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Destiny |OT22| Game of Thorns

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Skolas is too hard not to have a CP. Yeah I'm saying it again.

Just for level 35 because of the difficulty have something like this:

have the Armor core drop after round 3.
The weapon core drop after round 5.

Then after round five you get a CP.

And Skolas randomly drops his same stuff.
And you get the Etheric light from the chests in the treasure room.

Why not? Because Bungie...

I don't like that. You gotta beat the whole Arena to get the rewards. As it should be :p

What I would like to see is a "Passage" for Prison of Elders though. Kinda like the one for Trials, where each round completed fills in a circle on the Passage. And you can only join someone who has had that Passage cleared to the same place as you have. That way, no passing checkpoints, but you can at least drop in where you left off or help others out who have day jobs and can't spend 2 or 3+ hours committed to trying to beat a level 34 or 35 all in one sitting. Twice last week we had to quit at Skolas because it was just taking us too long and someone inevitably had to go to bed or walk the dog or what have you. And it sucks having to start that all from scratch only to need to quit again at the end because it took you an hour to get back to where you left off.

Just Gjallarhorn rockets it seems. But I'm gonna do me and fire them like I always do. This wolf is nothing without his pack.

What is even the point in having an Exotic rocket launcher if it isn't crazy powerful? It's still one of the rarest things in the game and I'm of the opinion Exotics should be noticeably better than other weapons. There's a reason you can only equip one at a time. Requiring it to pair up to take high level content on is bad form, though. Same with the mindset that certain content is impossible or unbeatable without a fireteam of 3x Gjallies. Silly notion. Can't lie about how fun it is to use though, for sure. I almost always roll with one when I'm doing Hard Mode things. Absolute destruction.


Skolas is too hard not to have a CP. Yeah I'm saying it again.

Just for level 35 because of the difficulty have something like this:

have the Armor core drop after round 3.
The weapon core drop after round 5.

Then after round five you get a CP.

And Skolas randomly drops his same stuff.
And you get the Etheric light from the chests in the treasure room.

Why not? Because Bungie...

I really like this idea. It'd be like the raids dropping armor at the different stages. If anything, the boss drops are LESS good than what you can get for killing Atheon/Crota.
I don't like that. You gotta beat the whole Arena to get the rewards. As it should be :p

What I would like to see is a "Passage" for Prison of Elders though. Kinda like the one for Trials, where each round completed fills in a circle on the Passage. And you can only join someone who has had that Passage cleared to the same place as you have. That way, no passing checkpoints, but you can at least drop in where you left off or help others out who have day jobs and can't spend 2 or 3+ hours committed to trying to beat a level 34 or 35 all in one sitting. Twice last week we had to quit at Skolas because it was just taking us too long and someone inevitably had to go to bed or walk the dog or what have you. And it sucks having to start that all from scratch only to need to quit again at the end because it took you an hour to get back to where you left off.

So Halo ODST firefight ? =P


I wouldn't mind this but they would have to make it so you can't join unless you already beat rounds 3 and 5 on that character. Otherwise, everyone will just farm Skolas and skip the other stuff. Weapon and Armor cores are almost already useless.

Who cares? We've been doing that for raid bosses for the last 8 months.

I don't like that. You gotta beat the whole Arena to get the rewards. As it should be :p

What I would like to see is a "Passage" for Prison of Elders though. Kinda like the one for Trials, where each round completed fills in a circle on the Passage. And you can only join someone who has had that Passage cleared to the same place as you have. That way, no passing checkpoints, but you can at least drop in where you left off or help others out who have day jobs and can't spend 2 or 3+ hours committed to trying to beat a level 34 or 35 all in one sitting. Twice last week we had to quit at Skolas because it was just taking us too long and someone inevitably had to go to bed or walk the dog or what have you. And it sucks having to start that all from scratch only to need to quit again at the end because it took you an hour to get back to where you left off.

I don't understand why the crappy arena rewards should be so restrictive. If it gave a guaranteed exotic or something, I'd be on board with SOME level of restriction, but is the CHANCE for an elemental primary and an exotic bounty that valuable?


Bungie has painted themselves into a corner with Ghorn melting bosses. They can't nerf it, and they can't increase the synth timers because that would screw ever other weapon (and wouldn't stop the ghorn spam; just slow it down). All I can think of is what they did with Crota, where the only weapon that could damage him is the sword. Maybe they need to use that sort of idea more. Drop shields with regular weapons, and use things in the environment to kill the boss (exploding things, possibly geometry things like destroying a bridge he crosses while he's on it (a la Bowser), etc.

I don't see why they can't nerf it. I don't mean neuter the weapon but tone down the absurdity a little bit.

There are more straightforward ways to combat raw DPS than requiring a damage "bundle" (like the Sword) or immune/damageable states. With the mechanics in the Qodron fight for example, the raw DPS strategy wouldn't work if for example his detain search triggered on reaching certain health thresholds- say, if he hits 50%, he starts it regardless how long it took to reach that point- rather than a simple timer only. You couldn't just brute force your way through the encounter with such a tweak- but then again, I mean that both positively and negatively: it isn't cheese, as we've established, if your team has the firepower to just smoke him right out of the gate. And by the way, I truly believe that Gjallarhorn isn't a necessary ingredient of this recipe. I'm betting that Ascended snipers with an Illuminated/WoL bubble could get the job done just fine. He's really rather squishy.

Though I think this is most likely the most effective way to handle the Gjallarhorn. My problem with the Gjallarhorn (and this is primarily for Skolas) is that it gives people a way to avoid the encounter's mechanics almost entirely. Hardly any coordination of debuff passing or positioning for mines/servitors. I get the fight has ridiculous adds and I get why people want to circumvent it all but I don't think that's a good enough reason to allow the Gjallarhorn 40s kill to stay. Fix the adds and take out burns is all the fight needs to be really really great.

Going back to Hawkian's point, though, that's the best way they can handle boss fights in the future. Don't make them just pure DPS fights where you can race all of the mechanics or entirely ignore them. Gjallarhorn creates a shitty stigma amongst team formation (e.g. gjally required) and let's you "skip" encounters. But they can definitely work around that by creating more necessary mechanics (Skolas' servitor shield for example-- forcing players to engage the mechanics rather than avoiding them).
Who cares? We've been doing that for raid bosses for the last 8 months.

I don't understand why the crappy arena rewards should be so restrictive. If it gave a guaranteed exotic or something, I'd be on board with SOME level of restriction, but is the CHANCE for an elemental primary and an exotic bounty that valuable?
Because it's obvious that's not what they intended for checkpoints. PoE just went too far in the other direction. I am just trying to strike some middle ground.

If they did add final round checkpoints that worked like raids I wouldn't complain. But I don't see that happening.


I don't understand why the Subtle Nudge is listed here as having no AA, whereas on Planet Destiny it shows having as much as the LDR. Impact is low, of course, but with Hidden Hand, I find it great for getting easy head shots.
Is that the new sniper that doesn't kill on two body shots?
I don't understand why the crappy arena rewards should be so restrictive. If it gave a guaranteed exotic or something, I'd be on board with SOME level of restriction, but is the CHANCE for an elemental primary and an exotic bounty that valuable?

Well it's the highest level content in the game. There's plenty of other places you can earn similar or in some cases better gear (VoG) that isn't as difficult. It shouldn't all be easy to get. Some stuff should be really, really difficult. No freebies. Same reason there's no trading in Destiny - you should have to earn it yourself or with your fireteam. I don't even like that all exotics don't have bounties that drop first for you to complete to get the weapon/armour, but I understand why they made some things RNG-based for the most part. Can't be too restrictive, not everyone is MLGpro raiders, haha.
I dislike the idea of having 'checkpoints' for the arena.

I mean, you can realistically beat skolas in 5 minutes if done right. If you carry over that checkpoint week through week, than with the right modifiers you'll keep killing him in 5 minutes.

Is that what people want? Atleast Crota was buggy as shit that made people spend time on it, and Atheon is a real challenge.
I dislike the idea of having 'checkpoints' for the arena.

I mean, you can realistically beat skolas in 5 minutes if done right. If you carry over that checkpoint week through week, than with the right modifiers you'll keep killing him in 5 minutes.

Is that what people want? Atleast Crota was buggy as shit that made people spend time on it, and Atheon is a real challenge.

With a Passage for Prison of Elders you could have it reset each week. Besides, Bungie already rotates the Challenges each week, so checkpoints wouldn't be passable anyway.


I don't see why they can't nerf it. I don't mean neuter the weapon but tone down the absurdity a little bit.

Though I think this is most likely the most effective way to handle the Gjallarhorn. My problem with the Gjallarhorn (and this is primarily for Skolas) is that it gives people a way to avoid the encounter's mechanics almost entirely. Hardly any coordination of debuff passing or positioning for mines/servitors. I get the fight has ridiculous adds and I get why people want to circumvent it all but I don't think that's a good enough reason to allow the Gjallarhorn 40s kill to stay. Fix the adds and take out burns is all the fight needs to be really really great.

Going back to Hawkian's point, though, that's the best way they can handle boss fights in the future. Don't make them just pure DPS fights where you can race all of the mechanics or entirely ignore them. Gjallarhorn creates a shitty stigma amongst team formation (e.g. gjally required) and let's you "skip" encounters. But they can definitely work around that by creating more necessary mechanics (Skolas' servitor shield for example-- forcing players to engage the mechanics rather than avoiding them).
I agree on the need for more mechanically compelling fights to deter Gjallarhorn spam from solving every situation. Crota was a poor example of the right idea in this regard. Templar is a better example.

As for a nerf...with proper boss encounter design it shouldn't be necessary. If they were to nerf it, probably the least controversial way would be reducing the tracking accuracy on Wolfpack rounds. Spread them out a bit so that the gun can still wreck large groups but doesn't completely melt single targets when all those Wolfpack rounds latch on to them.

That said, I really hope it doesn't get needed. There's ways around that.


I haven't used them in a while, but how are the ruin wings? I think I remember them not working properly in the beginning so I stopped using them.


Well it's the highest level content in the game. There's plenty of other places you can earn similar or in some cases better gear (VoG) that isn't as difficult. It shouldn't all be easy to get. Some stuff should be really, really difficult. No freebies. Same reason there's no trading in Destiny - you should have to earn it yourself or with your fireteam. I don't even like that all exotics don't have bounties that drop first for you to complete to get the weapon/armour, but I understand why they made some things RNG-based for the most part. Can't be too restrictive, not everyone is MLGpro raiders, haha.
No checkpoints doesn't make it harder though, just more of a pain. Finishing the first 5 rounds should give you a Skolas ticket or something until next reset. That way nobody can skip the other rounds to jump right in but you're not held hostage either.


I haven't used them in a while, but how are the ruin wings? I think I remember them not working properly in the beginning so I stopped using them.

Um, they're amazing. My go-to exotic for my Titan in PVE. Some people report sporadic drops, but all I see is purple when I use em. And my teammates get more dropping as well.


I dislike the idea of forcing people to learn some stupid mechanics. People will always seek ways to go around them. People did it for Oracles, Templar, Atheon, Crota, and several strike bosses. Let people do whatever they want. None of this Gjallarhorn stuff is on the level of disconnecting during Crota kneels and shit. That was more than a cheese.

Deku Tree

I wouldn't mind this but they would have to make it so you can't join unless you already beat rounds 3 and 5 on that character. Otherwise, everyone will just farm Skolas and skip the other stuff. Weapon and Armor cores are almost already useless.

We started PoE level 35 last night at 9:20pm. After scrubbing on Scolas until 1am I had to quit because you know I have a life and a job and stuff. I would have gone to bed hours earlier if there was a checkpoint. As it was I stayed up for extra hours and lost sleep because I didn't want to let down my team-mates and I didn't want to leave emptyhanded which is what ended up happening anyway.

So Bungie decided to say "I don't care about your life" to people like me in because they didn't want people "skipping"? Why do they care if you "skip" parts of an encounter that you have beaten numerous times already and your replaying it for the million million-th time? Bungie should realize that a big part of the reason that people keep replaying the old raids is precisely because they can transfer checkpoints.
No checkpoints doesn't make it harder though, just more of a pain. Finishing the first 5 rounds should give you a Skolas ticket or something until next reset. That way nobody can skip the other rounds to jump right in but you're not held hostage either.

That's exactly what I'm saying. Have a Passage for Prison that let's you hop back into a run where you left off, or hop into someone else's run in any round below where you've completed. No freebies or checkpoint passing, or skipping a round ahead. Everyone get's there own Passage like in Trials of Osiris for each 32, 34, and 35 PoE, and it resets every week like everything else, or once you've completed a run.
I dislike the idea of forcing people to learn some stupid mechanics. People will always seek ways to go around them. People did it for Oracles, Templar, Atheon, Crota, and several strike bosses. Let people do whatever they want. None of this Gjallarhorn stuff is on the level of disconnecting during Crota kneels and shit. That was more than a cheese.

anything that isnt running around is cheesing


I don't see why they can't nerf it. I don't mean neuter the weapon but tone down the absurdity a little bit.

The furor and gnashing of teeth would be epic, and I don't throw "epic" around like kids these days do. =)

100% serious, though, this would be the ultimate bullet for the "Bungie hates fun" narrative.

Though I think this is most likely the most effective way to handle the Gjallarhorn. My problem with the Gjallarhorn (and this is primarily for Skolas) is that it gives people a way to avoid the encounter's mechanics almost entirely. Hardly any coordination of debuff passing or positioning for mines/servitors. I get the fight has ridiculous adds and I get why people want to circumvent it all but I don't think that's a good enough reason to allow the Gjallarhorn 40s kill to stay. Fix the adds and take out burns is all the fight needs to be really really great.

Going back to Hawkian's point, though, that's the best way they can handle boss fights in the future. Don't make them just pure DPS fights where you can race all of the mechanics or entirely ignore them. Gjallarhorn creates a shitty stigma amongst team formation (e.g. gjally required) and let's you "skip" encounters. But they can definitely work around that by creating more necessary mechanics (Skolas' servitor shield for example-- forcing players to engage the mechanics rather than avoiding them).

I would actually like it if they spent a few months on a holistic PVE "rebalancing" effort that included nerfing ghorn to some degree AND tweaking the encounters that people disproportionately relied on ghorn.

They can't just nerf the weapon, though, without addressing the reasons people feel compelled to exploit it. As is, it's a crutch that makes a relatively small amount of content accessible to players fortunate enough to have a ghorn (or a pal or two with one, while not hurting the players who don't want to use it/don't need it.


Looks like a new studio is helping Bungie with Destiny.

Our goal is simple: make game experiences that kick ass and blow minds. There’s over 200 combined years worth of development experience at High Moon, led by a team of award winning veterans and a crack production staff. We work hard. We play hard. We need to add world class talent as we partner with Bungie to support work on their ground breaking Destiny Franchise.

Their previous work is Transformers games and last gen Advanced Warfare.
Is the teleporting randomly in PoE confirmed to be an anti-"cheese" measure or is it a bug? I've had it happen numerous times to me in fights where nobody is even trying to hide in one place. It's really weird.
Is the teleporting randomly in PoE confirmed to be an anti-"cheese" measure or is it a bug? I've had it happen numerous times to me in fights where nobody is even trying to hide in one place. It's really weird.
Not sure what causes it. I sometimes get teleported just jumping around in that area. It's the anti cheese measure for sure but it's activation is glitched a bit.


Reached Skolas only for the Fireteam leader to quit and kick us out after about the 3rd wipe. :/

Not sure if I can muster up the determination to have another crack at him today.
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