Byron Bluth
I'm staying here, I'm afraid of gaming side destiny threads.
It's safe here *hugs ot21*
Who's down for key farming on Venus in about a half hour?
I'm staying here, I'm afraid of gaming side destiny threads.
It's safe here *hugs ot21*
I'm up for setting up a group for Venus Farm.Anybody chest farming?
wow AGAIN 2 people get a new legendary but this time I get nothing :/ but damn I'm wrecking some shit in salvage lol
The timer is actually counting down how long until you are able to revive, not how long you have to do so.
I'm up for setting up a group for Venus Farm.
1. EroticSushi
2. HigXx
I'm not sure about all loot but at least some loot, including weapons, can be purchased directly from the PoE vendor so you can get what you want. Who knows about the rest since Bungie has kept the treasure aspect a complete mystery.
It has 2 drawbacks but you can make up for one thanks to the 2nd line of perks so it can either be it's range or balance and 90% of thorn users go for balance because without it they can't land precision hits. By sacrificing range they become more vulnerable to Hawkmoon, Scout rifles and some pulse rifles like Red Death and 3LW. Hawkmoon is more OP, 13 shots, 3 shots with 33% more dmg and can/may be stacked, high impact, best range, artificial stability thanks to low fire rate.
Save me a spot!!!!
I'll be on in less than 30 min!!!
I'm up for setting up a group for Venus Farm.
1. EroticSushi
2. HigXx
3. Byron Bluth
Any brave adventurers want to help one more Gaffer get Thorn?
I know you all love the gun so much and are anticipating one more person having it! At the last part to take out Space Ninja Witch.
Yeah, whatever dude. You don't know what you're talking about. Stop day-drinking on a Monday.
You gonna be on tomorrow night for some HoW action?
Any brave adventurers want to help one more Gaffer get Thorn?
I know you all love the gun so much and are anticipating one more person having it! At the last part to take out Space Ninja Witch.
Add me, ManxWraith![]()
PSN Airborne82troop
Shhhh, don't reveal my secrets!
I'll be on tomorrow during launch and then hopefully again later in the evening.
Thanks we appreciate it but we got one.
Do either of you need it?
Is it possible to get shot package rolled on Felwinter's? I swear a guy picked me off with one shot from 12'+ away.
I'm doing the same for dinner.Is it weird that I'm going to prepare lunch for tomorrow so that I can play more...
It's totally weird isn't it?
I.... I think I have a problem....
Is it possible to get shot package rolled on Felwinter's? I swear a guy picked me off with one shot from 12'+ away.
Thanks we appreciate it but we got one.
Do either of you need it?
I have several vanguard and crucible faction packages at my postmaster.
I know that if I open them now I will potentially get commendations which can be used to rank up vanguard/factions after HoW drops. I assume those commendations won't drop for future packages obtained in HoW but maybe instead, they will just give you the same xp when they get opened.
On the other hand, if I wait, maybe I will get new HoW gear from the packages. Or not, if it works like the new engrams.
If I want to optimize my rewards/xp, should I open the packages now to get commendations (which may not drop after HoW), or should I save them to get a little xp bonus for new HoW gear?
You guys HoWing without me.
I see HoW it is
Is it weird that I'm going to prepare lunch for tomorrow so that I can play more...
It's totally weird isn't it?
I.... I think I have a problem....
I'm doing the same for dinner.
You better get them sorted and make sure you complete your rectal expulsion(defecate, shit, do no 2 ,discharge) before we hit our marathon.
You guys HoWing without me.
I see HoW it is
Of course!
This is my baby.
Yep. That's the golden ticket.
I haven't played Salvage much. Is there a reason you were waiting until the last second on the timer to revive? It was making me super nervous lol.
boo this man
So ppl can farm the end chest? Makes sense.
Farm the keys, so you can farm the end chest.
Am I the only one seeing a problem here?
EwOf course!
This is my baby.
I appreciate all the different responses about Thorn (well . . . most). Seems like Robinson and I really started a fire here.
One thing to consider: when I first started playing Crucible before I even reached level 20 with my first character, it wasn't Thorn or TLW that bothered me. It was Hawkmoon. I didn't understand how a gun could kill me with 2 shots. It seemed unfair. I knew about Luck in the Chamber, but I didn't know about Holding Aces (the perk that adds more lucky bullets). If those 2 perks proc consecutively, it's over.
You can say what you want about Thorn, but please don't kid yourself about the bounty. It's not easy. Maybe if you played 500 hours of Call of Duty, but for those of us who didn't, using a shitty void primary and praying to your personal divinity that you get some heavy kills is a fucking grind, especially for those of us who did it on a hunter with no void grenades, melee, or super. I would never want to do that again. So, the reward should be sweet.
Then there's Hawkmoon. How much skill does it take to get this gun? I was playing with this total newb this past weekend who made us take over an hour to get through the Gorgon Maze. And he pulled a Hawkmoon from the chest! Then he said he didn't even want it and only cared about the Vex. Anyone can land a Hawkmoon through RNG luck, unlock the 2 perks, and pray for RNG goodness. At least with Thorn you have to complete a bounty that is very hard to cheese and has to be done alone.
Skirmish, not Salvage.
And there's a timer for how long you have to wait to revive someone that increases with each revive. I think it maxes out at 13 seconds or something like that.
Wonder what the Queen's Favor reward from today is going to be once we can claim it in the Reef tomorrow?
I appreciate all the different responses about Thorn (well . . . most). Seems like Robinson and I really started a fire here.
One thing to consider: when I first started playing Crucible before I even reached level 20 with my first character, it wasn't Thorn or TLW that bothered me. It was Hawkmoon. I didn't understand how a gun could kill me with 2 shots. It seemed unfair. I knew about Luck in the Chamber, but I didn't know about Holding Aces (the perk that adds more lucky bullets). If those 2 perks proc consecutively, it's over.
You can say what you want about Thorn, but please don't kid yourself about the bounty. It's not easy. Maybe if you played 500 hours of Call of Duty, but for those of us who didn't, using a shitty void primary and praying to your personal divinity that you get some heavy kills is a fucking grind, especially for those of us who did it on a hunter with no void grenades, melee, or super. I would never want to do that again. So, the reward should be sweet.
Then there's Hawkmoon. How much skill does it take to get this gun? I was playing with this total newb this past weekend who made us take over an hour to get through the Gorgon Maze. And he pulled a Hawkmoon from the chest! Then he said he didn't even want it and only cared about the Vex. Anyone can land a Hawkmoon through RNG luck, unlock the 2 perks, and pray for RNG goodness. At least with Thorn you have to complete a bounty that is very hard to cheese and has to be done alone.
Wonder what the Queen's Favor reward from today is going to be once we can claim it in the Reef tomorrow?
Thorn is one of the first weapons revealed for Destiny along with Gjallarhorn, Fate of All Fools and the Pocket Infinity, so it has a long history with the game. You're absolutely right that the bounty is tough (i had to do it again recently) and it deserves a fitting reward.
As much as I'm biased against it from seeing it abused so much in Crucible, I'm not saying it should be nerfed to oblivion like the Mythoclast once was. I just think it needs checks and balances to be brought in line with the rest of the weapons. There's really no drawback to using it in PvP right now.
boo this man
I've never played CoD or Battlefield (okay I think I played like 5 matches of BF3 because it was free on PS+), so don't pretend like you have to be some shooter pro to be able to get the Thorn bounty done.
I appreciate all the different responses about Thorn (well . . . most). Seems like Robinson and I really started a fire here.
One thing to consider: when I first started playing Crucible before I even reached level 20 with my first character, it wasn't Thorn or TLW that bothered me. It was Hawkmoon. I didn't understand how a gun could kill me with 2 shots. It seemed unfair. I knew about Luck in the Chamber, but I didn't know about Holding Aces (the perk that adds more lucky bullets). If those 2 perks proc consecutively, it's over.
You can say what you want about Thorn, but please don't kid yourself about the bounty. It's not easy. Maybe if you played 500 hours of Call of Duty, but for those of us who didn't, using a shitty void primary and praying to your personal divinity that you get some heavy kills is a fucking grind, especially for those of us who did it on a hunter with no void grenades, melee, or super. I would never want to do that again. So, the reward should be sweet.
Then there's Hawkmoon. How much skill does it take to get this gun? I was playing with this total newb this past weekend who made us take over an hour to get through the Gorgon Maze. And he pulled a Hawkmoon from the chest! Then he said he didn't even want it and only cared about the Vex. Anyone can land a Hawkmoon through RNG luck, unlock the 2 perks, and pray for RNG goodness. At least with Thorn you have to complete a bounty that is very hard to cheese and has to be done alone.
Wonder what the Queen's Favor reward from today is going to be once we can claim it in the Reef tomorrow?
Exactly. The closest thing to a drawback it has is it's clip size/reload time, but due to the range it has, you can stay at such a safe distance and duck around a corner to reload.
So the weapon negates it's own downside by default.
I dunno, I'm still of the opinion that Hand Cannons need to have a closer damage fall off range. I hate that I get into long distance fights with hand cannon users when I'm using my scout rifle. It just doesn't make any sense to me.
Got two keys from the SAME chest. Holy shit
Got two keys from the SAME chest. Holy shit