One more for Nori Chans 9-0, then 5 more for his friend.
Nice stream, wish I could play without being a zombie.
One more for Nori Chans 9-0, then 5 more for his friend.
Nice stream, wish I could play without being a zombie.
I honestly wouldn't know where to start if I wanted to go about deleting people I don't play with often or chat with here. I'd probably be better served just randomly deleting 200 friends and readding them as they come
Done for the night. Low carb diet has me all lethargic and stuff. I'll be on tomorrow for sure, and can do it with you if you haven't done it by then.
I think Cosmos could use an Unstable + Zoba carry :/
It's alright. I'll see about tomorrow.
Trying to do blue Queen bounties and I have no idea where they are.
found the secret to using the bow. have to charge up whilr hip firing and then quickscope the head shot
of course id be better with it if i didnt have to keep switching to last word and LDR to play against people using thorns
that gun doesnt need a nerf. it needs to be banned.
I will never get that Queen sniper, damnit ! Only legendary that avoids me like the plague.
I think they fucked up by buffing it in the first place, 6 round mag with a hellish reload would make it much more balanced, as is its too much.
I spent a shit ton of motes and weapon parts to get this same roll. Shame I suck at sniping though :/
Lucky you, it's given me 5 low-grade humility's. It's almost like the game is taunting me.Fucking hell, IB womt give me a shottie. Stop giving me useless ARs
Fucking hell, IB wont give me a shottie. Stop giving me useless ARs
Fucking hell, IB wont give me a shottie. Stop giving me useless ARs
Same here.
You asked for this gif yesterday. Courtesy of her benevolence.
Lucky you, it's given me 5 low-grade humility's. It's almost like the game is taunting me.
I somehow got a Hawkmoon while going through the motions in the Nightfall today. RNGesus hasn't been generous with me in what feels like ages as all the good weapons and gear I use had been acquired from vendors.
The sudden realization of it as my friend was getting all excited for me was enough to rejuvenate my drive for gear. The hunt for a Gjallarhorn and a Fatebringer continue.
Yup. They apply the same way turning in a bounty does.Ha, wow. I just realized I never burned all my commendations. What was the last word on those, if you equip a Faction Class item does it go to the Faction at all?
Red hand ix is good.Are there any good legendary hand cannons out there for pvp? I use Hawkmoon, but I've been thinking of using an exotic special weapon. Anything decent I can buy or hope drops?
My Hawkmoon-lite is a Red Hand I rolled into Luck in the Chamber + Final Round. Fairly solid but noticeably below Thorn/TLW/HM.Are there any good legendary hand cannons out there for pvp? I use Hawkmoon, but I've been thinking of using an exotic special weapon. Anything decent I can buy or hope drops?
Pretty much. I want to take Lord Of Wolves and/or the Bow in there.Red hand ix is good.
But most exotic specials are trash. Unless you want to have fun with the queens bounty one.
I think they fucked up by buffing it in the first place, 6 round mag with a hellish reload would make it much more balanced, as is its too much.
Plan C and Pocket Infinity are still providers of the ultimate bullshit kills though. Seriously. I'm surprised they're not more popular because frankly they're ridiculous and broken.Red hand ix is good.
But most exotic specials are trash. Unless you want to have fun with the queens bounty one.
Can I join? Sent a fr2 open spots on this IB train!!!
Join the party and fireteam!
Plan C and Pocket Infinity are still providers of the ultimate bullshit kills though. Seriously. I'm surprised they're not more popular because frankly they're ridiculous and broken.
2 open spots on this IB train!!!
Join the party and fireteam!
They're so bad you'll feel dirty after using them. Seriously. One shot kills at ranges that shouldn't work at all.I'm pretty sure I've never fired either in PvP despite them being two of my first exotics and having all perks unlocked.