A separate OT from this one?
Which one are we supposed to use starting tomorrow when HoW hits?
I would rather stay here...
I have come to the conclusion that I suck with Handcannons that aren't Fatebringer and Hawkmoon. And in these past rounds, I have gotten more kills with Vex than I did with TLW, Thorn, and Fatebringer. Hawkmoon still remains king for me.
Soo...I haven't played PvP in months honestly.
what the fuck did they do with shotguns? they are just....OP?
fucking ridiculously good?
not even fair anymore?! like what???
I'm staying here, I'm afraid of gaming side destiny threads.
It's safe here *hugs ot21*
Soo...I haven't played PvP in months honestly.
what the fuck did they do with shotguns? they are just....OP?
fucking ridiculously good?
not even fair anymore?! like what???
Whats this now?
So i don't get this key thing, will you need keys to get better stuff? Like the big chest at the end of PoE? Or no?
I've updated the latest patch notes. Let me know how we'e going to handle it for tomorrow's reveal.
It's OK baby bird. Eventually you will have to leave the nest.
Gaming side is safe:
Fuck me, never mind. Stay here it is safer.
Gah... you guys and your Hawkmoons.
I don't need no horn, everyone I roll with has at least 2 but damn I will kill for a Hawkmoon.
So basically, you need two forms of RNG now to get something out of the PoE chests?
Form 1 being the keys from the bounty chests and then form 2 being the actual PoE chests themselves?
I am totally screwed. I have been farming chests and still not a single treasure key.
So basically, you need two forms of RNG now to get something out of the PoE chests?
Form 1 being the keys from the bounty chests and then form 2 being the actual PoE chests themselves?
I am totally screwed. I have been farming chests and still not a single treasure key.
Soo...I haven't played PvP in months honestly.
what the fuck did they do with shotguns? they are just....OP?
fucking ridiculously good?
not even fair anymore?! like what???
Oh man. Did my first Nightfall yesterday (along with my first complete Vault of Glass run woot!), but we did wipe once and have to restart it before steeling ourselves for the win. Would suck if the game would have kicked us when we were already down.
Lol every gun is op except auto riflesSoo...I haven't played PvP in months honestly.
what the fuck did they do with shotguns? they are just....OP?
fucking ridiculously good?
not even fair anymore?! like what???
not everyone :/
lol we have to play doubles
For the first time since it got nerfed the first time. I remember how OP it was before that first nerf hit. I only had it for two days but those two days were glorious!Are you just trying Vex in crucible for the first time or something?
The keys from farming aren't necessary, they will be used for extra chances at loot. You can still get loot without them.
You will still get a key to open treasure chests after completing a PoE arena challenge.... as far as I know...
We did it guys, Obama has a twitter account.
You and I, we are a special kind of fail when it comes to not having the horn yet.
Your right I am sorry. But we are better for it. I honestly believe it, we have to come up with interesting ways to take care of situations. Never do we just pull the horn out and problem is solved.
“What does it unlock?”
There are multiple chests in the Treasure room, and only one requires a Treasure Key to unlock. This ultimate chest will have the chance at rewarding Exotics, Legendary Queen gear, Fallen-themed cosmetics, Strange Coins, & Motes of Light.
The smaller chests, which do not require anything to unlock, have the chance at rewarding Armor Cores, Strange Coins, and Motes of Light.
Ahh okay thanks![]()
Really? Link.
We did it guys, Obama has a twitter account.
We got them badonkadonks, no need for horn.
When would you be available to play Borderlands ?
I've got a Thorn bounty I'm about to complete. Would it be stupid to get it now before the DLC drops? I know last DLC you had to upgrade your pre-DLC weapons to DLC standards. Is that likely to happen here?
Like hawkian said, Thorn's problem is that it doesn't have any drawbacks. Everything else is more or less balanced in some way with a tradeoff.
It's weird, anytime I see somebody bringing up the Thorn bounty they mostly talk about the pvp section of the bounty, but I'm really struggling with getting to & killing Xyor the unwed. Perhaps it's a gear issue, or a skill issue maybe, but I'm not able to solo it on my level 29 warlock. Is there something obvious I'm missing here?
I've got a Thorn bounty I'm about to complete. Would it be stupid to get it now before the DLC drops? I know last DLC you had to upgrade your pre-DLC weapons to DLC standards. Is that likely to happen here?
I haven't played Salvage much. Is there a reason you were waiting until the last second on the timer to revive? It was making me super nervous lol.
The weapon has no drawbacks and requires minimal skill to ensure that you have some nice results, it's as easy as that. Headshots are piss easy to make and the DoT coupled with the range gives the weapon an advantage the other exotic HC don't have.I don't always use my thorn though. In PVP I switch between Last word, thorn, Vex or red death. You just gotta learn how to play against thorn users. I have defeated many thorn users one on one with my last word, vex or red death. It's not like the weapon is a two shot kill on body. Getting head shots with it still require skill....
I don't take destinys PVP seriously enough to warrant them to nerf weapons. IMO thorn would not be a issue of the Auto rifles never got nerfed. Actually leave all exotics alone... It's why they are tough bounties and drops because they are supposed to be over powered. I worked hard for my tough to get weapons and I don't want them nerfed. I was pissed that they nerfed the vex because at the time, it was not an easy weapon to obtain and still can be a tough drop for some on VOG hM.
The thorn bounty was a bitch to go through so yes I want to be able to go into PVP and abuse it. It's not like the gun is a drop like a ghallajorn or hawkmoon. Everyone at a time can get the bounty and earn it themselves but don't penalize those who earned it by nerfing it. If they want to do that, make destiny PVP barebones as in don't allow supers, armor abilities, weapon abilities and all the other things that make the PVP so niche.
I've got a Thorn bounty I'm about to complete. Would it be stupid to get it now before the DLC drops? I know last DLC you had to upgrade your pre-DLC weapons to DLC standards. Is that likely to happen here?
That's for the level 34 PoE arena right? I thought armor core is a guaranteed drop for the level 32 Arena.
I've got a Thorn bounty I'm about to complete. Would it be stupid to get it now before the DLC drops? I know last DLC you had to upgrade your pre-DLC weapons to DLC standards. Is that likely to happen here?
It has 2 drawbacks but you can make up for one thanks to the 2nd line of perks so it can either be it's range or balance and 90% of thorn users go for balance because without it they can't land precision hits. By sacrificing range they become more vulnerable to Hawkmoon, Scout rifles and some pulse rifles like Red Death and 3LW. Hawkmoon is more OP, 13 shots, 3 shots with 33% more dmg and can/may be stacked, high impact, best range, artificial stability thanks to low fire rate.
A separate OT from this one?
Which one are we supposed to use starting tomorrow when HoW hits?
I would rather stay here...
This is wrong. Or if you're right about 90% of thorn users, 90% are doing it wrong.It has 2 drawbacks but you can make up for one thanks to the 2nd line of perks so it can either be it's range or balance and 90% of thorn users go for balance because without it they can't land precision hits. By sacrificing range they become more vulnerable to Hawkmoon, Scout rifles and some pulse rifles like Red Death and 3LW. Hawkmoon is more OP, 13 shots, 3 shots with 33% more dmg and can/may be stacked, high impact, best range, artificial stability thanks to low fire rate.