Wow, I actually will have to sign up. I am sold.
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Join my clan Ladies of Strong Back
Wow, I actually will have to sign up. I am sold.
Hawk, I work evenings and will probably never get to run a newbie raid, but do you always stream it?
I've never run CE so maybe I can learn vicariously through your hawklings.
I'd be happy to give up my spot.
You can also check youtube... there are lots of tips/tricks videos.
youll need to speak in a high pitched voice.
or say the F word with an english accent
Final call for normal gorgon.
Wait! Just got back! Coming!!!
Add me: Homeboyd903Any X1ers want to do 3x NFs and 3x Weeklys?
GT: xGeneral Ice
I may be on closer to 7:15pm. Depends on what time by 1 yo settles down =P
Final call for normal gorgon.
Doing Nightfall. On the second session if anyone wants in. PSN: Rentaline
Can I join? I'll train my back and raise voice pitch.You just have to feel like one.
Hurry guardian, the clock is ticking..
Just finished watching Mary Poppins with my daughter, I got this shit down...
Doing Nightfall. On the second session if anyone wants in. PSN: Rentaline
That's fine, we can wait
are you doing hard next?
Gorgon still crapping exotics, another Hawkmoon!
That's a dozen exotics so far.
Perhaps I'll let you be part of the Funner Runner Squad™™ tonight if you promise to behave.
That's right, I double-trademarked that shit. I don't know what a double trademark is but neither do you.
thanks for the asc mats, and the Suros! (my first ever dropped Suros, and second overall)Final call for normal gorgon.
you cant fix ugly
whats wrong with it?
If I may ask, what needs fixing with that ship? Honest question.
lol all are welcomeCan I join? I'll train my back and raise voice pitch.
Final call for normal gorgon.
Have been soloing the game since release, mostly using LFG to do Nightfalls and the Weekly but have only done VOG once and have never touched Crota.
Would love some helping hands in the next couple of weeks - I know HoW will be taking up a lot of time but hopefully I can jump in on the harder levels of PoE with some of ya
Psn ID is njd82
So the digital guardian edition is on sale on XB1 this week for $60 and I'm really feeling the urge to jump back in. Haven't played since late October when I traded it back in. Anyone still play on XB1?
Can I join? I'll train my back and raise voice pitch.
what the fuck
who do you think you are?
Logging on now...Hard gorgon now..
Hard gorgon now..
Or maybe I'm just a Destiny addict who rarely plays sober and thus entertains (and frustrates) all those who dare join his fire team.
Have been soloing the game since release, mostly using LFG to do Nightfalls and the Weekly but have only done VOG once and have never touched Crota.
Would love some helping hands in the next couple of weeks - I know HoW will be taking up a lot of time but hopefully I can jump in on the harder levels of PoE with some of ya
Psn ID is njd82
I believe I'm CreamedCorn's Destiny foil.
The yin to his yang perhaps...
Or maybe I'm just a Destiny addict who rarely plays sober and thus entertains (and frustrates) all those who dare join his fire team.
Yeah from what I've heard you and I should actually combine forces...
Ask the FunRun squad about my drunken CE runs
Anyone sharing Gorgon CP?
Is it harder to get hard gorgon than normal? More likely to get spotted due to more gorgons or something or is it the same run to the chest?
Check in! We got 15 minutes till raid time.
1) The Forgotten Founder of School of Hawk namikaze1
2) The Hezen-less Breezy
3) Gonna steal Breezy's Hezen RetroGamer42
4) DiscreteCat, Seeker of the Hawk
5) Queen of the Hunters and Lady of Strong Back Figadapaura
6) Mass Appeal (I got nothing)
Yeah from what I've heard you and I should actually combine forces...
Ask the FunRun squad about my drunken CE runs
you cant fix ugly
whats wrong with it?
If I may ask, what needs fixing with that ship? Honest question.
I wouldn't be where I am if it weren't for Hawkian