I should be on to help out as well.
Anyone for Nightfall?
I think it's time to say my goodbyes...
I'll see you all on the other side(house of wolves and the occasional crucible)
I think it's time to say my goodbyes...
I'll see you all on the other side(house of wolves and the occasional crucible)
Anyone for Nightfall?
I think it's time to say my goodbyes...
I'll see you all on the other side(house of wolves and the occasional crucible)
Do you have the CP? Normal or Hard?At this point I'm not even disappointed when I get shards from the Gorgon chest anymore. My secret? I'm always disappointed.
At this point I'm not even disappointed when I get shards from the Gorgon chest anymore. My secret? I'm always disappointed.
This is where I'm at. I just expect materials or duplicates at this point. I play for the fun and if I get anything good, superbonus.
Last night was my first HM VoG run. All materials, the same chest armor twice (level 30) which turned into mats, and the ship I got on my very first VoG run. Last Nightfall was strange coins, one before was energy.
As a side note, I wish we still got some kind of reward for running the Heroic or Nightfall a second time each week. Say you only got the big drop once, but on the subsequent runs it was a few engrams or something, comparable to a ROC strike or so. Something.
I see a lot of community managers doing this lately. Posting on forums, get attacked or offended by others who post there as well, take a "leave of absence" from the forum for a while. Happens here quite a bit as well.
I'm not sure what most community guys expect from anonymous people on the internet, but if you left every time someone offended you, you'd never post anywhere. Yeah the stuff that gets said to them is ridiculous... I just don't understand why you'd break that communication with the entire community because of it. Notify the moderators if it's a consistent problem or you just can't ignore it and let them handle it. This just allows for a few to ruin it for everyone by crawling back in their hole and only communicating through official updates on their forum (which aren't very frequent and often not informative or containing anything with substance).
Yes they read posts with suggestions, recommendations, etc.. and take those into consideration, but the communication doesn't exist once this happens. Isn't that the point of the job? Also, maybe consider sites that have more strict moderation to open up dialogues etc if that is such a concern. I know of at least one that does...
Helping a buddy run his NF's feel free to join in.
Public fireteam
Looking for NF group.
Any free spots?
PSN: Mammont
Do you have the CP? Normal or Hard?
My NF's:
1) Patience and Time (# 35902345034975093470637) - shard
2) Lucky Raspberry (don't have a Hunter) - shard
3) Void Plug One
2 out of 3 exotics I will take any fkn time.
Would be great.Can be ready in about 15 min
Yeah but they can never stay gone!gotta appreciate how people like frankie don't take any shit from people lol
Yeah and seriously each one took around 8 minutes total. It's ridic. I'll help you.Ah you already did 3 NF not bad.
I'll be on around 7:15-7:30 central. Would be happy to do some runs with you guys. T-44 should be too.
Yeah but they can never stay gone!
Yeah and seriously each one took around 8 minutes total. It's ridic. I'll help you.
Would be great.
No, just MammontIs it mammomt_1537
Do you have the CP? Normal or Hard?
My NF's:
1) Patience and Time (# 35902345034975093470637) - shard
2) Lucky Raspberry (don't have a Hunter) - shard
3) Void Plug One
2 out of 3 exotics I will take any fkn time.
The worst drop rate from the game.
I got Gjallahorns, Hankmoons, etc... everything... and now after over weeks playing only NM.
The worst drop rate from the game.
I got Gjallahorns, Hankmoons, etc... everything... and now after over weeks playing only NM.
GJALLARHORN!!! Literally seconds after I said that I was in the forever no Gjallarhorn club, it dropped off of Deathsinger.
Took a small break from videogames in general this month. Playing very little or not at all.
Went back to destiny for a bit but I'm just not feeling it anymore. Like ppl say here: "the carrot is gone". Not even doing nightfalls or raids anymore. The only thing I did past 2 weeks was weekly because matchmaking makes those so easy to do.
The only thing I really want is HoPF (which Xur sold the first week after I decided to take a break =/ just my luck) so I decided to play other stuff and wait for HoW like most.
Playing Infamous First Light now.
The worst drop rate from the game.
I got Gjallahorns, Hankmoons, etc... everything... and now after over weeks playing only NM.
GJALLARHORN!!! Literally seconds after I said that I was in the forever no Gjallarhorn club, it dropped off of Deathsinger.
GJALLARHORN!!! Literally seconds after I said that I was in the forever no Gjallarhorn club, it dropped off of Deathsinger.
The worst drop rate from the game.
I got Gjallahorns, Hankmoons, etc... everything... and now after over weeks playing only NM.
Nexus, sepkis and archon priest. 2-3 black hammers on the priest and he doesn't move.nice, I was pretty excited to get that as well. But I've decided that it's a SUUUUUPER situational gun. The rate of fire is so annoyingly slow, and you get hardly any ammo with it. Unless you're a freaking monster with auto-aim like skills, it's not worth it, you'll blow through all your ammo.
The ONLY time I break it out is when fighting the tank in the Mars strike. Otherwise, I still pack Ice Breaker or a variety of other legendary snipers.
Nexus, sepkis and archon priest. 2-3 black hammers on the priest and he doesn't move.
Awesome, I'm normally on around 9 EST. Do either of you guys want to do a full Crota run or should we just look for a deathsinger cp? What else would you guys want to do? Gorgon CP? Full Vog? I'm up for whatever, Crota is the main thing for me (still need a 4th Horsemen).
Stop to down my rarest drop evernice, I was pretty excited to get that as well. But I've decided that it's a SUUUUUPER situational gun. The rate of fire is so annoyingly slow, and you get hardly any ammo with it. Unless you're a freaking monster with auto-aim like skills, it's not worth it, you'll blow through all your ammo.
The ONLY time I break it out is when fighting the tank in the Mars strike. Otherwise, I still pack Ice Breaker or a variety of other legendary snipers.
Got chest and infusion helmet from CE. Good haul, I guess.