Don't fail me now, guys!
9 PM Eastern:
- Gorgon's chest (I see captscience already has HM, but can anyone snag NM?)
- 2x full NM CE (note that we're going to use CENTER strategy going forward to train ourselves for HM)
- 1x NM Deathsinger and Crota kill
1) stb (PSN Berried_treasurE)
2) stb's pal (PSN Capt_Verde)
3) Dave_6 (PSN DaveS78)
4) GRIP (PSN GriP17-)
5) captscience (PSN captscience)
6) schwagger15 (PSN spyder_ur)
a1) Frostburn (PSN US-Frostburn)
a2) ich00 (PSN ichabod00)
a3) StereoType (PSN Haybro_)
I will be on around this time doing pretty much the same routine. Hit me up if you need another. Otherwise i'll be making a fireteam closer to time.