For sure! Add me -PSN is UnstabieH2o (The L in Unstable is a i)
ibe had to come off for a bit, I'll be sure to add you later though

I've got a few people on my friends list that was in your group too!
Could you share the good vex (or other weapon ) settings for PvP. Thanks
For the Vex it's nothing fancy really.
- Aggressive Ballistics.
- Send It.
You could go with the extended mag which ups your magazine from 21 to 35 (If I remember correctly) however I feel that's a wasted perk.
21 bullets is more than enough to kill multiple targets (2-4, maybe even more) with the Crowd Control Perk added in. If you're not killing targets within 21 bullets then you're not using the gun effectively.
I can't really remember how the Linear Compensator Perk works in Comparison to the Aggresive Ballistics, the tool tip makes sense for it, but what it actually does is different I think.
As for the Thorn, you can really use it however you like. I've eventually settled on the same perks as the Vex however i do switch it up on my Thorn every now and again as its really flexible imo!
Edit: Hmmmm Xur. I didn't pick up Truth before. Maybe I will now. Don't care much for that Warlock Helmet though.
The real question though is upgrade my Thorn or complete the Thorn Bounty for the upgraded version....