But shards and energy from the chest amirite?I already got a Thunderlord off Atheon the previous run.
Edit: top of the page....
Goodbye, Necrochasm. I love you now and forever.
But shards and energy from the chest amirite?I already got a Thunderlord off Atheon the previous run.
Turtle.What error keyword are you typically getting?
I get WEASEL errors all day e're day.
Mehy u no axion bolt
The Multitool. Though I totally missed when I gor it on the run.Ended up getting hunger of Crota on the same run which was great seeing as my old launcher was booty.
I still need to do 2 nightfalls. Anyone else?
PSN AdamKoy
1 sided dismantle bets are dumb, m'kay? Learn your lesson kids.
fuck yeah
Hope you don't mind me tagging along Agent Tiro.
I didn't even know there was a bet going on, but I fully accept that Nami will dismantle Necros based on my Hezens.
Probably the rarest from VoG, I never see it drop. Congrats!
You are dismantling the Horn too. Another meaningless bet.
yay. :|
BTW in the crucible you don't get XP per kill, just per match, right?
I'd be in for one
Psn keakster
I remember when mine dropped
Deku was there
he had never seen it drop before, and I got it the first time I raided since November.
The montage video will be glorious~!
I always run sword with the Midi. Always. That extra speed helps.
yay. :|
BTW in the crucible you don't get XP per kill, just per match, right?
nice job!, I was pretty sure it was your points, but not sure
Oh and another spot for last DS/Crota kill.
You get the perks of the equipped weapon while holding the sword? Thats cool.
FR sent
Room for one more, NF
Join AdamKoy
Never thought I'd get my Exotic Collection here.
Those armor pieces will be Xur/RNG, but nothing I immediately want. Nechrochasm can go suck it, at least until I hit level 34. Just need a couple of VoG gear and I'm all set.
We're in an alliance with the Ladies of Strong Back.
watched a no gun run of CE from Datto, how do you have no guns equipped? they had none in the video
Never thought I'd get my Exotic Collection here.
Those armor pieces will be Xur/RNG, but nothing I immediately want. Nechrochasm can go suck it, at least until I hit level 34. Just need a couple of VoG gear and I'm all set.
nice job!, I was pretty sure it was your points, but not sure
60 exp for a kill or assist, none for capping points and I think 1800 for a win, not sure how much for a loss
Can't get past the Press A to start screen :/
Never thought I'd get my Exotic Collection here.
Those armor pieces will be Xur/RNG, but nothing I immediately want. Nechrochasm can go suck it, at least until I hit level 34. Just need a couple of VoG gear and I'm all set.
you dont have epilougue or word of crota, void burns NFs must be a bitch,when they show up once every 3 months
I just wish they had an account system or something so I could easily update my collection on the site from my phone, iPad or laptop.
In Mother Destiny, Atheon's Epilogue epilogues you!
There should be a trophy for killing Crota with the crappy warlock.
Thanks for the runs everyone.
you dont have epilougue or word of crota, void burns NFs must be a bitch,when they show up once every 3 months