Welp, we Titans are officially fucked in the HoW exotic department, Hunters and Warlocks get all the joy as usual.
Bungie pls.
You can keep grinding the chests after doing the bounties 8D
I'm gonna go ahead and say I'm not sure if their is any good to come out of farming these treasure keys, that can't be gotten in other ways.
I'm not going to waste any more time doing that.
What seems so great about about the Hunter exotics?
Celestial Nighthawk -- Golden Gun fires ONE shot, 6x damage + Keyhole.
6X damage on Golden Gun is stupid since you don't need it in PVP and in PVE the Golden Gun is more about generating orbs for teammates than it is about damage burst. Only useful when solo'ing bullet sponge bosses. Most people will use a different exotic and just switch over to this when they are about to encounter a boss.
Keprhi's Song -- Gain invisibility after short crouch. (Like Stalker perk.) Melee from behind while invisible deals 4x damage.
Okay, so you don't have to use the Stalker perk anymore and can pick one of the other perks. Not terrible, but no better than the Titan armor that lets you gain a class perk without actually committing to it in the skill tree. EDIT: Nevermind, now that I think about it this means you can go cloaked as a Gunslinger -- that's actually pretty overpowered, particularly when combined with Don't Touch Me gloves.
Bones of Eao -- Upgrades Double Jump with additional jump.
Not even worth an exotic slot, highly situational. Most people will just switch gear at the moment when they need it. Bladedancers can already swap to Gunslinger when they want a triple jump.
I'm doing the bounties, that's it, why grind something that will probably drop petty easy?
Middle one will give gunslingers invisibility though. That's going to be awesome.
Edit: Haha you edited right when I posted this
haha you were out of bloom too shem?My stack of 400 spirit bloom is a pretty good reason.
Yeah, sorry about thatThe Reddit page claims that this is a Bladedancer exotic, so it was kind of unclear to me if it would apply to Gunslingers. Reading the description though I see no reason why a Gunslinger wouldn't be able to use it.
All the same though, it's really only 1 good exotic out of 3.
And I'm having a hard time seeing what is so awesome about the Warlock exotic armor. I think Khepri's Song is the only "must-have" exotic armor so far.
What seems so great about about the Hunter exotics?
Celestial Nighthawk -- Golden Gun fires ONE shot, 6x damage + Keyhole.
6X damage on Golden Gun is stupid since you don't need it in PVP and in PVE the Golden Gun is more about generating orbs for teammates than it is about damage burst. Only useful when solo'ing bullet sponge bosses. Most people will use a different exotic and just switch over to this when they are about to encounter a boss.
Keprhi's Song -- Gain invisibility after short crouch. (Like Stalker perk.) Melee from behind while invisible deals 4x damage.
Okay, so you don't have to use the Stalker perk anymore and can pick one of the other perks. Not terrible, but no better than the Titan armor that lets you gain a class perk without actually committing to it in the skill tree. EDIT: Nevermind, now that I think about it this means you can go cloaked as a Gunslinger -- that's actually pretty overpowered, particularly when combined with Don't Touch Me gloves.
Bones of Eao -- Upgrades Double Jump with additional jump.
Not even worth an exotic slot, highly situational. Most people will just switch gear at the moment when they need it. Bladedancers can already swap to Gunslinger when they want a triple jump.
You mean the Gauntlets: http://www.destinydb.com/items/1619609940
Its exotic I thought? Plus it goes into gaunlet slot anyways. So you cant stack it with Dont Touch me.But meleeing someone and doing 4x dmg is gonna be uber
What seems so great about about the Hunter exotics?
Celestial Nighthawk -- Golden Gun fires ONE shot, 6x damage + Keyhole.
6X damage on Golden Gun is stupid since you don't need it in PVP and in PVE the Golden Gun is more about generating orbs for teammates than it is about damage burst. Only useful when solo'ing bullet sponge bosses. Most people will use a different exotic and just switch over to this when they are about to encounter a boss..
I wonder if the knife counts...
haha you were out of bloom too shem?
/high five
Middle one will give gunslingers invisibility though. That's going to be awesome.
invisible fuckin golden gun
as if best class needed a reason to be even bester
Don't worry, any nerfs needed will probably happen pretty quickly.invisible fuckin golden gun
as if best class needed a reason to be even bester
Say what. I am become god.
Close to 4 hours grinding chests and only ended up with one key. Thanks Bungie!
Seriously though thanks everyone (Shem, Colonel, Spyder, Private, Kalamari, Jiza) for the group. 6 player patrol was pretty fun!
Now I become death, the destroyer of worlds.invisible fuckin golden gun
as if best class needed a reason to be even bester
Just saw this video posted on reddit. It's one of the best things I've seen from destiny player base yet. https://youtu.be/goyTGRS7Gxw
Well in Crucible with that much burst you can one shot a Titan defense shield. I think already a gunslinger two-shots away the bubble. Plus, it depends how they handle the perk that does overflow. Might be able to make two gaurdians combust in one shot if they are standing too close. I've done this already when teammates are being silly and hugging each other
[edit] this is all guesswork. In crucible they might cap this... Will take experimentation
Just did Flawless Rider on VoG! It's was an amazing experience, very tense. Those jumps had me on the edge of my chair.!
Opened a chest three times and still no key.
Just saw this video posted on reddit. It's one of the best things I've seen from destiny player base yet. https://youtu.be/goyTGRS7Gxw