Missed my first chest out of like 10 fights. Anchor of Light is no joke, chest-wise. woof.
exodus boooooo
Have one spot Crota HM.
I saw the patch notes but have yet to load up the game and check new stuff. I'm seeing folks mention farming and shit so could someone provide me a bullet point list of things I should get done before Tuesday with the new content?
Have one spot Crota HM.
I love a game with updates to mix things up but I'm still not sold on whats supposed to be the interesting gameplay in patrolling these worlds at high level, effortlessly gunning down grey enemies while collecting the occasional chest or natural resource and not much of anything else.
Other aspects of Destiny have taken time for me to grock but the core gameplay ideas behind patrols for players who have leveled past those areas is something that still completely eludes me.
You guys have room?
It may also be a good idea to look over this Reddit post to learn where the Ether Chests spawn.
- Visit Petra Venj in the Tower and grab the available Bounties.
- Go to one of the locations that the Bounty target is located at in Patrol Mode.
- Wait for the 'A Pack of Wolves is Prowling' message to appear on your HUD.
- Defeat the Target, search for the Ether Chest.
- Rinse and Repeat.
Edit: Another good Reddit Post for Queen's Wrath:
What if it just gives Glimmer.Finally got my third key!
I have a problem
TG 35 and 0. Me and Grimlock not surprised.
Nami saying so much we can barely stand it.
First time I've ever had TLW fire in slow motion on me.
At least you're talking.ok so swearing counts
And I wouldn't doubt that you could kill Praetorians with TLW
You guys are crazy
I would say that what TG is doing right now iscreating content. He should be a PvP streamer
one spot can hop in after this game
Someone said LOOK OUT in Arnold voice. I thought i had that trademarked
HAHA. Every time I play VoG HM someone says "Get to the Cave" as the legions come.
Arnold voice of course.
What if it just gives Glimmer.
You spend all that time.
For Glimmer.
Have one spot Crota HM.
I'm back. Plans cancelled. Started to rain.
That kid was too focus on telling me how to run sword when he can't even dps from bubble which you can do.
Anybody wants to help me get Wheel his Crota kill. I'll run sword.
1. Moi
2. Wheel
Oh Hai Guys what the hell has been going on here. Anybody playing or doing anything fun?
I'm back. Plans cancelled. Started to rain.
That kid was too focus on telling me how to run sword when he can't even dps from bubble which you can do.
Anybody wants to help me get Wheel his Crota kill. I'll run sword.
1. Moi
2. Wheel
I'm back. Plans cancelled. Started to rain.
That kid was too focus on telling me how to run sword when he can't even dps from bubble which you can do.
Anybody wants to help me get Wheel his Crota kill. I'll run sword.
1. Moi
2. Wheel
I'm back. Plans cancelled. Started to rain.
That kid was too focus on telling me how to run sword when he can't even dps from bubble which you can do.
Anybody wants to help me get Wheel his Crota kill. I'll run sword.
1. Moi
2. Wheel
I can go for another kill. Going to be on a 31 titan though
In the OP if you scroll down has an awesome lvling guide for post 20+ lvls.I'm 23 in Destiny, should I keep doing strike playlist and bounties until I purple out and get to 26? Then focus on raids?
Any spots left on the train? Need PvP marks for HoW.exodus boooooo
one spot on crucible train
psn twilightgap
This is the no fun thread.
So can these queens emissary missions be done NOW?
So can these queens emissary missions be done NOW?
Yes it can and I failed miserably on the first one just now. Can I join you?So can these queens emissary missions be done NOW?
I can help if you guys still need bodies. DPS pro right here.