Terrible, I need implants. I always had poor teeth but since I wanted to box in undergrad I damaged 4+ teeth. But life.
You were a boxer! Wow! Sry about your teeth.
Next time I'm on I'm happy to team up with you guys for ToO.
Terrible, I need implants. I always had poor teeth but since I wanted to box in undergrad I damaged 4+ teeth. But life.
That's unfortunate. I'm gonna have to use weapons and builds I'm not too fond of.Just like Iron Banner, yes.
Any Xbone guys up for some ToS. Gotta get me that chest piece.
GT - Lee182jib
I will join. ShikiAoi
Tried to do it ToO with some randoms, didn't really work out too well. XD
I did get the boots as a drop, so it could have been worse.
Does one too consumable count for your whole team?
need 1 more for ToO
psn robertlebrone
So, win One complete match and you get acces to Mercury?
So, win One complete match and you get acces to Mercury?
Pocket Infinity is cleaning house so far. Perfect for the mode so far as I can tell. Plan C is also still excellent, and Light of the Abyss is a mini Plan C without its crazy perk/range, but with skip rounds that can actually score you a kill now and then. Perun's Fire with accelerated coils is still ridic too, and then you have the low charge, crazy high impact/range like 77 Wizard, Praetorian Foil and Plug One.1 which are my preferred type.For Crucible, if you're going to be using a shotgun or fusion rifle in my opinion it will either need range or a higher RoF.
My Two to the Morgue is awesome because of auto-fire.
Plug One.1 is great for range.
Pocket Infinity combines the best of both and is a pretty effective counter to Felwinter's if you've got space between the enemy.
Obviously Felwinter's is still basically the best special weapon to have, but these are what I've had success with without it.
and, then, yeah. holy hell.On top of the auto rifle, I also got this. Probably the best PvP fusion rifle in the game.
Are those 36 light?
Need one more for lvl 32 PoE
Would like to start shortly. Like, now.
Destiny OT22 Game of Thorns of OsirisDo we have a name lined up already for the new OT?
Destiny |OT♦22| Ascend
Destiny |OT♦22| Wrath, Trials, Prison
Destiny |OT♦22| House Rules!
Destiny |OT♦22| Vaaaault Spaaaace, Yessss?
Destiny |OT♦22| Grandmother, What Big Content You Have!
PSN: ethomazNeed a third for ToO
I'm in. PSN: xGrief
I got 70 coins this week and haven't done any weeklies yet. Not sure what is the point of doing weeklies in times like this except to get the quick 499 rep.
i can count the number of times ive seen a fusion rifle since the nerf on one handPocket Infinity is cleaning house so far. Perfect for the mode so far as I can tell. Plan C is also still excellent, and Light of the Abyss is a mini Plan C without its crazy perk/range, but with skip rounds that can actually score you a kill now and then. Perun's Fire with accelerated coils is still ridic too, and then you have the low charge, crazy high impact/range like 77 Wizard, Praetorian Foil and Plug One.1 which are my preferred type.
Plan C seems as capable of ridiculous, cheap, unbelievable kills as ever to me. I don't get why people stopped complaining about it cough thorn cough.
and, then, yeah. holy hell.
Pocket Infinity is cleaning house so far. Perfect for the mode so far as I can tell.
i can count the number of times ive seen a fusion rifle since the nerf on one hand
+10000Destiny OT22 Game of Thorns of Osiris
What's your PSN?I'm down for ToO, need a group
What's your PSN?
I'm down for ToO, need a group
lol ToO is not for me I keep getting paired with bad teams sticking to PoE
Tried to do it ToO with some randoms, didn't really work out too well. XD
I did get the boots as a drop, so it could have been worse.
lol ToO is not for me I keep getting paired with bad teams sticking to PoE