Anyone still need the NF? I'm looking to do it x3.
PSN is UnstableH2o (The L in Unstable is a I)
I'm in. PSN: Sentinalprimus
Anyone still need the NF? I'm looking to do it x3.
PSN is UnstableH2o (The L in Unstable is a I)
In the black hammer universe.
leave hand cannons alone
make better primary options then
theres 3 great exotic hand cannons to chose from.. no other primary can match that
as far as i can tell the only way to really balance PVP is to have everyone using the same exact guns
Templar checkpoint has been saved.
The stats are the same in both PvP and PvE, which is why they can't balance for one without affecting the other.Or buff the pvp weapons on pvp and nerf pve weapon in pvp areas
I think HM will only give the primary weapon drops if you've already done NM.Say my Titan did a NM Crota
If he does HM is there still a chance I can get gear to drop?!
I desperately need boots....
I think HM will only give the primary weapon drops if you've already done NM.
I think HM will only give the primary weapon drops if you've already done NM.
Mother fucking hawkmoon
I'm in shock man.Congrats. I was hoping for a stronger reaction from you![]()
Anyone for hard templar?
No, you can do Hard Mode and get the Normal Mode drops at the same time. I was saying that you can't get a second chance at armor drops if you do one before the other.Hard Atheon down~ Plan C hooooray I'm pretty sure it' slike my 3rd Plan C. Into the trash it goes.I got the stupid ship though. how many shards does that give?
Eh? You need to do a normal mode raid and then do the hard mode in the same week to get primaries?
No, you can do Hard Mode and get the Normal Mode drops at the same time. I was saying that you can't get a second chance at armor drops if you do one before the other.
Join asap.
1 spot for hard crota kill.
Last night was a good destiny night.
NF1: No backup plans
NF2: GJALLAHORN!! (my first one)
Then i solo'ed the first part of CE with my titan doing that lamp 2 jump. This was the first time I actually pulled this off.
I got the final radiant shards to hit lvl 32!
I feel like I graduated Destiny school with honours![]()
Nice! It's a great feeling![]()
Crap, thought noone was doing anything so I took a break. Is anyone doing hm crota or have a checkpoint?
I can give you the checkpoint.
Crap, thought noone was doing anything so I took a break. Is anyone doing hm crota or have a checkpoint?
I'm game.Im going to take my brother through his first fresh NM crota soon (not counting where I've solo'd abyss and bridge to try and get him gear) . He's a lv29, so the carrying won't be anything too horrific.
Any of the Black Hammer-less masses want to join us?
Mother fucking hawkmoon
That would be awesome, I don't suppose you have hm gorgons as well?
I think everyone had some decent luck tonight. Finally got the crux! Took long enough.
No takers for NM CE? Still 3 spots open.
From the beginning or do you have a checkpoint? I would need the first half including the bridge and chest with my hunter and would be up for it in 15 minutes. Gonna need those shards![]()
lol!Guardians! Check your characters on, they are doing some crazy crap!
No takers for NM CE? Still 3 spots open.
normal crota is easy to pull off with just 3 people, having 6 is overkill![]()
Guardians! Check your characters on, they are doing some crazy crap!
some new dance moves too. My hunter done a quick 'Carlton' in the middle of his usual stuff.
... bungie, you jokers
Lol, true.
Well there is one space if anyone wants in for loot. Someone dropped out.
Huh? I don't see anything on my page.
Where are you guys at?