I hate to say it but after playing almost daily since Alpha, I might finally be losing the drive to play. HoW was really impressive day 1 but since then I've become a bit disillusioned. I'm a PvE player only, can't handle PvP to save my life despite many attempts, and it seems that all the interesting rewards are tied to Trials or IB. Yes, I tried Trials with my regular group: 0-3, 0-3, ragequit
I'm also not a fan of the over-leveled 35 PoE. That leaves non-matchmade Nightfalls and 34 PoE as my sole source of etheric light, of which I've managed a whole three pieces in two weeks. I knew it wouldn't exactly be on tap but had no idea it'd be this tight a supply. I just don't feel like I have it in me to grind for another few months to ascend all the weapons/armour I was looking forward to upgrading. It's kind of sad.