Anyone having issues logging in (PS4)? Psn is up but I keep getting hit with "destiny servers not avail"
Sounds great, I've not tried a Nightfall yet so would be well up for that! Could do tomorrow night, before the reset?
Lol thanks TG. Nice work there yesterday on that 35-0...![]()
@_@Got my sixth treasure key.![]()
I was having that problem last night and earlier this morning, yeah PSN is having problems. Restart your PS4 and see if it works after that.Anyone having issues logging in (PS4)? Psn is up but I keep getting hit with "destiny servers not avail"
Sounds great, I've not tried a Nightfall yet so would be well up for that! Could do tomorrow night, before the reset?
Honestly with how little we know about the keys I think if you jut get one that's probably more than enough.Won my first game of rumble in months. Feels nice. I played too conservatively at first for K/D reasons, but came from behind to take it.
Barely lost my second because I waited too long to get aggressive.
How many treasure chests is that? Probably quite a few.
I'm ~40-50 chests deep and still empty handed
On the bright side my hunter just had a bunch of postmaster items displaced by what will likely be disappointing blue engrams.
Won my first game of rumble in months. Feels nice. I played too conservatively at first for K/D reasons, but came from behind to take it.
Barely lost my second because I waited too long to get aggressive.
How many treasure chests is that? Probably quite a few.
I'm ~40-50 chests deep and still empty handed
On the bright side my hunter just had a bunch of postmaster items displaced by what will likely be disappointing blue engrams.
Titan can't carry any more niether can hunter, bank is full and lock is almost full..
blues and legendary galore..
2 fucking keys.. TWO!
Won my first game of rumble in months. Feels nice. I played too conservatively at first for K/D reasons, but came from behind to take it.
Barely lost my second because I waited too long to get aggressive.
Happy May birthdays!
Crap it is Phen0m24 and Figs birthdays today.
Happy birthday guys. May birthdays are the best!
Learned something new about Destiny. Thanks for the heads up.Son of a bitch... I had a legendary engram in lost items at the post master yesterday, today it's gone
I didn't realize the more you pickup it deletes whatever is in there....
Titans you are like the bulbasaurs of the destiny world. Nobody wants them.
Well you still need him to buy exotic shards, unless you have exotic shit to spare.![]()
How do I get the theme? I bought the expansion pack a long time ago but don't see any new destiny theme in the ps store.Finally stopped procrastinating and actually bought the HoW expansion, the theme is better than the first one so there's that. I need to farm some chests but FFXIV has been taking my time up...until next week. I want some of those treasure keys by HoW release though![]()
Missed by a mile.
But Bulba loves you!
Great idea, I'll add you on PSN and aim for 10pm after GOT?
I'm not exaggerating when I say that VOG run reinvigorated me, my mental health has been a bit squirrelly lately and just chatting and doing the raid has done me the world of good, I can tell already so cheers again, especially to Sploatee for reaching out![]()
Learned something new about Destiny. Thanks for the heads up.
Titans you are like the bulbasaurs of the destiny world. Nobody wants them.
Son of a bitch... I had a legendary engram in lost items at the post master yesterday, today it's gone
I didn't realize the more you pickup it deletes whatever is in there....
Yeah, the Postmaster box is a FILO (first in, last out) stack. If your consumables are full, your Treasure Key will go there. As long as you don't pick up twenty items before you visit the Postmaster, it will be there, but I wouldn't put it off. I lost a Treasure Key that way.Yeah, anything over 20 items at postmaster starts to overwrite the oldest with newest ones picked up.
Oh well, legendary boots is what I lost. Still have a legendary special weapon![]()
Great idea, I'll add you on PSN and aim for 10pm after GOT?
I'm not exaggerating when I say that VOG run reinvigorated me, my mental health has been a bit squirrelly lately and just chatting and doing the raid has done me the world of good, I can tell already so cheers again, especially to Sploatee for reaching out![]()
Titans you are like the bulbasaurs of the destiny world. Nobody wants them.
Oh man, this thorn bounty is going much much better now that I picked up Word of Crota. Not having a primary that dealt void damage was killing me. It actually feels possible now!