Right at the start.
I realized that I haven't used a fusion rifle seriously in months...they used to be my favorite weapon class. Ever since I got the Black Hammer, that changed.
Guardians! Check your characters on Bungie.net, they are doing some crazy crap!
Oh, Bungie.
You can code that, but can't give me a Black Hammer or Last Word. Fo'real?
April fools joke. Nothing is happening.
Where are you guys at?
Destiny was built around the idea of April fools.April fools joke. Nothing is happening.
I have Plan C and Pocket Infinity that are barely leveled. Black Hammer and shotguns are kingly right now, so I'm abusing them while I can before Bungie changes them.I realized that I haven't used a fusion rifle seriously in months...they used to be my favorite weapon class. Ever since I got the Black Hammer, that changed.
Yeah the Bnet moves are nice. Probably can't have them in the game due to "memory concerns" hehehe.
You're getting sleepy. Rest you eyes. When I snap my fingers, you will cluck like a chickin'.The moves are cool/funny, the color changes to the screen during the dancing are unfortunate to my old eyes.
Um, I'm not seeing anything happen
Me neither. I'm on chrome, maybe it doesn't work on chrome.
Thanks again for helping w/ raids and Nightfalls Thunder! Really enjoyed playing with you ichabod, and Austin.
Any time! It was a fun session
It took my browser about 20 seconds for the dancing to load. I am using Safari on OS X Yosemite.
I've had the page open for over half an hour.
i don't remember the last time i saw a fusion rifle in crucible.
Question, I just turned in 2 Vanguard bounties but for some reason buy Vanguard reputation is still 1430/1500 which was already there. I'm wearing a cloak that belongs to Future War Cult. Does wearing that Clark make my bounties return exclusive to that?
I'm just confused why my reputation for vanguard bounties isn't going up.
My April Fools haul so far.
1 Hawkmoon
1 Thunderlord
1 Truth
1 Fatebringer
1 Willbreaker's Greaves (Raid Boots)
Bolded is the stuff I didn't have. Until today.
Oh, I also saw a Horn drop on a someone's very first Nightfall.
That's some of the best drops I've seen in a while... noice.
I still have all my raid runs to do and one nightfall left.
Not sure why I even bother posting this kind of stuff anymore... obviously I didn't get the horn yet...
NFs - assmats, plan C, Suros... yeah, cool, 2/3 exotics... unfortunately I can't complain because of that but, dammit, gimme the right exotic. I have all the others, just fill in the last piece.
1x DS/NM Crota - shards and energy.
I'm going away for the weekend tomorrow so I'll try to get as many chances in as I can tonight. I'm guessing that'll be the Gorgon chests and a couple more NM DS/Crota.
We're doing a bunch of stuff, you want in?
Hehe guardians are gettin' down
Man I've been so exhausted this week I've barely played anything. I think I am down for some raiding tonight in some form or other, will probably just look for groups to help out and play DS2 in between.
Anyone for hard templar? Fatebringerawaitsor ass mats
Pretty sure you posted this not terribly long ago, but what's the checklist for Exotic drops/chests per week again?
Haven't logged that much time outside of my one main character (at least not just yet). That said, I really like Vault of Glass, but is there any practicable value for running VoG Normal AND Hard for one character in a given week, or are you only basically netting yourself more ass mats?
That was a good time. I'd be down for running that every week with you guys if you're interrested, maybe even get a hm kill or 2 in as well.
Hehe guardians are gettin' down
Man I've been so exhausted this week I've barely played anything. I think I am down for some raiding tonight in some form or other, will probably just look for groups to help out and play DS2 in between.
gonna post links for tomorrow's newbie raid (CE) and sword school sunday in a little bit. I have a 5k right after work tomorrow so may have to start the raid a little late, but they usually go pretty quick.
Bungie should have an exotic sniper that has the ability to see through walls and fires like a cannon, but only one shot at a time. Think .50 Cal but only more powerful.