365 high impact Arc snipers. Field scout and final round preferred. If you take Patience & Time as reference, its impact is serviceable, so try to get a sniper with higher impact. LDR, Spear, Supremacy are good ones.
Arc machine gun for crowd control. Thunderlord works best.
Arc primary - 365 Fatebringer is king.
One player of each class preferred, makes things easier.
Titan - Defender with Weapons of Light, Bastion and illuminated.
Hunter - Bladedancer with invisibility perks.
Warlock - Sunsinger with fireborn.
Everyone runs to the servitor on the left.
Titan puts bubble next to the door, the other two players kill Servitor as quickly as possible.
With WoL, everyone snipes and stun locks Skolas. If dps is good, the servitor bonds will break just as the servitor buff is about to expire.
One player (titan) must be dedicated to adds and crowd control. 3 shanks will spawn from the door behind the bubble, kill them asap and then focus on the adds coming from the right side - captain and vandals, followed by sniper vandals. Imperative that they die asap.
Hunter goes to disable mine if it spawned far away. If you're lucky and first mine spawns next to you, stay there and keep on sniping Skolas. He should be nearly dead by now.
Hunter goes to dismantle other mines, warlock and titan keep on shooting till the boss is dead.
The curse (essence) needs to be taken on by the warlock so that he/she can die with it and self-res, getting rid of the curse.