What is the "Year 1" stuff about?
Back when TDB first dropped I was talking about their exotic upgrade system and how it basically erased your item from existence, which was defeating the entire purpose of some of the investment ideology in the game. Like, part of their angle here was supposed to be that when you saw another player in the world or inspected their gear, you could learn something about where they've been in the world or how long they have had them. The upgrade system implemented tanked that concept because upgrading was essentially just trading in one item for a different copy, so none of the exotics had any kind of permanence in the game world. Even if I had been the first guy to find, say, a MIDA Multi-Tool, when TDB dropped if I wanted to upgrade it, my old weapon would get destroyed and you couldn't tell any difference between mine and the person who had just received one. It was actually slightly worse with exotic armors because if we both upgraded them at Xur, we would actually be using the exact same version of the item down to the stat roll. It was doing damage to the attachment players were supposed to build with their characters.
Now you can look at an upgraded and tell a bit about where it came from, even well far forward from where we are now. It's not ideal still in my opinion, but there wasn't a great way around the damage TDB did in this respect so they lost some of their previous options. Now you'll at least be able to tell the difference between someone using a weapon they've kept with them since the first content cycle and ones that will drop later in the game's life. It'll also extend to all legendary and exotic gear, so that is a plus.