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Destiny |OT22| Game of Thorns

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Can anyone in this forum confirm that farming works for either the ciphers or adept weapons? I would think there would be some video proof of it at this point if it worked, so I remain skeptical.


Haha, please be warned, I can't guarantee that we won't have 0-3 cards myself. I'm no PvP pro by any stretch of the imagination, just someone trying to learn and retain and improve and try to help others along the same path. :)

No worries. I'm not expecting a carry. I'm mildly competent in PVP and am really just trying to improve as much as possible. Plus most Gaffers I've played with here and there are miles beyond my IRL groups anyways.
Qodron isnt even hard if your team knows the mechanics. It's insane that people still be lazy and not try to learn new mechanics (I'm looking at you DLFG.)

I don't get how people find Qodron frustrating at all. I think it's a lot of fun and I found last week's 34 way more frustrating than this week's - especially with that Arc Burn round until we figured out that it's better to split up than to stay together. Skolas was a trillion times more frustrating. Even with 3x Gjallarhorns. Each time I did Skolas it was a 2+ hour endeavour. Qodron took my groups no more than 25 mins with a few wipes to get the strategy down pat. Urrox had people dying constantly, and the burn + jumping thing with all the wizards and ogres shooting at you was so frustrating without a warlock or titan bubble. I dunno, maybe left side Qodron is just a bad idea :p we were never able to beat it there, and could do it withing 3 or 4 wipes on the right side without any DPS spam at all. *shrugs*
Glad to see pvp rewards are working correctly!



Can we stop calling using rocket launchers and supers that were designed for the game cheeses? I know it's just semantics, but it bugs me.

Despawning ads in Crota's end is a cheese. Pulling a LAN cable is cheating/cheese.


Unstable man thanks for the matches! Had some great fun :)
I'm glad we all agree Hawkmoon is exactly 3 points below Thorn on a 1/100 scale.


Wait, so groups are requiring ghorn for the 34 poe now? I wonder if Bungie understands what a crutch the ghorn has become.
Can we stop calling using rocket launchers and supers that were designed for the game cheeses? I know it's just semantics, but it bugs me.

Despawning ads in Crota's end is a cheese. Pulling a LAN cable is cheating/cheese.

Anyone who thinks that's a cheese is wrong. Plain and simple. Waiting on synths to make it work is an exercise in frustration, though :p


Can we stop calling using rocket launchers and supers that were designed for the game cheeses? I know it's just semantics, but it bugs me.

Despawning ads in Crota's end is a cheese. Pulling a LAN cable is cheating/cheese.
It bugs me too, that's why I don't refer to any tactics involving Gjallarhorn and such as "cheese". It's not a cheese but another legit way to deal with shit. But hey, people want folks to learn mechanics.
Sweet. My IRL friends are terrible at crucible so my groups last week were hugely unsuccessful. Like 0-3 several cards in a row terrible. GAF is my only hope.

From what I experienced, aside from good communication, you need One player that will win 75% of their 1 vs 1 engagements, one player that has a 50/50 shot, and the last player just has to avoid dying a lot. If that 75%'er can get one person down, and start to work on a second...all the other guys have to do is push at the same time and clean up. They just have to capitalize on whatever momentum the 75%'er started.
Also, looking at some of the people's builds I ran with, I have to say, make sure you pump your Armour and Recovery stats for Qodron. Agility won't be needed whatsoever. Every little bit helps :)


So I haven't played this in a while but I'm getting back into it and have never completed a raid or have done a Nightfall strike. Is anyone up for that tonight or sometime this week? I'm on PS4


From what I experienced, aside from good communication, you need One player that will win 75% of their 1 vs 1 engagements, one player that has a 50/50 shot, and the last player just has to avoid dying a lot. If that 75%'er can get one person down, and start to work on a second...all the other guys have to do is push at the same time and clean up. They just have to capitalize on whatever momentum the 75%'er started.

Absolutely. Couldn't agree more. Which is why I was so frustrated with my teams with my IRL friends because on several occasions, I would get the first two kills, die, and then the two of them would proceed to get killed by the last opponent.



(Slightly off topic, but I know it has been mentioned before).

My launch DS4 is having an issue where the left stick is registering all sorts of weird inputs when going left and/or right (i.e. when pushing the stick to the right, it starts out going right and then goes down and right). Could this only be a stick issue or something more serious where I'd need to replace the whole controller? Thanks!

Sorry for the two nightfall groups last night. I was playing horribly as both my controllers are acting wacky. Couldn't even change my secondary weapon easily as the cursor kept registering downward.


Simple noob question BC I haven't played in ages.

Anything worth spending my vanguard and crucible marks on?

I'm 32 and only remember buying cheapest stuff before and breaking it down for shards or something along those lines.

I guess a reminder to everone to check your not capped. God knows how long I was


Ugh. So tired of seeing a few things that have been coming up recently. People will always try to do things the normal way. When that way isn't yielding the results they want and another, much quicker and "safer" way is found, of course they'll fall back on it. Some people may not like it but if those people prefer to do it that way, then more power to them. Same goes for fans of the "normal" way.

If Bungie doesn't like what players are doing, they know what they need to do. But they also know what would happen if they do that, what the reaction will be.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents.

Agree, 100%. Flashbacks to the arguments about cheesing Oracles/Templar/Atheon.

If the "right way" is more gratifying for you, go for it. But it's irritating to see condescension for ghorn spamming.

This is especially true when there doesn't appear to be black and white, in this case.

What I mean by this is that watching the video Orochinagis posted (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=165358883&postcount=9310), it seems like the "right way" was skipped about 50% of the time (not having the Jailbreaker buff for the detains) and they were circumvented by using SGA.

To clarify, I'm not criticizing the use of SGA. People should do the fight however they want. If they want to artificially(?) make it harder/take longer by not ghorning it, more power to them.

I guess it's MORE legit than ghorn spam, but isn't really doing it 'as designed', either. As Hawkian mentioned, in both cases (SGA vs Ghorns) geometry tricks weren't used, AI wasn't manipulated, etc.

Being able to shoot your way out of the detain field (with or without SGA) without jailbreaker basically "breaks" the encounter's design, in my opinion. At that point, you're just deciding how much time you want to spend; chip the boss away with snipers and scouts, or burn a synth and save yourself 6 minutes.

Cheesing post-patch Templar from up top vs descending into the Well and fighting him as a group at ground level was black and white; there was no way to circumvent any of the mechanics. Even if you blocked his teleport, you were penalized by having to fight minotaurs.

Bungie has painted themselves into a corner with Ghorn melting bosses. They can't nerf it, and they can't increase the synth timers because that would screw ever other weapon (and wouldn't stop the ghorn spam; just slow it down). All I can think of is what they did with Crota, where the only weapon that could damage him is the sword. Maybe they need to use that sort of idea more. Drop shields with regular weapons, and use things in the environment to kill the boss (exploding things, possibly geometry things like destroying a bridge he crosses while he's on it (a la Bowser), etc.

In the meantime, folks need to accept that ghorn will be exploited, and that it isn't necessarily wrong to do so.
Anyone have any recommendations for vendor weapons (anything except vanguard)? I've got a judgement, DO scout, and FWC RL. It's crazy how much faster crucible marks are to come by now. I have an old Red Hand with great PvP perks, but might buy another one.
Cheese or not, I don't care what people do.

Sometimes I like to cheese, sometimes I do it legit. I like to know both ways.

Depends on time constraints.

Me neither but when you see them compaining about the fight is hard because certain weapon is required or is boring because your group have to wait for cooldowns is like seeing Hard Mode Crota first impressions all over again



Have two Low Grade Humilitiy's I really like:

Ambush, Hidden Hand, Grenadier
Ambush, Spray and Play, Unflinching

Not sure which one to keep/use. I can't say I can really notice the difference with Hidden Hand OR Unflinching. Typically I always wanted unflinching with a sniper but I'm not sure if I can actually tell. I guess I should go for Hidden Hand/ Unflinching in one. Either way it's a really solid PVP sniper, great for quick 2sk


I'm sorry, I accepted the two friend requests real quick and forgot to look at the names. Please just join my party for PoE lvl 32. Thanks.
Yeah, you also need to get lucky with the first mine spawning right next to you instead of all the way across the map.
We actually did it when the first mine was the furthest away. We just had the warlock (me) wait until it actually spawned until peeling off to go disarm. Self-rez helped too because everyfuckingthing does arc damage :D
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