Amibguous Cad
yeah I don't know. there are lots of oneshots, OP weapons and "cheap" kills. But everyone has access to them, there are lots of different viable builds you can succeed except at what is apparently the highest level of competition). almost everything has a counter, and skill does almost always win out despite the chaos.
i can get behind the idea that it's not supposed to be balanced, I guess. But it's a lot of fun and could be more fun with some slight changes. If anything there should just be a hardcore playlist with no supers, class abilities or heavy for the more serious competitive aspects.
I guess I'm not sure if the final product is created when you have the quest step to turn into the speaker, or when you actually go to talk to the speaker. I know that for example, the gunsmith has a bad juju waiting for me and it appears to be a 302 base one.
I guess I don't really care though, it'll have to be ascended either way. I'm not sure if sploatee is on the Xyor step or not, but sure, I'm in whenever.
I completed mine yesterday and turned it for the gun, might turn out to be a mistake, but I'm okay with it either way. You could always complete the objective and wait to turn it in until tommorow. If you guys decide to do it now and want a third I'd be happy to come lend a hand. Just let me know if I should hop on the ps4.
Sweet. Invites sent to the both of you. Thanks for helping, Atone.