Hawkian's newbie raid would be an option if i wouldn't live in germany.
Is there some time that'd be good for EU folks? I could maybe set up an alternate time newbie thing if there was enough interest.
the first thing I'll ascend is probably going to be the item I love most: Hawkmoon pic
I still remember the hype when you pulled it out of the CE Abyss chest, good times. Nice to see you posting more again!
I will be sad if I am not 101. I understand but I will be sad. Something I had to give Math a lot of grief about.
You are 103 actually. Sadly #101 has had to wait two days to be added since I was reset raiding/slacking.
I kinda want to make a new graphic for the list but I'm not terribly skilled at it. I saw Kadey post about doing some scrolling thing with the list, that might be an option.
We knocked those out yesterday itself, plus a couple of bonus gk+atheon runs.
Ah, that's cool. Yeah I've been "gone" since we finished the reset activities until now. I'll wait until some group wants to do legit runs, I enjoy those encounters too much to keep giving them the short stick.
page top edit: Besides you're always slacking in VoG. I mean look at this: