Wow the patch is a lot later than 1pm est.
It's not coming (today):
Wow the patch is a lot later than 1pm est.
It's not happening:
It's not happening:
You should apply.
lol why would I make her cry?
Well I guess I might as well play some crucible now
Bungie's Twitter:
Wasn't this patch supposed to include the doubled mark rewards and more frequent post-game drops for Crucible though?
Mirror of the Void
Whoa whoa whoa so my helm of inmost light, when ascended, will be FORTYTWO???
Dudes, lol, it's currently THIRTY.
So do all three non helm armor types come in at 36? That will give me 150 light immediately.
Wasn't this patch supposed to include the doubled mark rewards and more frequent post-game drops for Crucible though?
Bungie's Twitter:
Wasn't this patch supposed to include the doubled mark rewards and more frequent post-game drops for Crucible though?
Yeah you would be level 32 instantly with the new vendor gear (non-ascended variety) and a 42 light exotic helm.
Yes. That's why I was waiting.
I was about to say when I saw your post I thought you didn't know and I could think in my head was... "oh yeah, and um... about this patch and Crucible"... XD
Of course, since level disadvantages are enormous in the game. But 300-365 will be an important jump since it'll allow us to one-shot enemies that used to take two shots, making FB's Outlaw/Firefly combo even better. It only truly shines when one shotting, and 365 should help guarantee trash can always be delivered in a single blow.
This is fantastic, this is why Warlocks will be supreme!
All vendor armor will be sold at +36 Light right off the bat.omg guys I'm kvelling
tears of joy mah dudes
it was just a joke aimed at your swearing. also shes not very good lol
neither am I
alothuogh she makes me cry when we play super mario and Diablo 3. shes very competetive in co-op games.
Bungie's Twitter:
Yeah but there's some trash you can't shot at -1 level (like CE HM now or POE later) unless you have a high impact HC at the proper attack base.True, but any level 30 enemy you can 1 shot with a 300 Fatebringer, you'll still be able to 1 shot that same enemy at level 34 if you are level 34 with a 300 Fatebringer.
Lol yep
Also, though, I just realized I shouldn't celebrate so early. Nightfall is gonna be 32 now isn't it.
My response to your retort would lead to another one-week ban. Maybe if I just make a disparaging remark about the Brewers... hmm...
That said, yeah... "Guardian Down" is something that those playing with me hear often.
I should be on a little tonight if you are having trouble remembering what it sounds like.
in b4 HoW delay announcement
in b4 HoW delay announcement
Was today's patch supposed to open up the Rift to the public?
Was the patch supposed to have some thing good open up that people are getting upset about? Or was it just 'cause every one wanted some patch notes?
in b4 HoW delay announcement