Jesus why do randoms have to be THAT bad in the weeklies? Like fuck sake. And this no burn thing is not helping. Fuck that noise
Trying to catch up on the thread. Xurday eve and I need the Nightfall x3, weekly x2, and have only got one hard VOG completion. I need help DGAF.
i need 2 weeklies. in a meeting atm, though :|
When do you finish cos these randoms are pissing me off
Trying to catch up on the thread. Xurday eve and I need the Nightfall x3, weekly x2, and have only got one hard VOG completion. I need help DGAF.
It's fine. I'll do something else meanwhilestill have 45 minutes. if you find someone, don't feel like you have to wait for me.
Just saw your post. I'm available for either VoG or CE (preferably CE) for the next couple of hours. PSN RetroMG.
anyone need a body for any raid?
That Sniper. Hnnnnnnnng.
Kinda looks like this one.
thanks, will send you a FR. That's three.
Me! Normal VOG, hard VOG or normal CE (I've never done the last two before). Any preference?
anyone need a body for any raid?
Fresh Normal CE cause it's fast and I am lazy.thanks, will send you a FR. That's three.
Me! Normal VOG, hard VOG or normal CE (I've never done the last two before). Any preference?
Fresh Normal CE cause it's fast and I am lazy.
1) some srucb who spams r2
2) murderham
3) sploatee
Fresh Normal CE cause it's fast and I am lazy.
1) some srucb who spams r2
2) murderham
3) sploatee
Retro and Namikaze too, I think
I'm scared! New raid!
Something tells me that this won't happen
On a side note, if you aren't using the Tower Ghost Chrome extension, you have no idea what you're missing. It's a game changer for those of us who switch characters and loadouts often.*
* I am an uncompensated spokesperson
I'm in too. RetroMG
Retro and Namikaze too, I think
I'm scared! New raid!
Fresh Normal CE cause it's fast and I am lazy.
1) some srucb who spams r2
2) murderham
3) sploatee
4) RetroMG
5) Nami (?)
Now you need to post... be a man even if Fig kill you afterI'm afraid about posting the pic I just did. It looks so wrong. Like Fig will kill me wrong. Not sure if I should post it. Math will have a laugh though.
Edit: I'm coming hold your horses.
Whooooo Mythoclast BEASTS in PVP my GOD
Fresh Normal CE cause it's fast and I am lazy.
1) some srucb who spams r2 *and broke it*
2) murderham
3) sploatee
It is one of the most usable primary in PVP... you needed to try it before the nerf.Whooooo Mythoclast BEASTS in PVP my GOD
I would appreciate any advice you can give me. I'm struggling with PVP and rely to heavily on heavy ammo.
Top page shilling for my video!
Youre more than welcome to take my spot. I technically don't need any loot or anything. Since Noomi can spam R2 like me, I dont mind sitting this out.I'll join if there is space.
PSN black_stig
Alright, I'm in lol. Just got home, need like 5-10min. I can do sword.
haha nah I never broke a controller.ftfy
Great. I'll just hang out in the crucible until I am called
What gear is best for CE? I'll be using a warlock and Red Death. Voidwalker or Sunsinger..? what damage types? I have a Gjallarhorn but it's 300 damage.
Whooooo Mythoclast BEASTS in PVP my GOD
Fig always takes my kills. Every freaking time.
Summary: a shotgun would have been quicker.
Retro and Namikaze too, I think
I'm scared! New raid!
I'm afraid about posting the pic I just did. It looks so wrong. Like Fig will kill me wrong. Not sure if I should post it. Math will have a laugh though.
Edit: I'm coming hold your horses.
I should PM Math and show her the pic first.
Math, I sent you a PM!
0:39 you had the drop on the guy but decided to throw your grenade. At that range TLW would have wrecked him before he could react. You got killed because the grenade took too long to go off.
1:40 your radar showed that there were two people there. You should have gone for the one closest to you first. Using TLW worked out for you killing the first guy, but a shotgun would have been quicker.
2:45 you ran in for a revive even though your radar was red all over. Sometimes you just have to hang back and let them revive on their own. You might have got a kill though if you'd changed to your shotgun.
3:40 you danced over your enemy's corpse. You've now become enemy #1.
4:00 perfect time to use your super. You got lucky that the Titan ran towards your teammate.
4:25 as soon as you saw red on your radar, you should have pulled back. Your two teammates were with you, there was no need to be so aggressive.
5:25 you probably should have pulled back and got the guy on your left first. Since you went for the other guy, using your shotgun would have been quicker and you might have been able to blink away instead of dying.
5:50 should have pulled back once your teammates both died.
The rest I can't see much wrong with. You really just need to learn to be less aggressive. TLW won't save you from a shotgun up close. If that's the game you want to play, you need to take your shotgun out more.
That is why I love to use shotgun + blink to wrap everybody in the match![]()
Youre more than welcome to take my spot. I technically don't need any loot or anything. Since Noomi can spam R2 like me, I dont mind sitting this out.
Look at the colors on the weapons and armor. I think weapons skinning could to be a "surprise" feature with HoW.
You'll do fine. I'll be back in about 30 min. Gonna have dinner. If you still want to do HM VoG, just send me an invite.