Lol you mean the gaffer that runs that account??Someone reteweeted something from @TheCryptarch to my feed. I click through and he's blocked me from following or seeing his tweets. :lol
I wonder what I did to piss him off.
Lol you mean the gaffer that runs that account??Someone reteweeted something from @TheCryptarch to my feed. I click through and he's blocked me from following or seeing his tweets. :lol
I wonder what I did to piss him off.
Lots of new info hereDid you get it? or did you see it from the data mining?
Did you ban him here on GAF?
Because he was back from a ban yesterday or the day before...
You should probably make that thread, no one is going to shit post in a thread made by a mod. Sets the tone for a healthy convr(I think)And this is just the patch. Tuesday is going to be bananas.
Speaking of which, is anyone doing a House of Wolves thread for the gaming side? One should go up day 1.
Haha, there you go, mystery solved! ^^Oh, wow. I think I know who it is. And yes, yes I did. :lol
hey guys can I turn in my exotic thorn bounty now? I want it to be at the new 365 scale.
Anyone know? Bout to boot up the game but terrified to turn in this bounty to soon.
Haha, there you go, mystery solved! ^^
Someone reteweeted something from @TheCryptarch to my feed. I click through and he's blocked me from following or seeing his tweets. :lol
I wonder what I did to piss him off.
Also, the chest can drop legendary engrams!
This is the first time I've ever seen or heard of it. It must be super rare.It was rare but yes I think I've seen it before
Also, the chest can drop legendary engrams!
Ember caves chest location
Yeah they said in the patch notes to hold onto your legendary engrams until Tues. Today's patch apparently makes some legendary engrams unable to be decrypted.Confirmed.
But my cryptarch stopt decrypting :/ I have a legendary and a blue engram, but I cant decrypt them, they wont show up when I'm at rahool but he does have the exclamationmark on him
Ember caves chest location
Also, the new pike is fun.
I was actually about to ask this. I finished the 2nd encounter but didn't get the key. And it sucked cause I found the chest too...
Yeah they said in the patch notes to hold onto your legendary engrams until Tues. Today's patch apparently makes some legendary engrams unable to be decrypted.
I'd wait. I have all exotic bounties atm (actually have 2 Invective) and I'm waiting. Worst case you have to wait a few days for a 331 Thorn/shard. Not long now.
Yeah they said in the patch notes to hold onto your legendary engrams until Tues. Today's patch apparently makes some legendary engrams unable to be decrypted.
Yeah they said in the patch notes to hold onto your legendary engrams until Tues. Today's patch apparently makes some legendary engrams unable to be decrypted.
yeah, but my blue one wont work either; probably the same thing tho.
k... *inhales deeply*Okay, I can confirm there are multiple chest spawn locations per event.
The best thing you can do is just get high really and look for the light beam.
yeah, but my blue one wont work either; probably the same thing tho.
Cryptarch seems to not be decoding engrams from the bounty treasure chests.
So uh, who wants to team up and do these bounties on PS4?
Ember caves chest location
Also, the new pike is fun.
Alright, let me pick up the bounties first.Join on me, I am in forgotten shores
So uh, who wants to team up and do these bounties on PS4?
From reddit:
"[SGA] If you open an Ether Chest, leave the area, and return before the buff expires, you can open the chest a second time."
ah, according to Reddit:
Bummer. Hopefully it'll be fixed up.
It was probably intended for the patch to come out on Tuesday and 1 new bounty would open each day. So since we're getting the patch Friday we have 4 available now.
The idea was to gain access to one new bounty a day, every day this week until the HoW release. Obviously the patch didn't make it on Tuesday so we're already on day 4.
Patch was supposed to come a few days ago. We should have started on day 1 only, which was Tuesday.
Because they were supposed to start Tuesday
Ummm. White nail doesn't work.