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Destiny |OT22| Game of Thorns

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Yup do no spawn cheese. Otherwise gotta to Titan bubbles or hunter invis on the mines. Otherwise it's wipe time!

Nah, what worked really well for us for that round last week was to split everyone up in cover near the mines. We were 3 warlocks. One on left, one middle, one right. Arc primaries, and a tracking solar rocket like Hunger of Crota or Gjallarhorn to pop the wizards shields. When one is disarming, the other two focus on finding the two wizards and taking them out ASAP - they come out from the doors near the airlock doorway. After that it's only a matter of keeping an eye out for the 2 or 3 boomer knights and finishing them off with a Fatebringer, Fang, Plan C, etc (you can avoid thrall melees entirely for this part of the fight by standing on a box, pillar, or rock). If you do it right, you should have the big threats dead before A is diffused and will only need to clean up some thralls and acolytes here and there while waiting for B and C to come up for diffuse. We did it first try as 33's with no wipe and all warlocks this way. The biggest mistake people make for that round is having all 3 people holding a side together, which makes all the adds come and bunch up between you and the mines you need to diffuse. Easy peasy, no bubble or invis necessary. Split up to win. :)
I know everyone is back in PoE mode before the rat race for Trials start in a couple of days, but just a reminder that if you struggled last Trials that it's a really good idea to play the daily crucible match for the passage coins on all your characters.

Not only do the boons directly benefit you but they'll help out your teammates too if they are of the strong-backed kind. I saw a lot of simple struggles that could have been avoided if a player had enough coins for the boons. The practice won't hurt either, especially with the weird mix of both true noobs and reinvigorated pub squads populating Crucible right now to keep you on your toes.
You can use the no spawn cheese. Worked pretty well for us.


Yup do no spawn cheese. Otherwise gotta to Titan bubbles or hunter invis on the mines. Otherwise it's wipe time!

Man, I hate cheesing until I've at least learned the basic encounter. We got it done with Titan bubbles and good luck to have the mid mine not be the first so we had time to clear some adds. If Supers are required to clear an engagement, you should spawn with full Super.


How do I access the DLC? I have both packs but can only seem to watch the cinematics from the map screen.

I'm level 23 if that helps.


Man, I hate cheesing until I've at least learned the basic encounter. We got it done with Titan bubbles and good luck to have the mid mine not be the first so we had time to clear some adds. If Supers are required to clear an engagement, you should spawn with full Super.
With a team of 33's we eventually had to no spawn. We tried over an hour legit. It was awful
Wait I thought that was on the 34


So i rerolled my red hand to final round, luck in the chamber and smallborne. I cant have a Hawkmoon get on xbox so this is the best thing close to that haha. Gonna be fun in PVP.



Well, I wanna do a PoE 34. Don't know what class to take though. Haven't completed it on none yet.

Nami, i would gladly run it 3 more times this week, got 3 keys and need to open chests for the exotic thingie inside.

Will be online in a few hours so give me a poke, if you will still need to run some.


If it ain't broke... If it works that's cool but I strongly doubt anything is more reliable than sniping, especially if everyone had 365 Spears or something close. Shotties sound super fun though.

Btw I ran a 32 PoE earlier, not sure when I'll be back on but hoepfully I can manage if you/others are still doing PoE or bounties or w/e.

From my testing yesterday, i had BIIIIG trouble even hitting him with constant crits, that gun makes my screen fire up the sky, also his positioning is meh and it also depends what the adds (shanks) decide to do.

Might need some practice, but i say... why bother, if i got a consistent working strat already (the snipe one).
How do I access the DLC? I have both packs but can only seem to watch the cinematics from the map screen.

I'm level 23 if that helps.
Don't think you can access it yet. I think the first missions start at level 25?

But you can always check by just walking up to the NPCs Eris/Petra in the Tower and Reef. They both give you all the missions that constitute the "story" of the DLC.
So i rerolled my red hand to final round, luck in the chamber and smallborne. I cant have a Hawkmoon get on xbox so this is the best thing close to that haha. Gonna be fun in PVP.


Beautiful. I've a Her Mercy I want to do the same thing with, but I want to save my mats for possible chest, boot, or glove engram this week before I start going for a crazy reroll like that. Xbox One, too, so I feel your pain for wanting Hawkmoon.
That's what I figured. Makes rolling the dice on a judgment chance less appealing, but I don't think I'd spend weapon cores on anything else.

Yeah that's where I'm at as well. Not buying the strength chest this week either so I've got 6 ACs and 7 WCs lying around. Might as well try my luck for a few helmets I guess.

I've tried a couple times to see if anybody wants to do vault of glass as that's the one thing from the base game I've yet to do, but usually don't get any responses. Maybe will have better luck when the new expansion hype dies down.

Sorry didn't see your edit at first, but definitely give Hawk's newbie raid a go if the timing works out. If not then I'm happy to Sherpa a NM VoG some time if there's enough interest, I'm always looking for a good reason to dive into the vault and have a lot of fun teaching encounters in a relaxed NM raid. If possible, try to avoid hopping into a HM VoG for your first time, it's just not going to be the same experience (don't pay too much attention to the Lv30 of Hard mode, even if you're higher level now).
This question needs an awnser.

It seems like it works that way, although nobody I know has really "farmed it" to test. The cipher bounty and elemental primaries definitely drop right when you kill him and you can definitely wipe after getting them, but no idea if there's a limit. I'd be surprised if you could get the exotic bounty multiple times on the same character but it's entirely possible afaik. Even if you could only get one exotic bounty and one primary you could just swap around characters while the rest of the fire team stayed in there.


It seems like it works that way, although nobody I know has really "farmed it" to test. The cipher bounty and elemental primaries definitely drop right when you kill him and you can definitely wipe after getting them, but no idea if there's a limit. I'd be surprised if you could get the exotic bounty multiple times on the same character but it's entirely possible afaik. Even if you could only get one exotic bounty and one primary you could just swap around characters while the rest of the fire team stayed in there.

Interesting, so you're not locked out of the encounter when you leave and try to rejoin?


Thoughts on which weapon to go for with the elder cipher?

Sounds like the shotgun has terrible range and is fairly weak. 30 clip but fires five rounds a go with less impact then felwinters.

Thinking the sniper looks the most tempting.


so is the dlc earth map on combined arms what the fucks the point of giving the maps away if they never let u play them..:/


Killed 34 PoE boss with full bounties, shit :| Quordon was a pretty challenging encounter legit, much harder than floor fire guy last week.
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