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Destiny |OT23| This Train is Bound for Mercury


Well, i failed at killing Skolas last night due to time, but still had Fun because of the people that were with me.

Should've just tried doing it the long way, but I was just trying to burn through it because I knew I didn't have long. Looking forward to finally taking him down this week.


PoE weapons are terrible?!? But but I just opened a Judgment’s Chance or whatever and got The Last Rebellion in Void that has a Fallen Captain perk, it's gonna be awesome and useful!
for the weapon parts and glimmer
Ich00 I also got the Rebellion. Rolled with:


Clears throat

Moderate damage increase against Fallen DREGS

Dregs. Dregs. Really? Dregs?

I mean let me break out my RL to shoot dregs. That'll happen. Lol NOT



It's getting rank 3 in IB a realistic goal fur someone who has never done it and can only play an hour or two a night?


What are some of the best Vanguard/Crucible/Faction weapons to have? I have maxed 200 on all of my 3 characters.

Do you have access to all factions? Deadshot Luna (DO) is great with the stock roll. One/One Synethize (or something similar) from vanguard is good with the right reroll. Exodus Plan (DO) is a great stock launcher (arc). Red Hand is nice from NM but having a hard time using any other hand cannon than 365 Fatebringer. 555-AllFATE is a solid pulse.

I'm playing around with sniping in PvP, and rerolled The Chosen for ambush, unflinching and Hidden Hand. It's nice.

Honestly though, these are really just to check them out. Once you start ascending weapons (mostly VoG) they still seem to be best in class.


So, guys, how bad is Qodron in the 32 this week?
Strength (ugly) helmet + Iron Banner this week + all the things I've heard about this fight last week = I'm not so sure I want to run it.
I've had TONS of fun doing my 32s with gaffers those past two weeks, though...


It's getting rank 3 in IB a realistic goal fur someone who has never done it and can only play an hour or two a night?

I think so, if you spend that time in the crucible it should be doable without too much trouble, and don't forget in the later days of the week they increase the rep gain, so rank 3 won't be bad at all.

Only ever done one so far, and I got to rank 5 on Saturday playing two hours a day, doing some bounties and buying the buff each day.

Yeah, doing the bounties definitely helps too. I didn't even do all of them every day, there were one or two I just didn't bother with, but I did the rest daily and I hit rank 5 last time pretty easily by the end of the week.


Pretty sure this is a catchup mechanic to reduce the grind for your other characters. If you have three guardians and you raise one's IB rank a few levels, the your other characters will gain rep at an accelerated rate based on your highest IB rank. So if you get one guy to rank 5, getting the next two characters there won't take as long.

This is awesome. It's crazy how much I look forward to the weekly PVP stuff now compared to PVE. Though, it helps having great people here to play with.


It's getting rank 3 in IB a realistic goal fur someone who has never done it and can only play an hour or two a night?
Only ever done one so far, and I got to rank 5 on Saturday playing two hours a day, doing some bounties and buying the buff each day.


Prison of Elders could have probably been made into a decent raid using the assets they already had. Make it a linear tour through the prison where you're sent to control an outbreak of inmates and you have to go through Cabal, Vex, Hive, and Fallen areas with the Skolas fight as the final boss. Then you have Urrox, Qodron, shield-changing Cabal guy, and a Servitor be the bosses before him as their mechanics are pretty decent for a raid encounter. Add a few puzzles and trash between each and you got a raid.

Only reason I could think of as to why they deferred to what it currently is is that they wanted the initial set of "year 1" raids to be themed around a single race each? Idk.

I do appreciate the shift to 3-man content though, especially as someone who doesn't really have 5 other friends who play the game enough. But I think I definitely enjoy the "adventure" aspect of the traditional raids over the horde mode.
See, I would have like if they had went with the raid while still employing some of their PoE ideas. In the two existing raids, there's one main boss and one sub boss. In this DLC, we have many more. All they could've done was change the sub boss each week along with modifiers. Have Skolas still be the big baddie at the end.


Can you imagine how Deej feels? Everyone thinks he designed the game. lol

This guy:

He's the Robert Bowling of this console generation.

If I was a community manager, there's no way I'd have a twitter account.
32 qodron easy peasy. Don't even need to kill the eye to shotgun out of the detain jail.

34 was fun. Took a couple tries to figure out the order to take everything down. What worked for us on Kaliks was to save rockets to kill the shiny dregs, and have one person sniping kaliks. The other two would just control adds and deal with vip. Whole fight took no more than 10 mins. Easiest boss for sure.


I wish part of going to the lighthouse was that you could challenge other 9-0 teams.

I mean that would be cool to play one final game with the winner receiving an exotic/bounty.

Also if the place had vendors like it clearly was meant to would have been nice!


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I think I'll try some banner this week. Hopefully I'll do well enough to get an etheric light.


32 qodron easy peasy. Don't even need to kill the eye to shotgun out of the detain jail.
Ok, that's good news, I like my PoE to be relaxing and on the easy side. ^^
Will ask for people to run it later today, hope you won't be all doing some IB at that time! :D

E92 M3

This patch can't be the one Deej talked about last week, right? He said all of the details were still being finalized.


32 qodron easy peasy. Don't even need to kill the eye to shotgun out of the detain jail.

34 was fun. Took a couple tries to figure out the order to take everything down. What worked for us on Kaliks was to save rockets to kill the shiny dregs, and have one person sniping kaliks. The other two would just control adds and deal with vip. Whole fight took no more than 10 mins. Easiest boss for sure.
The guy who soloed it didn't even kill those dregs. He just killed the adds, dps'd the boss down to 25% to get the VIP to spawn, killed it, and then killed the boss. It does look super easy.

Did killing all of the shiny dregs keep him from regenerating health? Streamer said they would just keep spawning which is why he ignored them.
Asking people to be nicer isn't remotely the same as not "handling" negativity, it's precisely how I handle it. I've never asked for the thread to be all positive, I've stated the exact opposite many times. People should voice their concerns and criticisms but ideally in a useful way. Repeatedly saying "this is bad" with no offer to help or suggestion to improve is not useful.

The lack of empathy is really getting me down. I don't get the point of DGAF'ers being mean to each other, whether or not they're unhappy with the game.

Posts like this put a smile on my face.

Listen to the man.


Can't wait to get off work and get some stuff done. I wanna get all three characters to rank 5 if I can in IB to get those Etheric Lights. Void 35 may be the first 35 I try to do as no one I normally play with was interested in attempting it the first two weeks.

On a side note, the sudden increase in no Horn, no play attitude by people is a bit annoying. I have three of them myself, but I have friends who do not and this has caused a rift in the normal group I play with because I have a few in my group who refuse to play 34 or 35 PoE with those who do not have it.

Sadly, my group, besides from a few of us, is not very good at PVP so the two who are really good (coincidentally they are the two who refuse to do the 34 or 35 without Horns) team together and avoid playing with the rest of us.

I cannot wait for the next expansion to bring back more 6 player content.


So what's the word on the 34 this week? Apparently you have to kill six dregs otherwise the boss regens health? Do the dregs respawn, or do they stay dead?


They respawn. The boss is easy. Easier than Uroxx and Ultron.

Did you guys have a couple people focus on the dregs and one doing DPS or what? If it was easy for you, I'd like it to be easy for me :)

Also, is Skolas actually void burn this week? Bungie.net just says Skolas is brawler.
The only PoE legendary weapon worth getting is the sniper rifle. The launcher is terrible. The pistol is decent but you have much better options. The shotgun is okay if you're in need of a solar shotgun for PvE. Outside of that, it's useless. Fusion rifle isn't that good. Scout isn't a good replacement for other scouts. Machine gun sucks. The AR? Please don't get me started on that.

It doesn't help that Bungie for some strange reason decided that they'll be replacing the second perk with shitty fallen ones.

Isn't that because now that maxing is ostensibly easier there's no longer a need to have a gun that can do everything? And that now you can have very specialized load outs?

"Oh, story mission with that fallen choke point? Better bring [WEAPON. NAME. HERE.]."
I still wish we had gotten a raid or the very least, new difficulties for existing ones. Add modifiers or something to them. Increase the drop loot as well. Hell, take away checkpoints for Very Hard Mode.

This makes me realize what I hated about the 35 boss fight last week...The fact that we don't get to practice the mechanics without the burn.

I almost want to say that I'd be okay with some of the VoG areas having a burn since I know them inside and out, just like nightfalls on strike maps.



Last night was doing the Crucible daily on the Hunter. Pantheon. Greaaaaaat, right?

Had just picked up the Headshot bounty, which I never do because like Variks says "I put the sucks in success, yes?"


Headshots with ldr in one clash round. That was fun. :)

I'm really happy with the New Monarchy Rocket Launcher. Max blast radius, rolled until I got 3 rocket mag + proximity detonation and quick reload. Only downside is low velocity. They also have a superb shotgun (Judgment VI) provided you roll for the right perks.

Vanguard Sniper is low impact/high RoF with very good aim assist. Rolled Hidden Hand, Unflinching, Ambush scope and a stability perk. Really nice for PvP. Finally there's the Dead Orbit Scout. Really nice gun with the right perks.

Missed out on against all odds. Are any of the machine guns worth buying?

Thanks I will def check out the NM RL and sniper, I'm not a big fan of scout rifle and I'm hoping to get the IB shotgun soon since it seems like the best.

Do you have access to all factions? Deadshot Luna (DO) is great with the stock roll. One/One Synethize (or something similar) from vanguard is good with the right reroll. Exodus Plan (DO) is a great stock launcher (arc). Red Hand is nice from NM but having a hard time using any other hand cannon than 365 Fatebringer. 555-AllFATE is a solid pulse.

I'm playing around with sniping in PvP, and rerolled The Chosen for ambush, unflinching and Hidden Hand. It's nice.

Honestly though, these are really just to check them out. Once you start ascending weapons (mostly VoG) they still seem to be best in class.

Yup I have all factions at rank 3+. Also in your opinion what's the best weapon from each category (sniper, scout, shotgun, etc)? Since you mentioned that raid weapons are mostly the best.
So the week of IB they make Skolas void... Will have to try it in the midst of all the Ironing. So much to do, so little time. I'll have to force myself to stay away from Witcher 3 for this week...

Gonna take advantage of this to finally get my Bad Juju bounty finished. Should be interesting levelling it up during IB like I did the MIDA last time around.


Did you guys have a couple people focus on the dregs and one doing DPS or what? If it was easy for you, I'd like it to be easy for me :)

Also, is Skolas actually void burn this week? Bungie.net just says Skolas is brawler.
Skolas is void burn. The site is wrong.

We didn't know what to do till after two minutes in. Once we figured out what the dregs do, we focused on clearing them out first before turning our attention to the boss.


I want to finally kill Skolas! I'm so amped! Void burn will make up for missing him the first week.

Nuszka and I are planning on doing some tonight, a bit later in the evening though around 7:30PM EST. Let me know if your down, I'll be there.


Ich00 I also got the Rebellion. Rolled with:


Clears throat

Moderate damage increase against Fallen DREGS

Dregs. Dregs. Really? Dregs?

I mean let me break out my RL to shoot dregs. That'll happen. Lol NOT


I mean it would be good for a least one go around, just for the confused looks you'd get from people. Did it at least have solar damage?
they have solar shields right?
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