xp but I could use some more loot.
Will keep playing guys, see how it goes and keep you guys updated.
Anyone wanna run HM Atheon x3 from the Gorgons CP?
1. Ryck007
2. RetroMG
Anyone out there? *echo*
cool I may have two other friends on in a bit to help out just depends how log it takes to get close to six.(people)Sure, I'll do it. I haven't done HM Atheon this week.
cool I may have two other friends on in a bit to help out just depends how log it takes to get close to six.(people)
Anyone wanna run HM Atheon x3 from the Gorgons CP?
1. Ryck007
Anyone out there? *echo*
It's not immediately apparent, but despite not leveling up from XP past level 20, you still NEED XP.
XP is needed in order to upgrade your weapons and armor (the progress bars that form around the "bubbles"). Also, every 80k XP you earn nets you a mote of light (according to destinystatus.com, though I still think that's a bit high). Legendaries and Exotics, especially the WEAPONS need a MOUNTAIN of XP to be able to upgrade, so be prepared.
The best most efficient way of getting XP for this is of course the bounties, but wrapping up your story missions, as well as completing the randomly chosen daily story mission are another great way of getting XP.
Just don't forget to equip the proper weapons and gear that needs leveling at the time you're turning your bounties into the bounty tracker.
You poor thing.![]()
you're going to need XP forever
I didn't get this done yet. If there's a spot I'll come along. Playing BB but will switch it up. On your FL as coyquettish.Anyone wanna run HM Atheon x3 from the Gorgons CP?
1. Ryck007
Anyone out there? *echo*
Narmer's reaction to getting the Narmer Horn is my own personal Narmer Horn. Except it will only drop once and then be gone forever and I'll probably miss it.
Anyone wanna run HM Atheon x3 from the Gorgons CP?
1. Ryck007
2. RetroMG
3. UnstableH2o
4. coyquettish.
Need two more guys or gals!
agreed. The BB ending is very...interesting..I'm thankful for BB. Such a fantastic game. Glad something finally got me out of the Destiny loop other than nightfalls. But I wouldn't mind doing a ds->Crota normal run or 2. But I do miss DGAF
agreed. The BB ending is very...interesting..
I will leave it at that![]()
I can say the ending of destiny is also interesting as wellSpoilers!!!!!
I can say the ending of destiny is also interesting as welldue to the lack of explanations. But nonetheless I shall say no more! Wait what was destiny story again something about light and darkness
I know it's very abstract, but now I will play expecting something and might accidentally guess the spoiler. lol
Now that I wasn't aware off. Damn man, thanks for the tip.
My deepest apologizes if I end up ruining anything for you![]()
My deepest apologizes if I end up ruining anything for you![]()
Narmer's reaction to getting the Narmer Horn is my own personal Narmer Horn. Except it will only drop once and then be gone forever and I'll probably miss it.
I finally played Destiny last night and the guy I did the nightfall with got the 4th Horseman. That'll all I need!
Unless it can be recorded. Then you can sit in your room whenever you want and listen.
But please don't do that because, well, that would be sketchy.
After playing Bloodborne, Destiny seems so light-hearted. even the dark sections with the hive seem light after a few hours in Bloodborne, because there isn't an enemy behind every wall and pillar waiting to kill you in a single hit.
Shhh no moreIts not like the game have you to think about connecting the dots like dark souls, the main points are just tied to random pieces of papers like the dead ghosts you find like Destiny but this information is actually in the game
One of the reasons I still play Destiny, to be sure.Also, hard mode
Me too. If that happened I - ok - I wouldn't cry but I would whine a bit.
Oh it'll be on Youtube shortly thereafter for posterity.
Man this happens to me for jumping late on destiny. Got 3 characters 30+ but just one 32 which made it there a week ago. Had all the crota shards for him, did vanguard like crazy to level the other two but I never bothered to do eris bounties because of course, I wasn't dealing with crota content until I leveled enough to do so.
Now I have 70+ radiant energies that I can't convert to shards because I'm just level 1 faction for eris. And there are only 3-4 freaking bounties per day... Man f%&% this s#it.
Now I'm disappointed, not gonna hit 32 on all my dudes before HOW drops because of this crap most likely.
Shhh no morebut I will be back this week if anything need any crota HM kills. A tad bit rusty tho
Yeah... hard mode... I think I enabled that sometime last week. I think I enabled VeryHardMode (that's trademarked) to be honest. That's where I'm not just a non-asset to the team but actually a straight-up liability.
I may be the only level 32 ever to be told to just die in the crystal room. Probably wouldn't have told me that if I had a horn... just sayin'...
Any Xbox One gamers that haven't doing HM Crota this week yet interested in doing it tonight? GT: SeventhGear.
Four people in my friend list are playing Destiny? Well that's a new record low.
Four people in my friend list are playing Destiny? Well that's a new record low.