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Destiny |OT22| Game of Thorns

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I really appreciate the strategy write-up- we were trying that basic outlay except using the left side, which in hindsight does seem like the more dangerous choice compared to the right side.

It would be disingenuous of me not to address your last bit there. It's silly to accuse or insinuate that we didn't want to learn the mechanic. Of course we did. I hate ignoring intended mechanics in boss fights possibly more than almost anyone else you'll find on this board. The fact that we had to just pop synths and wait out a cooldown timer to be ready to start the fight is disgusting to me. We, in fact, did learn it, and while we hadn't mastered the Eye's behavior (sometimes he seemed to come to us, sometimes not?) we were communicating well and distributing roles in about exactly the way you described. I was on adds, but found myself constantly short on special ammo and on a couple of attempts was basically firing one rocket per Axis Hobgoblin as long as it lasted.

We tried for over 10 attempts this way. We made marginal progress but never got his health below around 70%. On our second try going full DPS, we killed him, with a level 33 among us. So take that for what you will.

Saw a gaffer deny another gaffer spot because he didnt have a Horn because of the cheese. I saw several people complaining and requiring Horns for the cheese instead of doing the mechanic.

So I humbly agree with Greencastle on that comment.

I personally consider the fight itself to be well-designed, but not well-tuned. The sort of constant dance with the adds while handling the detain and whittling down the boss might be a lot of fun with small adjustments- in fact, some modifier that can be leveraged, versus Trickle, might well be all it needs. But in this presentation it was hard to feel like my usual stance of "doing it legit isn't actually any harder, and is way more fun" really holds up to scrutiny. After all, killing him quickly with outright DPS isn't exactly cheese. We didn't exploit geometry or abuse mechanics in unintended ways, and it did wind up feeling satisfying to take him down. The issue was the fact that our success was tied to heavy synth cooldowns, and in large part I'd like to see the fight completed in some hybrid strategy where he is taken to below half health, the Eye and detain fields are handled once, and then he's finished before- something I can see as 100% possible with Small Arms, a Burn or even Brawler active. But in this case, it was plainly obvious after the first try that the raw DPS strategy was simply more viable than the other for our group, and that's not a good thing.

The whole modifiers to increase the difficulty is lame, imagine the same encounter with Void damage in PoE 35, the encounter itselft needs more polishing instead of relying on the players to just simply deal with it.


This gun was mentioned in the chat in Unstable's stream. I had this one drop Sunday night after a Skirmish match and it looks like I lucked out with the perks:

Haven't used it yet but I will tonight.


34 boss wasnt that bad. just need snipers for gobbys and the boss and an LMG for the bubbles. huddle and cuddle in the far left so you're less exposed and play the way Bungie intended.

flame prince without a titan was harder
If your team is made up of Hunters, I can see why. But Warlocks have that angel shit they can use to stay in the air for a second or so longer.


How did the POE sniper fair?

I was the guy using it, its my only 365 arc sniper since I'm one of the etheric poor but it worked out pretty well. If you're trying to use one of these try to get the extended mag perk unlocked, you only get one extra shot but it seemed easier than the first time I did it when i hadn't unlocked it yet.
mine has bonus shank damage so i'm kind of sad skolas isn't a giant shank.


Listening to Giantbomb and Jeff (who doesn't like Destiny) mentioned that he happened to get "that one rocket launcher" when he tried out HOW. Sigh. Forever no Gjallarhorn.

I did reroll the hideous Queen's rocket launcher and got tripod, speed reload, and grenades and horseshoes. Actually a pretty good Crucible launcher with that roll.


Is hard launch, tripod, flaredmag well, and grenades&horse shoes a good roll on admonisher III? The only thing I don't like is its solar.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Thanks for all the phone advice Guardians. T-Mobile seems to be tossing in a free 128GB card with the G4 so I'm taking that as a sign. Of course they have the brown leather back as a carrier exclusive and I would much rather prefer the black... but... whatever. It's like retailer exclusive day-one DLC all over again >_<
Ah I see. Well that is quite fancypants.

When are you doing your Trials groups btw? Are there signups?
Sunday evening, and yeah a weekly activities post is coming. I need to clarify some stuff about Unstable's trains before I can really make it.
Saw a gaffer deny another gaffer spot because he didnt have a Horn because of the cheese. I saw several people complaining and requiring Horns for the cheese instead of doing the mechanic.

So I humbly agree with Greencastle on that comment.

LFG Need 3 GH LLvl 34 3000 GS or no invite


Seriously though, the...what was it, i ran it with 3 groups last night? First time it was a learning process for me, but that's when I was like 'Hey let's just go to the right side.' After that it's a matter of finding the eye, keeping an eye on it(HAHA! I'll be here all day folks), taking it down when Qodron was going to use his detainment(It lasts 30 seconds so if you know it's coming, you can take it down early.).

I told all the groups I joined of this strat, and we all did it in 1-2 tries. It's not that bad. Gjallahorn not required. And shame on people requiring Gjallas and denying those that don't have it.
I really appreciate the strategy write-up- we were trying that basic outlay except using the left side, which in hindsight does seem like the more dangerous choice compared to the right side.

It would be disingenuous of me not to address your last bit there. It's silly to accuse or insinuate that we didn't want to learn the mechanic. Of course we did. I hate ignoring intended mechanics in boss fights possibly more than almost anyone else you'll find on this board. The fact that we had to just pop synths and wait out a cooldown timer to be ready to start the fight is disgusting to me. We, in fact, did learn it, and while we hadn't mastered the Eye's behavior (sometimes he seemed to come to us, sometimes not?) we were communicating well and distributing roles in about exactly the way you described. I was on adds, but found myself constantly short on special ammo and on a couple of attempts was basically firing one rocket per Axis Hobgoblin as long as it lasted.

We tried for over 10 attempts this way. We made marginal progress but never got his health below around 70%. On our second try going full DPS, we killed him, with a level 33 among us. So take that for what you will.

I personally consider the fight itself to be well-designed, but not well-tuned. The sort of constant dance with the adds while handling the detain and whittling down the boss might be a lot of fun with small adjustments- in fact, some modifier that can be leveraged, versus Trickle, might well be all it needs. But in this presentation it was hard to feel like my usual stance of "doing it legit isn't actually any harder, and is way more fun" really holds up to scrutiny. After all, killing him quickly with outright DPS isn't exactly cheese. We didn't exploit geometry or abuse mechanics in unintended ways, and it did wind up feeling satisfying to take him down. The issue was the fact that our success was tied to heavy synth cooldowns, and in large part I'd like to see the fight completed in some hybrid strategy where he is taken to below half health, the Eye and detain fields are handled once, and then he's finished before a second detain- something I can see as 100% possible with Small Arms, a Burn or even Brawler active. But in this case, it was plainly obvious after the first try that the raw DPS strategy was simply more viable than the other for our group, and that's not a good thing.

Hmmm we didn't do this at all. Just went in each time and used either a heavy or special synth when we could during the fight. 2 with snipers and rockets and one with shotgun and rockets did the trick. And the pile of dead Vex we were killing in the front of the little building on the right gave us more than enough primary and special ammo to hit Qodron. Don't underestimate the usefulness of shooting Qodron with Scout rifles whenever there's a window.

Personally, after the upfront DPS spam trend of last week on Skolas fight, I learned that this makes things a lot more frustrating than easy. You rely on everything going just right, rather than just taking the time to whittle the boss down. Of course, the satisfaftion of taking the boss down fast is great, versus wiping after spending 5 minutes fighting to boss with small damage here and there being very very annoying. Better than waiting on synths though, in my opinion.

I highly recommend doing it this way on the right side over the left, and hugging close into the rocks toward Qodron for cover. There's no cheese with this fight unless you find a way to despawn adds. DPS spam is perfectly viable, I just find that harder to get right and more frustrating than it's worth to me.

Also, to add, all 3 times we cleared it (different group each time), we had about 10 detain cycles or so, give or take. Boggles my mind to think of trying to get it done with only one cycle! Putting too much pressure on yourself :p


Final call for normal gorgons.

Can I grab it from you tonight PST (if you are around)?

Sitting at work..etc etc

And shame on people requiring Gjallas and denying those that don't have it.

Yes, thank you. Like Ive said before, too many hours playing on two systems and no Gally should not lock me (or others) out of participating in this community.

Sucked to be "locked out" of PoE35 last week. Hope to rectify that this week.
So wish you guys the best and surely will keep myself lurking around when I can.

We'll miss you Ray, and keep our fingers crossed for your potential return some day! Hopefully you can at least hang around Unstabie's stream and show me what a real pro Twitch mod does.

Also, check your inbox!


This gun was mentioned in the chat in Unstable's stream. I had this one drop Sunday night after a Skirmish match and it looks like I lucked out with the perks:

Haven't used it yet but I will tonight.

It's essentially the same base stats as Timur's. Nice roll you got there too.
This gun was mentioned in the chat in Unstable's stream. I had this one drop Sunday night after a Skirmish match and it looks like I lucked out with the perks:

Haven't used it yet but I will tonight.

I got one of those last night and re-rolled a few times for funzies. I'm not quite sure how this will turn out, but I'm gonna level it up:



The Cryptarch's Bane
Hmmm we didn't do this at all. Just went in each time and used either a heavy or special synth when we could during the fight. 2 with snipers and rockets and one with shotgun and rockets did the trick. And the pile of dead Vex we were killing in the front of the little building on the right gave us more than enough primary and special ammo to hit Qodron. Don't underestimate the usefulness of shooting Qodron with Scout rifles whenever there's a window.
I know you didn't- I'm saying, it was necessary to pull off the upfront DPS strategy, a full barrage of rockets from all of us then an immediate synth. If you keep the fight going then you can use drops and regularly elapsed time to get it done.
Personally, after the upfront DPS spam trend of last week on Skolas fight, I learned that this makes things a lot more frustrating than easy. You rely on everything going just right, rather than just taking the time to whittle the boss down. Of course, the satisfaftion of taking the boss down fast is great, versus wiping after spending 5 minutes fighting to boss with small damage here and there being very very annoying. Better than waiting on synths though, in my opinion.
I haven't tried Skolas yet- but in this case, for my group, it super ridiculously made things easier, there was no comparison. That's basically the problem I have with it as currently tuned. If that wasn't actually the case for Skolas with Solar burn then I approve of that fight over this one. But I certainly agree that any time playing is better than waiting for synths. If it wasn't already 1am with work the next day that I'm talking about, I'd have been more resistant to the idea of just ending the fight as quickly as possible.
I highly recommend doing it this way on the right side over the left, and hugging close into the rocks toward Qodron for cover. There's no cheese with this fight unless you find a way to despawn adds. DPS spam is perfectly viable, I just find that harder to get right and more frustrating than it's worth to me.
I'd love to do so when I run it with my Hunter, and I could be on Eye patrol personally with extra stealth. We never actually made a serious attempt from the right side if I remember right, but just got absolutely lit up over and over on the left.


Sunday evening, and yeah a weekly activities post is coming. I need to clarify some stuff about Unstable's trains before I can really make it.

Sweet. My IRL friends are terrible at crucible so my groups last week were hugely unsuccessful. Like 0-3 several cards in a row terrible. GAF is my only hope.


I haven't seen much of anyone in here saying 'you have to have a gjallarhorn' when making groups for 34, but maybe I just missed all of those. Anyway, our group basically hit the same wall as Hawkian and his crew. We knew essentially what we were 'supposed' to do, but the eye's erratic behavior, the large number of ads, and trickle just made it incredibly frustrating.

It just so happened that we actually had 3 365 Gjallarhorns; so we figured 'what the hell let's try it.' By gjally (pun intended) if it didn't work. I like running encounters as they were intended to be run for the fun of it, but it was a hell of a lot of fun to do it with the rockets after all the frustration.

If we hadn't of had that firepower, I think we would have stuck with it and eventually beaten it; but at least this way we weren't burned out.
I haven't tried Skolas yet- but in this case, for my group, it super ridiculously made things easier, there was no comparison. That's basically the problem I have with it as currently tuned. If that wasn't actually the case for Skolas with Solar burn then I approve of that fight over this one. But I certainly agree that any time playing is better than waiting for synths. If it wasn't already 1am with work the next day that I'm talking about, I'd have been more resistant to the idea of just ending the fight as quickly as possible.

Hehe, in my experience, this almost always ends up having the opposite effect :p


The Cryptarch's Bane
Sweet. My IRL friends are terrible at crucible so my groups last week were hugely unsuccessful. Like 0-3 several cards in a row terrible. GAF is my only hope.
Haha, please be warned, I can't guarantee that we won't have 0-3 cards myself. I'm no PvP pro by any stretch of the imagination, just someone trying to learn and retain and improve and try to help others along the same path. :)
I haven't seen much of anyone in here saying 'you have to have a gjallarhorn' when making groups for 34, but maybe I just missed all of those. Anyway, our group basically hit the same wall as Hawkian and his crew. We knew essentially what we were 'supposed' to do, but the eye's erratic behavior, the large number of ads, and trickle just made it incredibly frustrating.

It just so happened that we actually had 3 365 Gjallarhorns; so we figured 'what the hell let's try it.' By golly if it didn't work. I like running encounters as they were intended to be run for the fun of it, but it was a hell of a lot of fun to do it with the rockets after all the frustration.

If we hadn't of had that firepower, I think we would have stuck with it and eventually beaten it; but at least this way we weren't burned out.
That's a great way of summing it up. I'd definitely like to run it legit before the week is out, but in the moment it was hard to imagine it would be more frustrating to just rocket him to death in under a minute.

I can't get over how much I truly believe it would be a different fight with any potentially advantageous modifier over Trickle, even Void Burn honestly. I hope we get to try something like that before too long.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I actually have an Ill Will but I don't even remember what my perks were, I haven't used it yet as I've been leveling thorn (and now I have hawkmoon.) I'll have to check it out when I get home.


Ugh. So tired of seeing a few things that have been coming up recently. People will always try to do things the normal way. When that way isn't yielding the results they want and another, much quicker and "safer" way is found, of course they'll fall back on it. Some people may not like it but if those people prefer to do it that way, then more power to them. Same goes for fans of the "normal" way.

If Bungie doesn't like what players are doing, they know what they need to do. But they also know what would happen if they do that, what the reaction will be.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents.


Cheese or not, I don't care what people do.

Sometimes I like to cheese, sometimes I do it legit. I like to know both ways.

Depends on time constraints.
Qodron isnt even hard if your team knows the mechanics. It's insane that people still be lazy and not try to learn new mechanics (I'm looking at you DLFG.)


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Man I really need some fucking prison keys, RNG is made out of butts. I want a new exotic bounty :(
The collector in me dosn't like the fact that PoE weapons, Trials Weapons and Adept weapons can have different burns and random bubbles (some of them)...

I liked that with VoG or CE you had the clear goal of getting all of the weapons available.
Now that goal is gone because there's just too many combinations.


It's essentially the same base stats as Timur's. Nice roll you got there too.

I only ever had one Timur's but was short on motes and sharded it cause it didn't have a decent roll.

I got one of those last night and re-rolled a few times for funzies. I'm not quite sure how this will turn out, but I'm gonna level it up:


Yeah I'm gonna level this one up now. I've got a Matador too but it needs re-rolled.


If you need hard mode Gorgon's - 10 minute extension off of Death's generosity.
Mindlog on PSN :]
Is it possible to still get snipers with final round?

However, since switching from relying on Final Round I've actually impressed myself with the number of headshots I can land. Granted I'm rising slowly towards a non-zero number, but still.


Cheese or not, I don't care what people do.

Sometimes I like to cheese, sometimes I do it legit. I like to know both ways.

Depends on time constraints.
This is pretty much my feelings. I will always try to do it the "normal" way first. After a few too many wipes, I will fall back on the other way.

And if say I did PoE on two of my guardians and doing it on a third, I will usually go straight for the other way cause I tend to run these things consecutively and I'll most likely want to end it as soon as possible after doing twice already.
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