The Thorn bounty is tough if you try to play out of your element. if you find a decent Void special and heavy, you just have to stay positive for 10-20 games. Perhaps it goes by quicker if you have Word of Crota or Atheon's Epilogue so long as you don't die a bunch of times, but I don't see that going too well with the current meta game.
Anything that isn't in the top 5-10 weapons is basically obsolete.
Thorn either needs a lower mag again and/or a DoT change (proc only on headshots or low health opponents)
The Last Word needs 111 glitch patched
Hawkmoon's fine
Red Death's fine
Mythoclast needs better visual feedback and less body shot damage
Once you pass mid-level, these are the only weapons you see. Once you get to high level, it's only Thorn and TLW. And a step above that is only Thorn, Felwinter's Lie and Bladedancers.