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Destiny |OT21| Our House, in the Middle of the Reef

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Noob question: Now that shotguns can't roll with Hammerforged, are Pre-HoW Felwinters better than Post-HoW Felwinters?


The Cryptarch's Bane
that felwinter's lie in the screenshot doesn't even have hammer forged. It gets worse, people! :p

thorn never sucked, it just required a lot of skill and some theorycrafting with your build to succeed with. an appropriate buff would have been reload speed or magazine, or, what I'd have preferred, a buff that just made it more effective only in PvE. The unique effcts both visual and gameplay-wise have always been awesome. It used to carry a true intimidation factor in the Crucible for me, you didn't see it often but when you did you'd wonder if it was someone who knew how to use it, then if they started tearing up the scoreboard you'd become really afraid to run into them. When I finally got mine I got to be on the other side of that and loved it.

Now I'm surprised if I don't see it equipped on at least half of any good opposing team.

I don't want it returned to its original state. I like that it's an all-around fearsome weapon now and a more appropriate out-of-the-box reward for its bounty. But a modest nerf for balance purposes in order such that it isn't such a clear winner. It has completely unique advantages that aren't replicable on any other weapon and I don't see them discussed all that often in lieu of the more obvious perks, like the way the DoT damage floaters allow you to keep tracking a target through walls.


what I don't understand is why did Thorn started bothering a lot of people here so much recently, it's last buff was last year. With Suros it was as soon as Xur sold it that people complained it to be OP. Thorn has been like this since December I believe? And until now there's complains? Thorn is a powerful weapon, and it does take practice to become really good with it, maybe not as much time as TLW but deciding between range or balance and handling the recoil. It can have the best range but then it becomes very inaccurate at the distance. I really hope Thorn doesn't become the next Suros even though I don't use it that much now it's really sad to see an exotic weapon (and this one has a really great lore behind it) obsolete.


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Maybe Thorn should go back to 6 bullets. Its still a 2 shot with skills, but you need to reload more often.

Lots of owners were satisfied with v1 once they got the hang of it. But due to early complaints Bungie decided to buff it someday, players actually got used to it in the mean time and laughed when the buff essentially made it OP.


Hit 27 and got Vanguard 2, so am most of the way onto 28 since I was able to buy two purples. What should I be doing to try to get to 30? I have all purples now, except for my chest piece. However, I barely have ascendant materials (I never really seem to get them), so I have a long way to go to try to upgrade these purples. Any advice is appreciated.


The Cryptarch's Bane
what I don't understand is why did Thorn started bothering a lot of people here so much recently, it's last buff was last year. With Suros it was as soon as Xur sold it that people complained it to be OP. Thorn has been like this since December I believe? And until now there's complains? Thorn is a powerful weapon, and it does take practice yo become really good with it, maybe not as much time as TLW but deciding between range or balance and handling the recoil. It can have the best range but then it becomes very inaccurate at the distance. I really hope Thorn doesn't become the next Suros even though I don't use it that much now it's really sad to see an exotic weapon (and this one has a really great lore behind it) obsolete.
haha, it first started bothering me when its buff was all still speculative, back in OT10.

It takes a while for the meta to shift; it wasn't considered top tier immediately by everyone. But I can certainly find you plenty of posts complaining about it the day of the buff if that would make you feel better. Things also shook out a little differently after the AR nerf/HC overall range nerf/PR buff. There's also the matter of new players or people who have only done the bounty since the buff and starting to use it immediately, there's no "comparison" taking place, it's just always been one of the all-around best weapon in the game.

range or balance
It can have the best range but then it becomes very inaccurate at the distance.
it has an enormous amount of aim assist, I don't know what you're talking about at all :( It can hit headshots from quite a ways out with extreme reliability.


Packages that are already in your Postmaster inventory shouldn't reward HoW gear. The only reason I say "shouldn't" is because the HoW weapons seem to be in the PvP inventory, so it is possible that if you earn a package today that it will be the HoW versions of the packages, but we don't know yet.

If they have been in the Postmaster prior to today's patch, they will be TDB packages and won't have HoW loot on their tables. That said, that should also mean that they will contain Commendations even after HoW goes live, so it is probably safe to save them anyway and use the XP to level some of the new gear you'll get tomorrow.*

* - I take no responsibility for what actually happens whatever you decide to do

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. The downside would be if commendations get cut from all package reward loot pools. So it's basically risking losing ranking up factions faster to also be able to level up new gear with xp.
Hit 27 and got Vanguard 2, so am most of the way onto 28 since I was able to buy two purples. What should I be doing to try to get to 30? I have all purples now, except for my chest piece. However, I barely have ascendant materials (I never really seem to get them), so I have a long way to go to try to upgrade these purples. Any advice is appreciated.

You're right on level to be doing VoG. You'll be drowning in ass mats soon enough.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Hit 27 and got Vanguard 2, so am most of the way onto 28 since I was able to buy two purples. What should I be doing to try to get to 30? I have all purples now, except for my chest piece. However, I barely have ascendant materials (I never really seem to get them), so I have a long way to go to try to upgrade these purples. Any advice is appreciated.

It can have the best range but then it becomes very inaccurate at the distance.
Time to hit the Vault of Glass my friend! There's a newbie raid on Thursday night EST if you are interested.
Hit 27 and got Vanguard 2, so am most of the way onto 28 since I was able to buy two purples. What should I be doing to try to get to 30? I have all purples now, except for my chest piece. However, I barely have ascendant materials (I never really seem to get them), so I have a long way to go to try to upgrade these purples. Any advice is appreciated.

Get a group together who can help you through the Crota's End raid. If you pick up a couple pieces of armor there, you'll be 30 without needing any upgrades.

Otherwise, hit up VoG and hope for some armor drops there. You'll have to max them to get to 30 but it's another option.
what I don't understand is why did Thorn started bothering a lot of people here so much recently, it's last buff was last year. With Suros it was as soon as Xur sold it that people complained it to be OP. Thorn has been like this since December I believe? And until now there's complains? Thorn is a powerful weapon, and it does take practice to become really good with it, maybe not as much time as TLW but deciding between range or balance and handling the recoil. It can have the best range but then it becomes very inaccurate at the distance. I really hope Thorn doesn't become the next Suros even though I don't use it that much now it's really sad to see an exotic weapon (and this one has a really great lore behind it) obsolete.

Suros and basically every other auto was OP when Thorn was buffed. After Suros, it was the Mythoclast. Hand cannons creeped up once that was nerfed and then the Iron Banner following the Exotic buff (in February i believe) saw the rise of the Thorn.

The Last Word was rare even after it was sold in November, but Xur has sold it twice since then.

It takes a while for the meta to shift



what I don't understand is why did Thorn started bothering a lot of people here so much recently, it's last buff was last year. With Suros it was as soon as Xur sold it that people complained it to be OP. Thorn has been like this since December I believe? And until now there's complains? Thorn is a powerful weapon, and it does take practice to become really good with it, maybe not as much time as TLW but deciding between range or balance and handling the recoil. It can have the best range but then it becomes very inaccurate at the distance. I really hope Thorn doesn't become the next Suros even though I don't use it that much now it's really sad to see an exotic weapon (and this one has a really great lore behind it) obsolete.
You be surprised how much guys I kill with Thorn or Hawkmoon from high distances... I kill even snipers on one to one fight.

Suros and basically every other auto was OP when Thorn was buffed. After Suros, it was the Mythoclast. Hand cannons creeped up once that was nerfed and then the Iron Banner following the Exotic buff (in February i believe) revolved around the Thorn.
Mito Vex is pretty great in PVP yet.

AR are useless now... even Suros :(


hand cannon reload gloves make that a non-issue.

rather than make them weaker at range, they should just lower the aim assist. you'd be killing two birds with one stone (well 3 birds including hawkmoon) and wont be making the weapons less powerful.

it'd bother me too if i can't engage a scout rifle user at all because my gun can't even kill from that far away.

I think you should be able to engage too, though I think HCs definitely need to have a shorter fall-off than scouts. Scouts should be at pretty significant advantage in that particular scenario.

Otherwise I generally agree HCs just need lower aim assistance. The entire weapon category is just kind of out of position in that regard.


House of Wolves apparantley will reward good crucible performance with better loot chances.

Also, PSA, people are reporting HoW vendor weapons are dropping in Crucible, at least in Salvage


I don't suppose anyone is doing the HoW bounties at the Cosmodrome and on The Moon are they? This lowly lvl 26 is looking to tag along with anyone doing them. Already got lucky enough to find groups of people farming Venus.


All you guys wanting to nerf Thorn are scaring me. Leave it be. It's no better than Hawkmoon or TLW. It was a garbage tier weapon that is now a worthy alternative to any of the exotic HC's mentioned above.

Pls stahp.
I've had the Thorn back when it sucked....

Had to use Atheons Epilogue to get the crucible bounty done, and I had to run around a planet for hours to get the upgrade mats for it.

I've earned that fucker, and I'm glad it's a strong weapon now....

hahaha, great minds think alike. Need to wine and dine the wife tonight so I can get away with playing for two days lol.
Kuma shock! Thorn never sucked...instead got buffs that were not needed.
So I haven't been following the finer details of how the new stuff upgrades. I know a lot of resource costs are being lowered, but are they doing away with Ascendant materials? If so, will pre-HoW gear still have the same resource costs and continue to require them (and only adding the Ascend option)?


what I don't understand is why did Thorn started bothering a lot of people here so much recently, it's last buff was last year..

It is an unintended side effect of Bungie's recent Crucible changes where they made special ammo spawn rare. So now its not as effective to run around with a shotgun or fusion rifle. so what the community has done is switched to handguns which offers the next highest burst damage

PVPers always gravitates to the highest burst damage they can get their hands on. Sniper rifles and hand guns. But most maps are not sniper friendly in Destiny like it is in other FPS. That leaves hand canons.


what I don't understand is why did Thorn started bothering a lot of people here so much recently, it's last buff was last year. With Suros it was as soon as Xur sold it that people complained it to be OP. Thorn has been like this since December I believe? And until now there's complains? Thorn is a powerful weapon, and it does take practice to become really good with it, maybe not as much time as TLW but deciding between range or balance and handling the recoil. It can have the best range but then it becomes very inaccurate at the distance. I really hope Thorn doesn't become the next Suros even though I don't use it that much now it's really sad to see an exotic weapon (and this one has a really great lore behind it) obsolete.
It's because more and more people are using it, some time has passed since the game released and a lot more people have the gun now in comparison with when the first buff happened.
If you're playing a clash/control match and 4 of your 6 opponents are using the Thorn then you're gonna have a bad time.
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