None; I run sword myself for the newbie raids (attendees are welcome to pay attention to what I do of course

). It's just sort of outside the scope of a newbie session, similar to how, while I explain the relic controls fully and encourage others to other it during the Templar and Gatekeeper encounters, I will always grab the relic personally if I'm teleported during Atheon. I have to balance teaching the raid at large as comprehensively as possible with actually getting the kill in a reasonable timeframe.
- I think starting any analysis from a place of "I've never seen that in any other game" = "it's bad or unreasonable" is a horrible idea. In fact, I hope Bungie will go out of their way to continue trying things that don't exactly match up with how they're done in any other game, rather than attempting to intentionally make it similar. If they're doing something different, don't half-ass it.
- Destiny Exotics (at their best) are build-defining, and I have absolutely no desire to replace them with "simply better" items. Unlike my gear in nearly any other game with a progression system, I'm very attached to the way that (for example) Hawkmoon, Pocket Infinity, Monte Carlo and Thunderlord feel to use, and theme a full character build around their usage when equipped. I don't want to have those options eliminated for the sake of vertical progression. A far superior approach is to continue to allow them to be viable while introducing more and more options that are ALSO viable and can cause you to rethink builds. This is the area where The Dark Below's exotics fell completely flat and sad, although it introduced some of my absolute favorite legendary options at the same time.