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Destiny |OT19| Raiders of the Lost

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Bungie should speak with CD Projekt RED and license their real-time beard growing technology.

"You're interesting, not entirely interesting, but with the new real-time beard growing technology licensed from CD Projekt RED you have promise." -Destiny Comet 1 (only on PS4 and XBone because last gen would burst into flames trying to handle the magic of Space Beards)
FWIW, I will never, ever do that, whatever I may hypothetically know or not know. Even back to the Halo days where I lucky enough to not only know of things like DLC plans but to play maps well before they were even announced, I never uttered a word about it. I take things shared in confidence seriously.

And also, the ninjas. The ninjas are real. They're probably watching me right n


still running it? just sent friend request: rasengan1337

thanks for hosting! :)
sorry about the constant dying.
out of practice

Thanks guys, no worries! I hadn't played in over a week myself so I was a little rusty. Too bad our rewards were crap for the most part.

Ran a weekly afterwards and had one random quit. I wound up getting two legendary engrams for my results which decrypted into a 2nd Icebreaker and an Against All Odds HMG (doesn't have any notable perks though). Still no Thunderlord :(


This week is
Valus Ta'aurc
, at least if Megaman is correct. As if that wasn't bad enough,
there's no burn

Think I'll be skipping Nightfalls this week.

Yeah no burn? ugh....

Sort of tempted to at least do the weekly for the coins and maybe purchase Sunbreakers for my 'future' Warlock that I plan to make at some point.


The best way I find to counter the top Minotaur is to walk past him after he spawns and get out of the cave area. He usually will go to the spot where you're use to jump off, but he will stand there confused. Then take your time taking him down. Once and a while he does chase you out of the caves though, but it happens mostly when he’s enraged.

I use the Insurmountable Skullfort, which has Infusion (Replenishes health each time you pick up an Orb of Light).
This was my strategy as well; when I saw the radar light up behind me, I'd turn and make a quick judgment call: if he was already advanced to near the nook where you can slip behind him, I'd rocket him down. Otherwise, I'd crouch to go invisible and then slip behind him and out the cave. Then...

Thats awesome, it can be very tricky to solo with Voidburn. I imagine Truth helped alot. Can it take the Minotaur in 1 rocket?
Truth was a bit spotty with one shots; it took him down with one rocket about half the time. The other half left a whisper of health which I finished with a sniper round. I think proximity detonation was in the mix: a direct hit killed, but sometimes it would blow a touch early. (It happens to the best of us.)
Yeah no burn? ugh....

Sort of tempted to at least do the weekly for the coins and maybe purchase Sunbreakers for my 'future' Warlock that I plan to make at some point.

Oh yes, weeklies are on my to do-list, but nightfalls can go fuck off this week. Especially now that I have my Ballerhorn. :lol


When playing the PVP component of both the Thorn and Invective Bounties, I chose Control matches because I could choose where I have encounters with the other team.

My play-style, previously, was typically spastic and aggressive. To achieve the k/d ratio required by those bounties I really had to change the way I approach matches. I became one of those players who approaches each encounter very, very conservatively.

Completing those bounties changed the way I play Crucible. I still am aggressive and sometimes spastic; however, I pick and choose my encounters more regularly. I'm constantly watching the radar. If it looks like I'm being flanked due to a spawn flip, I boogie out of there to preserve my life. I pick one control point and I hunt any foe who comes into my space. I've slowed down dramatically and rarely use the run feature.

While working on those bounties, I noticed that most people run around the map seemingly without any purpose. When they're charging me I walk backwards and concentrate on nailing headshots. Most of the time keeping that distance is enough to kill them. If not, I use the blink strike/shotgun approach to putting them down.

I'm still not very good at Crucible (looking at my K/D ratio will prove that), but I am improving because I changed the way I approach the game.

Oh and for Thorn, you should embrace the Master Race of Guardians


Also, because I'm at the top of the page, I'll use this fortuitous position to get back on my soapbox. Our Guardians (even the Exos) need to be able to, retroactively, grow space beards. At this point, even my Exo female Hunter would benefit from the extra frabjous that some quality facial hair would give her.

I'm still holding on to my thorn bounty to turn in when HOW comes out most likely unless I "give" in somehow. lol
I understand about the playstyle, what changed mine was trying to rank up during the iron banner, the last one was all about control. I'm not much of pvper either but after that I appreciate pvp a whole lot more than before. I still think we really need more pvp maps. Like at least 3-4 more, not just a couple.
Hope the expansion brings some of those along with it.
Anyone up for Crota HM this evening? I still need it for my 2 31s

Depending on the time, I'll join in with a 31 (3 shards away from 32) Sun Singer or a 31 Bladedancer, but I'm marginally ok and don't have a gjallarhorn. If that's the type of person you want in your party?


I'm taking a break from Bloodborne. Just need 3 more trophies for the damn Platinum. What did I missed while I was gone hunting?

*reads Bungie's last two weekly updates*

Look like I didn't miss much. At least they will finally start talking about HoW soon.


So I started to play some PvP again for the first time in like 2 weeks and I immediately noticed the accuracy of the handcannons was pretty bad... did something happen in the time I was gone?
Can someone please help me? I've got some surgery done in my thumb joint area and I wanna know if that is the cause of me constantly missing my first few shots with for example a Hawkmoon in PVP.


You may struggle to find a game on here for a few reasons. Most people on here play on PSN and a lot of people have taken a break from Destiny at least until HoW drops. That and games are predominantly at USA friendly times especially on X1 . If you don't manage to find a group and are new to raiding you can try destinysherpa on reddit or find an active group on the100, or even just scroll through their public games. Just look out for sherpa sessions. Like you I had no one to raid with but since joining an active 100 group I've had no problems doing raids/nightfalls at a decent GMT timezone. Also everyone I've come across has been friendly and helpful to new raiders.

They really need to start adding some new content now, even if it's just different bounties, even christmas noobs like me are starting to hit the wall. The only weapon left that I would really like is black hammer. At the very least they should start talking about HoW. I mean apart from a christmas package at the post master there has literally been nothing new.

Ah thanks man/woman. Yeah was a long shot but sure no harm in trying. It's out there anywho. Been on a few of the reddit ones alright.

Thanks anywho for taking the time to reply


I'll add you. I still play frequently and it is fun playing with newer people.

Last night was fun. We finished normal crota in 16 minutes and I'm sure we could have gone much faster. It's crazy the way experiences in the raid can vary. I remember the first time I attempted Crota we were stuck in the abyss for 90 minutes and never ended up beating it. Also defeated Crota twice last night with one sword which was a new experience.

Ah excellent man thanks. I'll definitely be on the lookout for ya. Unfortunately internet gone in the gaff (on the mobile) so I think I'm outta action till at least Tuesday ugh


Todd, I'm sorry, but I won't recant. Space Beards for all! It's been my battle cry since the beta.

Recant and repent you swine! Robots with beards is sacrileigous to the traveler! The travelers light deemed beards a part of the darkness and banished them!

I must rally the troops!




Just soloed the Abyss with my Hunter, on HM. Playing it like a stealth game and sneaking past everyone is now one of my absolute favorite things to do in Destiny. Really intense.

The ogre at the end of the area had been my bane this week. I took him out no problem on normal, but couldn't do it while staying on the rock on hard, he just takes me out too fast once he gets onto the path. With Don't Touch Me, blink strike and camo on crouch, you have enough invisibility options to basically roam the abyss at will, even on HM. So I decided to do what I could from the rock, and then move to a new, far away vantage point.

I land five sniper round head shots (taking him ~halfway down) and then circle around far to the right....at which point the way forward opened up. I didn't have to kill him. 0_o


Just soloed the Abyss with my Hunter, on HM. Playing it like a stealth game and sneaking past everyone is now one of my absolute favorite things to do in Destiny. Really intense.

The ogre at the end of the area had been my bane this week. I took him out no problem on normal, but couldn't do it while staying on the rock on hard, he just takes me out too fast once he gets onto the path. With Don't Touch Me, blink strike and camo on crouch, you have enough invisibility options to basically roam the abyss at will, even on HM. So I decided to do what I could from the rock, and then move to a new, far away vantage point.

I land five sniper round head shots (taking him ~halfway down) and then circle around far to the right....at which point the way forward opened up. I didn't have to kill him. 0_o
Being able to go invisible by crouching, hitting, Super (Vanish) getting hit (DTM) or aiming your sniper (P&T) makes Blandedancer Abyss a really cool experience. I've never managed to complete it because something always kills me while bridge is forming (usually that damn Ogre) but it's a thrilling feat.


Anybody up for Nightfall(s)? I need to do three

1. Dunk7
I'll hop on now and run at least one with you.

Nah, I've had a bad experience with the ogre on hard if I try to kill it, so I just leave it alone.

Yeah, on HM he just soaks up a lot of damage, it's not worth it. I went invisible and was most of the way across the bridge (using Mida) before it turned off, so he never fired at me. Normal mode it takes one clip of sniper fire to down the Ogre, so it's easy enough.


Quick! Capture him and bring him before DGAF. We must have a trial by combat. The traveler will punish him for his greed. We must choose a champion.
Bring forth Zoba! A fool's fate is to be knifed in the face by a midair Hunter half a map away using space-magical aim.

Deku Tree

I'm taking a break from Bloodborne. Just need 3 more trophies for the damn Platinum. What did I missed while I was gone hunting?

*reads Bungie's last two weekly updates*

Look like I didn't miss much. At least they will finally start talking about HoW soon.

I made a HoW hype post earlier:

Two more story missions.

One more strike.
Two on PS4

One new raid with one boss (that's gonna become a buggy mess after Bungie hastily patches whatever cheese shows up... And then maybe six months later they'll sort of fix the bugs.)

ZOBA EDIT: and 3 new PvP maps (with 2 guaranteed to suck)


Deku Tree

OMG reddit has a Xur satisfaction survey

How satisfied are you with what Xur has to offer this week?
Very Unsatisfied Somewhat Unsatisifed Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied
35.3% 30.6% 19.1% 11.7% 3.2% 2.17
OMG reddit has a Xur satisfaction survey

How satisfied are you with what Xur has to offer this week?
Very Unsatisfied Somewhat Unsatisifed Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied
35.3% 30.6% 19.1% 11.7% 3.2% 2.17

HAHA, wow.

I wanted Mida or Icebreaker that would have been great.

I got a world war 2 fighter plane painted rocket launcher and titan chest from RNG instead.

1) Me PSN Phaethon (add me)
2) JGW


EDIT: Done/Full/Sorry Thank you for the run peeps.
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