Not fair, I only have oneGimme vault space bungie! Can't hold all these keys!
Fatebringer get!
Not fair, I only have one![]()
Saw someone get a thunderlord today.
I really do not like this grindFarm chests instead of grimoire![]()
Jesus, how many do you have now?!Gimme vault space bungie! Can't hold all these keys!
Only a couple days till HoW time to reflect.
It's crazy how different the upgrade system looks now compared to it's reveal. Another difference that really peaks my interest is the talent points, and how those would've been acquired as well as how they would've worked. Really would've loved to see what this game was like pre alpha and see what was cut and what else was changed.
Anyone up for Vault HM full? If so leave PSN (PS4)
I'm at hm deathsinger if anyone wants to help with a crota kill. Just add me ichabod00. Could use a sword ninja and a warlock or two.
How can you do both at the same time?I'm down. Shadowkayos
I'm down. Shadowkayos
I can help if you find more guys.Anyone want to farm treasure? I am so bored lol
I can help if you find more guys.
8 keys now. It looks like you can only hold 5 in the vault; you can't place another stack in there.
Anyone know if you can still keep them in the Postmaster inventory if you have 5 in the vault and 5 on you?
The old UI is terrible... sorry guys.
How can you do both at the same time?![]()
Anyone want to farm treasure? I am so bored lol
Still 0 keys after a few hours of farming. Too many blue engrams destroyed same as my soul.
Operation Vault of Titans was a success!
Where do you think you're going?
I do kinda sorta miss the old UI.
Miss Joe Staten even more though.
I think for the past 4-5 weeks I've done a full Titan VoG run lol! Got my third Foil but no surprise in the postThanks for the invite!
Anyone want to run a fresh NM CE?
I'm at hm deathsinger if anyone wants to help with a crota kill. Just add me ichabod00. Could use a sword ninja and a warlock or two.
Need one for HM deathsinger and Crota, anyone want to join? ichabod00, and me on PSN.
Zero keys and no 4th Horseman, what did you do to RNGesus?
Opened at least 60 chests and I have 1 key, you'll get one eventually
Need one for HM deathsinger and Crota, anyone want to join? ichabod00, and me on PSN.
Me.Anyone want to VOG chest farm in venus?
Need one for HM deathsinger and Crota, anyone want to join? ichabod00, and me on PSN.
No idea what I did to it but surely wasn't good.
I can be swordbearer if you want: Raybunzy but surely you are already full. Time or more chest farm.
Anyone want to VOG chest farm in venus?
It's the loot cave all over again.
Key #12 XD
Did you finish all the story missions? If you finish The Black Garden, you will get pulse rifle The Stranger's Rifle. If you haven't done it yet, do it.
It's the best secret weapon to get you started in Crucible.
I'm coming, need to restart. My controller stopped working for no reason.
EDIT: Well. Spot was taken. Still you could've at least said hello and goodbye before kicking me out of the party.
They seem to be the serious types. They are telling me how to do everything. LOL.
They seem to be the serious types. They are telling me how to do everything. LOL.