Don't worry todd, I have your Warlock-back. Warlock is definitely best class, followed closely by Bubble Titans.Warlocks are so misunderstood. In lore and on DestinyGAF.

Don't worry todd, I have your Warlock-back. Warlock is definitely best class, followed closely by Bubble Titans.Warlocks are so misunderstood. In lore and on DestinyGAF.
Don't worry todd, I have your Warlock-back.
My opinion has been shattered to pieces by your impressively articulated argument in favor of titans.
I concede defeat.
Lol. I know. At least tell me that hunters are best. Not titans.
Almost all of my weapons and armor pieces are maxed experience wise, need a fuck-ton of mats now. I've been up since around 3am on 4 hours of sleep, and I'm beat. I'm calling it a night. Look forward to reading at a minimum 7 pages when I get up tomorrow. Good luck Guardians. Point the end of your pew-pew things at the heads of the bad space monsters and you shall prevail.
Technically, I should even be here since I'm at work... >.>Take over for me then. I gotta go to bed.
Wait. It's a hall? I thought it was more of a frat house.
It was the same for me and I finally got my ghorn drop. It'll happen, just keep playing lol.
Don't worry todd, I have your Warlock-back. Warlock is definitely best class, followed closely by Bubble Titans.
You know what else had Space Magic?
Technically, I should even be here since I'm at work... >.>
Don't burn yourself out~ I'm taking a mini break from Destiny so I'll be ready come HoW.
Nice work math and +1 for "crapsnacks" although I'm guessing the FDA would have a tough time categorizing crap snacks.
It doesn't stop them from saying Cinnamon Toast Crunch is whole grain though LOL
I should have clarified. I had to get up early to do a class for work..
I'm starting to feel the Warlock love in this thread.
PM me your Skype username and be on this Sunday at 7 pm est and I'll invite you.
Need 1 for nightfall x2. Ltwood12
Set to public.
I'm starting to get the hang of a certain warlock jump so it's not so bad now. Surprised I get four hits into Crota with a warlock.
I usually just sit back and let them trash us. Its a waste of breath/typing energy. I really should go to bed.
You're a crapsnack
Sent, should be fun!
I usually just sit back and let them trash us. Its a waste of breath/typing energy. I really should go to bed.
I've always extolled the virtues of the Warlock in these DGAF threads. It's only recently that I've also experienced the pleasures of the Bubble Titan (also known as the "Come at me bro" class, when coupled with the Helm of Saint-14 in Crucible)I'm starting to feel the Warlock love in this thread.
And we also taught Hunters how to use Blink. Really, they couldn't do anything without us ^_^As a fellow Warlock you should know, we are amazing at multi tasking.
We are also good at Mathematics (yes the word is upper cased because math is the greatest thing in the world), critical thinking, brewing and writing complex sonnets that require a great understanding of societal differences between the class system.
Also we are amazing at knitting.
You know what else had Space Magic?
And we also taught Hunters how to use Blink. Really, they couldn't do anything without us ^_^
Too soon man.You know what else had Space Magic?
Is there a TG tutorial anywhere? I keep trying to make it work for me, but I must be over thinking it or something. My characters never have enough room to fit a load out, but trying to send a load out to the vault usually takes it from a different character.
I've always extolled the virtues of the Warlock in these DGAF threads. It's only recently that I've also experienced the pleasures of the Bubble Titan (also known as the "Come at me bro" class, when coupled with the Helm of Saint-14 in Crucible)![]()
There you go Todd, that one was for youdon't
Too soon man.
There you go Todd, that one was for you![]()
This... is.. amazing! So many great features.
I've been using Loadouts on my iPhone for a couple weeks. It has worked great, especially for loadouts (duh) but Tower Ghost works on iPad and has more bells and whistles. I'm gonna switch for a bit to see how I like it but so far I'm impressed. Why do you like Loadouts more?
Edit: One big difference I just noticed: I moved over some weapons from the vault so that primary/special/heavy were all full and tried to apply a loadout. On Tower Ghost, I got an error saying there was no room and nothing happened. On Loadouts, it moved one gun of each type to the vault before it moved over the guns in the Loadout. So there's one advantage to Loadouts.
As a warlock, frankly I'm insulted when I grace a strike with my presence and the titan and hunter don't take a moment to bow in reverence before me.
Anyone doing Nightfall? Still need to do it on my Titan.
I;ll run one with you, I still have to do three myself.
PSN: HidingMyThunder
A tasty one at that
Dude my sinuses are killing me. Have had a headache all day. Going to try to sleep.
Be nice to Fig. I have a lot of respect for hunters.
I mean they are for all intensive purposes living garage door openers to Crota's End.
Go forth hunter and traverse those dark halls of the abyss...
Fig just happens to do all that shit in style.
I think overall, this is Bungie's worst batch of PvP maps in recent memory.
Nicely done!