I'll give you a hand. FR sentCan I get some help on the "Siege of The Warmind" mission from the DLC? I can get to the end room but I'm getting my butt kicked and I can't do this solo.
I'll give you a hand. FR sentCan I get some help on the "Siege of The Warmind" mission from the DLC? I can get to the end room but I'm getting my butt kicked and I can't do this solo.
I'll give you a hand. FR sent
That would be hilariousI'm a lazy guy with really generous friends. If I play Vanguard Roc with them and we have an agreement that I will idle while they complete it and carry me through, will I be banned from the playlist?
may 19th sounds plausible
Yup, the leaker has been dead on for ao many things. Seems about right if the HoW official reveal is soon. TDB had a month of marketing.
I'll give you a hand. FR sent
Two more story missions.
One more strike.Two on PS4
One new raid with one boss (that's gonna become a buggy mess after Bungie hastily patches whatever cheese shows up... And then maybe six months later they'll sort of fix the bugs.)
No problem. I like that mission because the thralls run at me in a long line, like a thrall congo lineThank you for the help
For example, we had a bug where players werent doing damage to Minotaurs with the Relic shield. Turns out that the complicated hit test we use to detect a melee hit just missed the combatant because of the long-legged shape of its body. Some of these bugs were truly baffling, but we dug deep and went to great lengths to improve things.
I mean, we're here, I just don't post THAT often.Seems like the xbox one users are becoming more vocal as they see more of their brethren post here, might be worth a shot. Hawkian has the patience of a saint, truly.
Squiddy's on el Quattro, my GT is Ghazzarro. Anyone can feel free to add me, I'm down to whatever. I'll figure some schedule and stuff out to do both raids as well as sword, like Hawkian.Could I add you guys? What's your GT Ghazi?
(I think you can be the Sherpa all us Xboners deserve, unless Homeboyd wants to claim that mantle or something)
No problem. I like that mission because the thralls run at me in a long line, like a thrall congo line
I do. How about HM VoG with VoG gears only?Anyone wanna run a raid? Don't care which one or difficulty...
PSN deafmedal
I do. How about HM VoG with VoG gears only?![]()
I ran this a week ago with Drizzay and a few other peeps, it was a blast. All Chatterwhites and everythingSounds good, we can work out details in party
Looking for 4 to run HM VoG using VoG stuffs!
thats a great idea. Ive been meaning to level up the VoG gear that I got after CE dropped, but didn't seem very importantI do. How about HM VoG with VoG gears only?![]()
Two more story missions.
One more strike.Two on PS4
One new raid with one boss (that's gonna become a buggy mess after Bungie hastily patches whatever cheese shows up... And then maybe six months later they'll sort of fix the bugs.)
Is it the fourth horseman? That got glitched awhile app with the vault updateHmmm, a classified weapon in the vault. Anyone else encountered this bug in the Destiny App?
I was thereI ran this a week ago with Drizzay and a few other peeps, it was a blast. All Chatterwhites and everything![]()
I've got better stat gear I meant to level up, but... well, you know! Not even sure why I keep it, but armor isn't really causing space issues so whateverthats a great idea. Ive been meaning to level up the VoG gear that I got after CE dropped, but didn't seem very important
Starting to have my doubts that this franchise can survive 10 years in its current format. They better bring some serious creativity to Comet and installment 2.
I'm doing the newbie CE raid in a few mins, but depending on when you guys are planning on starting I'd love to get in on it.I was there
I've got better stat gear I meant to level up, but... well, you know! Not even sure why I keep it, but armor isn't really causing space issues so whatever
So could we count you two?!
Still looking for 4 to run HM VoG using VoG gear (as much as you have)...
Looking to run nightfall twice on ps4.
Mickeyphree if anyone is doing it.
Running it 3 times if you want to join, ichabod00
I'm doing the newbie CE raid in a few mins, but depending on when you guys are planning on starting I'd love to get in on it.
Its surviving pretty well right now I'd say. Many people here feel compelled to keep playing for reasons unknown. Even though there isn't really any point in running the vault of glass for the 1000th time.
This will be a thriving community again once house of wolves releases. Mark my words.
Teaching anyone how to run sword on Crota on Xbox One:
1. Mr Greencastle
We should start from the beginning. If you haven't done Crota's End before, no worries, I can help with that as well. Only thing I ask is that swordbearers be at least level 31 because enemies can do a lot of damage by the end of the raid since they're level 32. We can do it on Normal mode. No specific class necessary.
Consider this an open offer until like... 9PM PST or until the list is full (let's see if even one person adds their name!)
Is it the fourth horseman? That got glitched awhile app with the vault update
Running it 3 times if you want to join, ichabod00
I guess where I'm coming from is that most have seen burnout in 6 months. HOW will be fine for the raid, normal mode only I'm guessing, but then you will get back to the same grind that burned you out before until hard mode raid and then until the end of summer. I'm in for HOW, but they will sincerely need to sell me past that and I'm sure I am not alone.
Grimoire score should increase when you get a new exotic weapon, right?
You guys looking for a 3rd? I'm around. PSN: xGrief
Teaching anyone how to run sword on Crota on Xbox One:
1. Mr Greencastle
2. Roarak
We should start from the beginning. If you haven't done Crota's End before, no worries, I can help with that as well. Only thing I ask is that swordbearers be at least level 31 because enemies can do a lot of damage by the end of the raid since they're level 32. We can do it on Normal mode. No specific class necessary.
Consider this an open offer until like... 9PM PST or until the list is full (let's see if even one person adds their name!)