I keep hearing that about bad juju. I really need to spoon some XP into it and give it a shot.
Ooooo I got a House of Wolves legendary in the Crucible!
No damage bubbles and everything!
It happened not that long ago with the Archon Priest strike.
Seems like they need to clean up their process a little bit.
I'm guessing we're getting more content at a quicker pace at the cost of the testing level.
Leave it unannounced
Sees people complaining about it on Reddit before they get to announce it
Announce that it was actually unintentional
Day 7 reward, yes
Gotta disagree here. I play Crucible a ton and I'm good at it, too (somewhere above a 2.5 overall K/D), but the Thorn bounty was a huge pain in the ass to me and I eventually gave up on it. If you don't have a Void primary then you're basically screwed. I had Word of Crota, but I'm terrible with hand cannons and could barely get kills with it -- which made me realize I probably shouldn't care about getting Thorn so much anyways, lol.
I keep hearing that about bad juju. I really need to spoon some XP into it and give it a shot.
This just in:
I did it twice exclusively with 77 Wizard, almost all in Rumble (the second time after the fusion rifle nerf in fact). A void primary is not necessary.Gotta disagree here. I play Crucible a ton and I'm good at it, too (somewhere above a 2.5 overall K/D), but the Thorn bounty was a huge pain in the ass to me and I eventually gave up on it. If you don't have a Void primary then you're basically screwed. I had Word of Crota, but I'm terrible with hand cannons and could barely get kills with it -- which made me realize I probably shouldn't care about getting Thorn so much anyways, lol.
It has been a blast in PvE for a long time and enables some incredible PvE builds. Zoba was saying it is now ensconced in the top tier for PvP as well.I've been playing with mine while farming HoW chests and I've been impressed with it for PvE. The gun had a really bad rep before all the buffs. But it's something special now.
Exactly, Bungie seriously needs to balance their stuff more/better and leave some other things alone. As much as I love my Hawkmoon if that means that the almighty Thorn gets its buff together with the HM then so be it.Plus Bungie has been pretty direct about the whole "We don't want 1 gun to be the end all be all solution to PvP. If there isn't variety, then we aren't doing our jobs right."
If you play PvP at the higher levels, not even higher really, but anything above mid levels, you start to see more thorns and hawkmoons than any other primary.
Thus, Bungie isn't living up to their own standards, and you can probably expect a correction to it in the near (read: 3 months) future.
Totally agreed, the bounty difficulty is way overblown IMO.If you've got a team of people feeding orbs to each other (and doing it consistently) then you can get 5-6 supers in a match. But usually it's like 3-4 each match.
And yea Thorn is absolutely OP it has far too many advantages and pretty much no disadvantage. It's very hard to battle against in 1v1 situations because of the DoT and audio/visual effect. TLW needs a nerf too but not as much as Thorn.
Also the Thorn bounty isn't really that hard if you play crucible even semi regularly, so the hard to get = ok to be OP explanation isn't very valid (in fact it shouldn't be like that in a first place for non IB PvP where balance should be the priority)
I consider top tier to be TLW HM and of course our good friend the Thorn actually haha but the Bad Juju is also a very good weapon if you know how to use it. I prefer it to the Red Death because I can't just seem to make enough kills with that slow firing bad stabilized weapon, it's just not my thing =Plol at that towel jpg. todays sine wave is something else
replying to the thorn discussion, bad juju is actually a top tier weapon. well, it's close
the last word
red death
bad juju
If you play PvP at the higher levels, not even higher really, but anything above mid levels, you start to see more thorns and hawkmoons than any other primary.
I muddled through with my brother for support and a rare void fusion rifle
Huh, weird. I tried it with Word of Crota, Praedyth's Revenge, and a Prudence II and barely made progress on it. Plus having to use a hand cannon in PvP made it no fun for me since I suck with those so bad. And I tried it after special weapon ammo drops got reduced, so that made it even harder.I did it twice exclusively with 77 Wizard, almost all in Rumble (the second time after the fusion rifle nerf in fact). A void primary is not necessary.
PicsOoooo I got a House of Wolves legendary in the Crucible!
No damage bubbles and everything!
If you've got a team of people feeding orbs to each other (and doing it consistently) then you can get 5-6 supers in a match. But usually it's like 3-4 each match.
And yea Thorn is absolutely OP it has far too many advantages and pretty much no disadvantage. It's very hard to battle against in 1v1 situations because of the DoT and audio/visual effect. TLW needs a nerf too but not as much as Thorn.
Also the Thorn bounty isn't really that hard if you play crucible even semi regularly, so the hard to get = ok to be OP explanation isn't very valid (in fact it shouldn't be like that in a first place for non IB PvP where balance should be the priority)
So ppl can farm the end chest? Makes sense.
Farm the keys, so you can farm the end chest.
Am I the only one seeing a problem here?
I muddled through with my brother for support and a rare void fusion rifle
So ppl can farm the end chest? Makes sense.
Farm the keys, so you can farm the end chest.
Am I the only one seeing a problem here?
So ppl can farm the end chest? Makes sense.
Farm the keys, so you can farm the end chest.
Am I the only one seeing a problem here?
So Rahool's brother, Loohar?Seems like Rahool will be lonely tomorrow:
Because of this guy:
Gotta disagree here. I play Crucible a ton and I'm good at it, too (somewhere above a 2.5 overall K/D), but the Thorn bounty was a huge pain in the ass to me and I eventually gave up on it. If you don't have a Void primary then you're basically screwed. I had Word of Crota, but I'm terrible with hand cannons and could barely get kills with it -- which made me realize I probably shouldn't care about getting Thorn so much anyways, lol.
Edit : I totally misremembered my K/D, lol. It's sitting at 1.70 right now.
I used Atheon's Epilogue, the Suros MKB-51 and the Truth coupled with those sticky Titan grenades, bounty went pretty fast that way.Huh, weird. I tried it with Word of Crota, Praedyth's Revenge, and a Prudence II and barely made progress on it. Plus having to use a hand cannon in PvP made it no fun for me since I suck with those so bad. And I tried it after special weapon ammo drops got reduced, so that made it even harder.
I find the Mythoclast very disorienting to be hit by personally, for sure. I can tell that's what it is, but it just messes me up.
Hawkmoon is balanced as shit damnit! :[
So ppl can farm the end chest? Makes sense.
Farm the keys, so you can farm the end chest.
Am I the only one seeing a problem here?
So Rahool's brother, Loohar?
I consider top tier to be TLW HM and of course our good friend the Thorn actually haha but the Bad Juju is also a very good weapon if you know how to use it. I prefer it to the Red Death because I can't just seem to make enough kills with that slow firing bad stabilized weapon, it's just not my thing =P
I don't use sniper rifles in the Crucible by any stretch whatsoever so I don't have much ability to advise in that category, since you named two. A void shotgun or fusion would be a much more straightforward, and Corrective Measure would give you the biggest advantage toward doing it of any item in the game IMO.Huh, weird. I tried it with Word of Crota, Praedyth's Revenge, and a Prudence II and barely made progress on it. Plus having to use a hand cannon in PvP made it no fun for me since I suck with those so bad. And I tried it after special weapon ammo drops got reduced, so that made it even harder.
Gotta disagree here. I play Crucible a ton and I'm good at it, too (somewhere above a 2.5 overall K/D), but the Thorn bounty was a huge pain in the ass to me and I eventually gave up on it. If you don't have a Void primary then you're basically screwed. I had Word of Crota, but I'm terrible with hand cannons and could barely get kills with it -- which made me realize I probably shouldn't care about getting Thorn so much anyways, lol.
Edit : I totally misremembered my K/D, lol. It's sitting at 1.70 right now.
Thanks for the tip, I really really reaaally need to learn how to use it, skilled players seem to wreck shit in PvP.Red Death is the anti Thorn. It throws off your aim and saves you from the DoT.
If all guns were good for fighting in the air, I wouldn't mind using Red Death. Once you get used to mobility though, it's hard to give up TLW.
I totally woulda used AE if I had it. I don't play PvP with my Titan much, but if I she ever gets the Thorn bounty I'll definitely give it another shot.I used Atheon's Epilogue, the Suros MKB-51 and the Truth coupled with those sticky Titan grenades, bounty went pretty fast that way.
Oops, I thought Prudence was a machine gun. I'm not sure what gun I'm thinking of... Anyhoo, I usually use snipers over shotguns, except for on the smallest maps. That's been changing, though, since I've been trying out an agility focused PvP build and using MIDA as my primary. It's shotguns 90% of the time now.I don't use sniper rifles in the Crucible by any stretch whatsoever so I don't have much ability to advise in that category, since you named two. A void shotgun or fusion would be a much more straightforward, and Corrective Measure would give you the biggest advantage toward doing it of any item in the game IMO.
8:30 & 9:30 raid teams, what are we doing about PoE this week?
Ah, Prestige IV most likelyI totally woulda used AE if I had it. I don't play PvP with my Titan much, but if I she ever gets the Thorn bounty I'll definitely give it another shot.
Oops, I thought Prudence was a machine gun. I'm not sure what gun I'm thinking of... Anyhoo, I usually use snipers over shotguns, except for on the smallest maps. That's been changing, though, since I've been trying out an agility focused PvP build and using MIDA as my primary. It's shotguns 90% of the time now.
You must be thinking of something else. Invective is solar.I managed to complete the PVP Thorn bounty without a void primary where Invective was my savior. Had to forego how I usually play and concentrate on getting the best K/D possible while only using Invective. Took several days to do it, but believe me, it's worth it.
Thorn is my favorite hand cannon in the game. Hawkmoon just dropped for me and I'm giving it a whirl and getting used to it so I can't pass final judgment yet, but Thorn has given me a huge boost in PVP. I love that thing.
Red Desth seriously reminds me of the battle rifle, but with hell of a lot less range.
I love it.
The problem is that the weapon is ridiculously unbalanced, period. A hand cannon with formidable stats and a perk that does damage over time with every first hit is just too much, if a Thorn can win/tie a direct 1 on 1 battle with a LMG without much difficulties then you know there's something wrong.
And how many supers does a player with 100% intellect have in an average game? 4? Your comparison doesn't make sense. Not trying to offend you at all man but everyone who is objective knows that the weapon needs at least a subtle nerf.
You're a Thorn user yourself aren't you? I challenge you to stop using that weapon in PvP for a week, you'll see what jett figa and I mean when we say the weapon is OP and a complete buzzkiller in PvP. "If you can't beat them you must join them" is a terrible solution even though it's something I've seen lots of people do unfortunately.
Exotics were supposed to feel overpowered (if that's how you like to call it, I think Bungie said they are supposed to feel "premium and unique" IIRC) sure, but not BE overpowered.
The bounty was, once again, pretty easy to do, remember, mileage may vary. If we're going by your metric that difficult/long bounties should give you OP weapons then the Bad Juju should be a top tier one.
Destiny's PvP shouldn't necessarily be competitive but it should be fun, and a match full of Thorns isn't something I'd call fun. That "Guardians should feel OP" is something I've never heard either but if that's the case then Bungie should give everyone infinite Golden Guns.
This just in:
I love the shit of of Red Death. I love the sensation of getting into a chaotic 2v1 at range and realizing that you actually have the advantage because you know at least one of them will get killed and trigger the regen. My biggest problem with it is being too aggressive because of how confident it can make you feel after a couple of "near deaths." Really easy to keep it equipped while running into what I'd call "Felwinter's range."
What he said.Im so confused.
Im so confused.
What he said.
Gotta disagree here. I play Crucible a ton and I'm good at it, too (somewhere above a 2.5 overall K/D), but the Thorn bounty was a huge pain in the ass to me and I eventually gave up on it. If you don't have a Void primary then you're basically screwed. I had Word of Crota, but I'm terrible with hand cannons and could barely get kills with it -- which made me realize I probably shouldn't care about getting Thorn so much anyways, lol.
Edit : I totally misremembered my K/D, lol. It's sitting at 1.70 right now.
Im so confused.
What he said.
They came up with the idea of Recommendations just to make Tower vendor purchases. It's clear Bungie gives zero fucks when it comes to boneheaded ideas that fuck over the player.They can't possibly have thought this was a good idea.