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Destiny |OT23| This Train is Bound for Mercury

Guys... guys!

Hardlight is kinda nifty.


I like the pew pew noises it makes. I think they patched it shooting through Titan bubbles though :c

Edit: omg top of page

E92 M3

I feel horrible that I have Witcher 3 Collectors sitting unopened and all I play is Destiny. Bungie please let me play other games :(

If Comet is truly as good as we expect, I will be very worried.


Anyone try out the level 34 PoE yet? Any new mechanic on the final boss? And is the 32 the same as last weeks 34?


Anyone try out the level 34 PoE yet? Any new mechanic on the final boss? And is the 32 the same as last weeks 34?

From what I've read there's 6 special dreg prowling about you need to kill otherwise the boss will keep on regaining health. Kill target mission in there too.
i'm not a PvP'er, and frankly i usually don't touch it with a 10-foot pole
and i think my past teammates would probably have preferred that it had stayed that way, lol
but i've tried it, and i've actually really come to enjoy it
despite sucking at it so badly
i wish that the "proximity" matchmaking would come to an end though, and that they would match make according to skill. i think Bungie made a huge mistake by location based matchmaking, as demonstrated by the lag-switchers/DDoS attackers. i want the loot as much as the next person, and that's made me play PvP more to get better. but i think expectations are skewed, as demonstrated by the thread content of late.
i think we, as a community, have become accustomed to having "help", whether it's on Crota, VoG, NF, or what-have-you. There are some excellent players here, to whom this game is easy. There are more of us who are just average, and are challenged by end-game activities. I think many carried that expectation of help into Trials, and were disappointed in some way when they missed their turn, didn't reach the lighthouse, didn't get the gold package, or didn't get whatever loot they may have desired. well, that should just inspire us average players to play the content which we find challenging, more often and with greater alacrity.
If one wants to reach the Lighthouse, play ToO whenever one is able and despite getting stomped, use it as intended - to learn and get better.
That's how I'm trying to take it, and despite getting stomped in ToO, I'm learning what I'm doing wrong
(most of it)
and learning what to do right
and trying to remember to do it
After all, if it's not fun, why am i here? *shrug* i'll get off my soap box now and go fart some dust

Great post and exactly how I see things. I never get frustrated at this game too badly, nor do I have any expectations from it. I've played it literally hundreds of hours, so I've gotten my money's worth many times over. I just take things at my own pace and enjoy what I've got. Shit, even Hard Light is fun to use.

I don't know, this game just gets me.


From what I've read there's 6 special dreg prowling about you need to kill otherwise the boss will keep on regaining health. Kill target mission in there too.
Oh man that sounds crazy! You gonna be around later to try it out?


If skill-based matchmaking is doing it's job, I'm going to win 5 games out of 10 games.

I'm not even trying to argue that the way ToO works is the right way or the wrong way. My point is really just that skill-based matchmaking and the current ToO loot progression system are conflicting ideas.

Again, you're thinking it in black and white terms. Sure, yes, in some weird ideal world you will always lose 1/2 your games even in the short term. But this isn't an ideal world and you're not going to lose 2 games just because you said I only want to play 4 today.

Winning 9 games in a row should be hard, for anybody. And yes, you will lose more often, but because you lost to your equals and not because you just happened to get matched against people who would clearly trounce you. If you lose to your equals it's because you played poorly for how you should be playing at your skill level. Beat them by playing smarter and better. This isn't a black/white game of chance. There are more variables than just "50/50 guess I lose this time."


Oh man that sounds crazy! You gonna be around later to try it out?

Work 'till 9pm GMT :( But might give it a shot after work if you're still on. Feeling up for Skolas too though. Might start off with Nightfalls or IB even. So much stuff to do this week.


Work 'till 9pm GMT :( But might give it a shot after work if you're still on. Feeling up for Skolas too though. Might start off with Nightfalls or IB even. So much stuff to do this week.
Tell me about it! Still haven't touched Witcher and it's looking like the same thing is gonna happen to Batman.
I feel horrible that I have Witcher 3 Collectors sitting unopened and all I play is Destiny. Bungie please let me play other games :(

If Comet is truly as good as we expect, I will be very worried.

Now that I have three characs over 20 I've resigned myself to never play anything else again.

Rock band 4 with company or for a break, but as far as a straight forward controller game, I can't imagine playing anything else until then. I just don't have the time.

I'm even neglecting my marvel puzzle quest!

willow ve


Sometime in the NEXT HOUR (the hour starting in 6 minutes) patch will be pushed and will interrupt your gaming.

Per Bungie's Twitter
Between 8AM and 9AM Pacific tomorrow, our deployment of Destiny Update will interrupt your conection. Patch Notes will soon follow.
I feel horrible that I have Witcher 3 Collectors sitting unopened and all I play is Destiny. Bungie please let me play other games :(

If Comet is truly as good as we expect, I will be very worried.

I feel the same way. I'm "stressing" because I have Witcher 3 on PC waiting for whenever I run out of things to do in Destiny. And batman comes out soon, which I am looking forward to. But... Destiny...

Lol. Doesn't help that this game is so social. Best chill out hub on XBL.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Are there any details on treasure key boosts in patch? Just more likely to drop from bounty chests and small PoE chests?


Tell me about it! Still haven't touched Witcher and it's looking like the same thing is gonna happen to Batman.

Dude. Start playing The Witcher. It's so good. Already 20 hours in and not even halfway act 1. Yesterday I was like: lemme play an hour before bed (12am). When I next looked at the clock it was 2 am lol.


Man, I'm getting tired of these posts.


Of course by the time I respond to this post there's another post just like it on the same page. Seriously, can we please give the negativity a rest people? It's exhausting.

Topic-complaining posts are the worst.

They contribute nothing, and should be considered shitposts.

Maybe I'm a stick in the mud, but I feel the same way about the "new thread smell" posts, too. The whole first page of a thread (other than the OP) is a waste, and it's extra annoying to see garbage like that 5 pages in. It ruins my whole "skip the first page" system!
I remember a few people getting upset when I used 'Space Jesus Returns' for Mass Effect 3. People like to get offended. :lol

welp it is true! Rainbow Space Jesus!

fake edit:
I feel horrible that I have Witcher 3 Collectors sitting unopened and all I play is Destiny. Bungie please let me play other games :(

If Comet is truly as good as we expect, I will be very worried.
smh smh smh 67 hours in and still in act 1.
So, last night Ramirez conscripted Havok to carry me through the Trials of Osiris. I didn't do as poorly as I expected to do, but I imagine that was largely due to their sheer dominance. We breezed through 9 straight wins, I ended the evening with:
  • a .75k/d ratio
  • a bad ass emblem
  • a really fancy cloak for my Hunter
  • 42 lvl Bootsies
  • Watcher's Grips with Hand Cannon reload increase
  • Solar The Scholar (Adept) Scout Rifle
  • Jewel of Osiris
  • Exile's Curse
  • 3 Etheric Light

HUGE thanks to Ramirez and Havok for turning what should have been utter dismay and defeat into an extremely fun evening. This means I'll be able to get my Titan to 34 and ascend my Fatebringer. yissssssss
Again, you're thinking it in black and white terms. Sure, yes, in some weird ideal world you will always lose 1/2 your games even in the short term. But this isn't an ideal world and you're not going to lose 2 games just because you said I only want to play 4 today.

Winning 9 games in a row should be hard, for anybody. And yes, you will lose more often, but because you lost to your equals and not because you just happened to get matched against people who would clearly trounce you. If you lose to your equals it's because you played poorly for how you should be playing at your skill level. Beat them by playing smarter and better. This isn't a black/white game of chance. There are more variables than just "50/50 guess I lose this time."

But you're talking about a situation where a person can constantly better themselves.

You mention playing smarter and better than your equals, but if you do that enough, your once equal are no longer equals. You've now moved up into a new bracket against people other people who were smarter and better. So now you're back to square one.

Sure you can keep getting better and better at Trials (or PvP in general) but at a certain point you're going to hit a wall or plateau. The 1:1 ratio will find you eventually, as long as you keep playing.


If skill-based matchmaking is doing it's job, I'm going to win 5 games out of 10 games.

Because every time I beat someone that is "equal" to me, I'll have moved up in skill. Thus the next game will have be paired against someone equal or better than me. Eventually that better part is going to kick in, and knock me back down to where I should be sitting.

Say I have a rank 80 out of 100. Bungie pairs me against another 80. I beat the 80. Now I have an 81, but in all honestly, I play at about an 80. Now I'm being paired against an 81. The 81 beats me, and I'm back to an 80, which he should because in general he is better than me.

Skill-based matchmaking isn't perfect, but that is its end goal. It can't be perfect because of too many human variables, but obviously it has a pretty good idea of who to pair against who in every other playlist.

I'm not even trying to argue that the way ToO works is the right way or the wrong way. My point is really just that skill-based matchmaking and the current ToO loot progression system are conflicting ideas.
If it were possible to match you against people of your exact skill level, chances of you winning would tend towards a coin flip: 50%. Let's ignore the fact that balancing tree-member teams with enormous skill disparities between them (what do you do when a bad player, an average player and a carrying Zoba walk in? Idle in matchmaking until you find similar composition???) It's a conceptually difficult arrangement.

The thing is, I don't feel people are clamoring for even-skilled matchmaking as a way to reach 9-0. If the algorithms are working, being matched against people as good as you should make it damn impossible to be flawless. I think what they're clamoring for is more like a Trials experience where you win and lose without huge stompings.

I think we can all agree it's different to lose a 5-3 round against a team you feel you could have had if you'd played better or adapted more quickly than to face 13Devils and go 0-5 with zero possibility of competing. I see where the complaints of being matched against the pros come from...but I don't agree. I like it the way it is. And mind you, I've never gone flawless and probably never will. I'm not that good.

I don't mind the current system. It promises great rewards to the very best of players and I think that's fair. People who play better than I do should be rewarded somehow with stuff I can't get. If matchmaking were dumbed down so Flawless players were only matched against each other, the goalpost would slide further and further down as the weekend progressed until you play the very worst at the end and the whole thing becomes trivial.

Some stuff is hard to get. Beyond your skill level. That is ok. Have a drink and let it go...

E92 M3

Again, you're thinking it in black and white terms. Sure, yes, in some weird ideal world you will always lose 1/2 your games even in the short term. But this isn't an ideal world and you're not going to lose 2 games just because you said I only want to play 4 today.

Winning 9 games in a row should be hard, for anybody. And yes, you will lose more often, but because you lost to your equals and not because you just happened to get matched against people who would clearly trounce you. If you lose to your equals it's because you played poorly for how you should be playing at your skill level. Beat them by playing smarter and better. This isn't a black/white game of chance. There are more variables than just "50/50 guess I lose this time."

Nothing better than beating a team with a close match for all 5 rounds. Yesterday we played a team made of 3 sunsingers - that was "fun." And by fun I mean having to kill double the amount of people under stress haha.

"Comet" is going to ruin my entire life.

It'll finish what HoW started. We're all doomed.

I'm happy that my money is going to a good cause but I'd be lying if I said I didn't buy the shirt for the shader and emblem.


Same I am ashamed to admit it that I am happy to donate and get some digital content. Unfortunately Bungie knows this lol.

Now that I have three characs over 20 I've resigned myself to never play anything else again.

Rock band 4 with company or for a break, but as far as a straight forward controller game, I can't imagine playing anything else until then. I just don't have the time.

I'm even neglecting my marvel puzzle quest!

Bungie really do make great games. Destiny is fantastic for 2 reasons: Gunplay is unmatched by anything on a console right now and playing with a consistent group brings the game to a whole other level.


Topic-complaining posts are the worst.

They contribute nothing, and should be considered shitposts.

Maybe I'm a stick in the mud, but I feel the same way about the "new thread smell" posts, too. The whole first page of a thread (other than the OP) is a waste, and it's extra annoying to see garbage like that 5 pages in. It ruins my whole "skip the first page" system!

Pretty much. The first page or two is always the same exact set of comments.


Picked up a scout rifle called NL Shadow 701 X. Awesome rate of fire and it has firefly. Love using it but pretty sure I would end up getting carpal tunnel pulling the trigger all the time that fast.

Just got booted. Patch time?

E92 M3

I feel the same way. I'm "stressing" because I have Witcher 3 on PC waiting for whenever I run out of things to do in Destiny. And batman comes out soon, which I am looking forward to. But... Destiny...

Lol. Doesn't help that this game is so social. Best chill out hub on XBL.

Good luck on running out of things to do ;)

HoW late did you stay up last night?

welp it is true! Rainbow Space Jesus!

fake edit:
smh smh smh 67 hours in and still in act 1.

I cannot wait to dig into Witcher....at somepoint.


Sure you can keep getting better and better at Trials (or PvP in general) but at a certain point you're going to hit a wall or plateau. The 1:1 ratio will find you eventually, as long as you keep playing.

But will you hit that wall before or after 9 wins.

I think every game should feel somewhat close or feel like you bested people because you outplayed them and not because you just got matched up with people who are very much not as good as you.


could never
Picked up a scout rifle called NL Shadow 701 X. Awesome rate of fire and it has firefly. Love using it but pretty sure I would end up getting carpal tunnel pulling the trigger all the time that fast.

Just got booted. Patch time?
Great rifle, I have it also.
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