Reading the patch notes - wtf? Does that mean 331?
Other than that, holy shit, are they trolling us? lmao sounds too good to be true
One of mates got a Treasure Key, anyone else? Or is he a big willy?
So are the stars over people's heads ones that have or have not completed the wanted bounties. Every group I was with there was a combination of people with it and without it
I'm really curious why they called these bounties Day1, 2, 3....etc
Seems you can do 4 bounties today, which will bring you to rank 1. Well I'm going to be busy 4 bounties x3 across my all my characters lol.
Also, even though the notes said material exchange for the Speaker, it is not available today. Probably just a mistake in the notes.
I'm really curious why they called these bounties Day1, 2, 3....etc
Seems you can do 4 bounties today, which will bring you to rank 1. Well I'm going to be busy 4 bounties x3 across my all my characters lol.
Also, even though the notes said material exchange for the Speaker, it is not available today. Probably just a mistake in the notes.
Reading the patch notes - wtf? Does that mean 331?
Other than that, holy shit, are they trolling us? lmao sounds too good to be true
scorch cannon carriers
I'm really curious why they called these bounties Day1, 2, 3....etc
Seems you can do 4 bounties today, which will bring you to rank 1. Well I'm going to be busy 4 bounties x3 across my all my characters lol.
Also, even though the notes said material exchange for the Speaker, it is not available today. Probably just a mistake in the notes.
I'm not sure the chests spawn in unique locations. I'm going to run a couple more of the Venus ones which I know where the chests spawned and see. I'm guessing once you know the locations of each one it won't matter.
It was probably intended for the patch to come out on Tuesday and 1 new bounty would open each day. So since we're getting the patch Friday we have 4 available now.
I'm really curious why they called these bounties Day1, 2, 3....etc
Seems you can do 4 bounties today, which will bring you to rank 1. Well I'm going to be busy 4 bounties x3 across my all my characters lol.
Also, even though the notes said material exchange for the Speaker, it is not available today. Probably just a mistake in the notes.
Oh yeah - just the way they worded it I thought for a moment they might mean 331.Sure thing. Yeah so ANY Legendary or exotic armor or exotic can be ascended to 42 light (level 34) using etheric light and exotic shards respectively. EL will drop in Nightfalls, Prison of Elders, Trials of Osiris, and Iron Banner.
Same story for weapons. ANY can be ascended the same way to a maximum attack value of 365.
Found a video to get farming these chests, PoE treasure keys be droppin''
How it works now is a mystery though...
Holy mother of mercy this thread is super light speed. Can't remember the last time it's been this fast. HoW Hype is real. This is going to take a long time to get caught up on all these posts, lol.
Holy mother of mercy this thread is super light speed. Can't remember the last time it's been this fast. HoW Hype is real. This is going to take a long time to get caught up on all these posts, lol.
And this is just the patch. Tuesday is going to be bananas.
Speaking of which, is anyone doing a House of Wolves thread for the gaming side? One should go up day 1.
Solo'd the Nightfall. I do not recommend it.
Uh...were you always able to get Legendary Engrams from Public Events?
Uh...were you always able to get Legendary Engrams from Public Events?
It was rare but yes I think I've seen it before
Zoba should.
Nope, that's new. And awesome. (Hang onto it until Tuesday!)
Huh, I've done so many and never gotten, or seen anyone get, one.
I was actually about to ask this. I finished the 2nd encounter but didn't get the key. And it sucked cause I found the chest too...Does everyone at an encounter not get an ether key?
My friend got one and I didn't. I did get revived just as the final boss died though so that might be something
Did you ban him here on GAF?Someone reteweeted something from @TheCryptarch to my feed. I click through and he's blocked me from following or seeing his tweets. :lol
I wonder what I did to piss him off.
New exotic weapon bounty (datamined) - The Elder Cipher!
Where have you seen the ember caves one spawn?
I think it will still drop as 331 on Tuesday and need an exotic shard to jump up to 365 anyway (in addition to the shard for the last bubble, so two), but I could be wrong.hey guys can I turn in my exotic thorn bounty now? I want it to be at the new 365 scale.
Anyone know? Bout to boot up the game but terrified to turn in this bounty to soon.